Door prizes for Toronto launch party!
by Rob - February 29th, 2016.Filed under: Book Tour, Quantum Night.

DOOR PRIZES! The weather is so crappy in Toronto, I figure we need to sweeten the pot a little to get people to come out to Tuesday night’s QUANTUM NIGHT book launch party (6:00 p.m. Tuesday, Lansdowne Brewery, 303 Lansdowne Avenue at Dundas West). So, we’re going to have a free door-prize draw for these items:
- Hardcover limited-edition the FUTURE VISIONS anthology — the Microsoft SF anthology featuring my story “Looking for Gordo,” one of the rarest and most collectible SF books of 2015
- DVD set of FLASHFORWARD: The Complete Series, based on my novel of the same name
- QUANTUM NIGHT bound galley — the rare version of the text that has Thomas Mulcair instead of Justin Trudeau winning the recent Canadian Federal election
- Hardcover first edition of my first short-story collection ITERATIONS, with an introduction by James Alan Gardner
- A copy of the beautiful Red Deer Press trade-paperback edition of my Aurora Award-winning novel STARPLEX, the only novel of its year to be nominated for both the Hugo and the Nebula
- And — super-rare! — a copy of the first draft (my preferred draft) of “Course Correction,” the episode of FLASHFORWARD I wrote.
Each one is a separate prize. I’ll happily autograph prizes for the winners.
Hope to see many of you tomorrow! The event is free and open to the public; everyone is welcome!
Robert J. Sawyer online:
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March 1st, 2016 at 10:23 am
Congratulations on your new publication, Robert!
I read the first 3 chapters and got hooked. I might be able to include at least a section of your new novel in my SF course this summer.
Sadly, I am teaching tonight, so short of cloning myself, I cannot be in both places at once.
I noticed, however, that you will have an event at Wasaga beach public library in June. My hubby and I will join you then, and you are very welcome to come hang out at our family cottage :)
(Prof @ Seneca College)
March 2nd, 2016 at 3:25 pm
I elected to attend the Halifax launch party for QUANTUM NIGHT. It consisted of me driving to Chapters, buying QUANTUM NIGHT, driving home, and deciding not to start reading because I had to get up for work the next day. My exclusive door prize was left for me, just inside the front door, by the cat. Thanks for nothing, you furry little jerk.
Exciting times! I think I’ll start the novel after supper tonight.