Eight backlist titles now available from Kobo
by Rob - October 24th, 2016.Filed under: ebooks, End of an Era, Factoring Humanity, Far-Seer, Foreigner, Fossil Hunter, Frameshift, Golden Fleece, Starplex.

KOBO USERS! Eight of my older titles are now available worldwide in new Kobo editions, each with a Kobo-exclusive bonus short story: all three volumes of the Quintaglio Ascension trilogy (starting with Far-Seer), plus Aurora Award winner Golden Fleece, Seiun Award winner End of an Era, and Hugo Award finalists Starplex, Frameshift, and Factoring Humanity.
I’m giving Kobo an exclusive 90-day window on these ebook titles; Kindle, iBooks, and other formats will follow later (on February 1, 2017, to coincide with the release of Quantum Night in paperback). You can get them all HERE.
Why the exclusive? First, Kobo has always been a big booster of mine; second, they’re headquartered here in Toronto and I’m rooting for the home team; third, they’ve offered me some forthcoming promotion in exchange for this; and fourth, I think it’s important that the ebook landscape have multiple healthy players, and I want to do what I can to promote competition, rather than monopoly, in the industry.

Robert J. Sawyer online:
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December 2nd, 2016 at 8:31 am
Hello. i love your books. Read the stories about neanderthals-Loved it.
Read the www-series -love it.
Thanx for enjoying me, i live in Sweden