Robert J. Sawyer

Hugo and Nebula Award-Winning Science Fiction Writer

The Dragon Page reviews Wake

by Rob - June 28th, 2009

Saying, among other nice things:

“I shouldn’t be shocked that Sawyer has done has homework and is able to predict things that could happen in the near future. He’s had a long, distinguished career of doing just that and his new novels are always those I look forward to reading next. WWW: Wake is no exception.

“While the book is full of big ideas, those ideas are grounded in identifiable characters. The main focus of the story is Catlin and her journey from lack of sight to her new ability to see. Sawyer ably puts the reader inside the mind and experience of Catlin, making us see how she works within the world while being blind and how she must learn to adapt to a world where she can see. Catlin’s story will have you feeling her joy, her frustration and her curious nature in how she relates to the world.”

The full review, by Michael Hickerson, is here.

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Writers make their characters up

by Rob - June 28th, 2009

Yesterday, as part of my outreach duties as writer-in-residence at the Canadian Light Source synchrotron, I attended a book club meeting; the clubs members — six very nice women — had all just read my John W. Campbell Memorial Award-winning 2005 science-fiction novel Mindscan.

At one point, I got asked the inevitable question: who are the characters based on? And to answer that I opened one of their copies of my book and read this little scene, because not only is the answer true, it’s also important. Here, Jake Sullivan is oohing and aahing over meeting Karen Bessarian, author of some beloved young-adult novels:

“I can’t believe I’m sitting here talking to the creator of Prince Scales.”

She smiled that lopsided smile again. “Everybody has to be somewhere.”

“So, Prince Scales — he’s such a vivid character! Who’s he based on?”

“No one,” said Karen. “I made him up.”

I shook my head. “No, no — I mean, who was the inspiration?”

“Nobody. He’s a product of my imagination.”

I nodded knowingly. “Ah, okay. You don’t want to say. Afraid he’ll sue, eh?”

The old woman frowned. “No, it’s nothing like that. Prince Scales doesn’t exist, isn’t real, isn’t based on anyone real, isn’t a portrait or a parody. I just made him up.”

I looked at her, but said nothing.

“You don’t believe me, do you?” Karen asked.

“I wouldn’t say that, but —”

She shook her head. “People are desperate to believe writers base our characters on real people, that the events in our novels really happened in some disguised way.”

“Ah,” I said. “Sorry. I — I guess it’s an ego thing. I can’t imagine making up a publishable story, so I don’t want to believe that others have that capability. Talents like that make the rest of us feel inadequate.”

“No,” said Karen. “No, if you don’t mind me saying so, it goes deeper than that, I think. Don’t you see? The idea that false people can just be manufactured goes to the heart of our religious beliefs. When I say that Prince Scales doesn’t really exist, and you’ve only been fooled into thinking that he does, then I open up the possibility that Moses didn’t exist — that some writer just made him up. Or that Mohammed didn’t really say and do the things ascribed to him. Or that Jesus is a fictional character, too. The whole of our spiritual existence is based on this unspoken assumption that writers record, but they don’t fabricate — and that, even if they did, we could tell the difference.”

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Wake "a counterargument to Neuromancer"

by Rob - June 28th, 2009

Over at The Grumpy Owl, Ryan Oakley has a detailed review of my novel Wake. It’s a flattering review, yes, but more than that, Oakley gets the book:

Wake often feels like a counterargument, both in style and content, to Neuromancer. One hopes that the next two volumes will step out of Gibson’s long, dark shadow and build on the solid foundation laid in the first book. If Sawyer succeeds in this, the final nail will be hammered into Cyberpunk’s coffin and the world will have a new way to write about the Internet. … Wake is a major work by one of SF’s heavyweights.

And he gets me (which I particularly like, because, frankly, I get pissed off about this, too):

If I have a pet peeve with literature (believe me, having spent too many evenings at garbage readings by garbage writers for people whose wealth and education exceeds their intelligence, I have more than one) it’s that the literati could very well be, to a person, too bloody stupid to see any of this. They seem to think that a tight plot construction and a clear prose style are inartistic. Meanwhile, very few of these people can write a straight sentence let alone a straight novel.

Sawyer gets a lot of well-deserved respect as a storyteller and as a science pundit but not enough as a prose stylist. It should not be overlooked that he is a science fiction writer.

In Wake Sawyer attacks the novel from different points of view, using different styles and narrative tools; creates suspense while never employing an antagonist, tells history through a symbolic representation of consciousness and creates a character out of nothing. He does all of this so well and layers in so much page-turning, forward thrust, that the extent of his style is invisible.

As my character Caitlin would say, “Go me!”

You can read the whole review here.

(Oh, and after that, go have a look at Oakley’s review of Sailing Time’s Ocean, by Terence M. Green, which was published under my Robert J. Sawyer Books imprint.)

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Trekkie word of the day: Supererogation

by Rob - June 28th, 2009

In the 2009 Star Trek film, young Spock is being quizzed by computers, and we hear him answer a question but do not hear the question he was answering.

His answer was, “When an act is morally praiseworthy but not morally obligatory.”

And, in fact, there is a term in ethics for such acts: Supererogation (super-er-o-gay-shun), from the Latin meaning to pay out over and above. So the question must have been, “What is supererogation?” or words to that effect.

Now you know. :)

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What I’m reading

by Rob - June 27th, 2009

Was asked over on Facebook what I’m reading. I dip in and out of several things at a time. Yesterday, I read, and enjoyed, parts of all of these:

  • Julian Comstock by Robert Charles Wilson
  • The Evolution of God by Robert Wright
  • Big Brain: The Origins and Future of Human Intelligence by Gary Lynch and Richard Granger
  • The March-April 2009 issue of Philosophy Now (special issue on “Moral Machines”)

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Regina Leader-Post profiles RJS

by Rob - June 27th, 2009

Photo of Robert J. Sawyer
by Troy Fleece, Regina Leader Post.

Click photo for larger version.

Today’s (Saturday, June 27, 2009) Regina Leader-Post — the major daily newspaper in the capital city of the province of Saskatchewan — has a wonderful profile of me by Samantha Maciag.

The article covers my writer-in-residence position at the Canadian Light Source synchrotron in Saskatoon, and my current novel, Wake.

You can read the full text online here, and below is how it looks in the printed edition of the paper:

Many thanks to Carolyn who worked hard to land this interview for me!

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The case of the missing Amazon reviews

by Rob - June 27th, 2009

The case of the missing Amazon reviews …

Well, okay, it’s not much of a mystery. :) But if you’ve only seen the (very nice) reviews of my Wake on, you’re missing the ones that have been posted on (the Canadian counterpart).

Often, Amazon consolidates reviews across its divisions — but in this case the Canadian and American editions have different ISBNs. (And slightly different covers: note the lack of the “WWW:” prefix before the title in the Penguin Canada cover above.)

Over on, there are now three reviews, from readers in Winnipeg, Toronto, and Calgary, and all of them give the book five stars (and, no, I actually don’t know everyone in Canada — none of these fine folks are friends of mine).


Winnipeg: ***** “Robert J. Sawyer is always a fantastic read and this book is definitely going to continue the trend.”

Toronto: ***** “I consumed this book. Like with his Neanderthal Parallax novels, I completely empathize with these characters. They lift off the page and pull you along with them, particularly Caitlin. Her ability to see through people and her edgy humour are brilliantly achieved and you can’t help but admire her strength of character and resolve.

“The use of biological terms and technology are meshed throughout the story in a way that it isn’t dumped on you. (It should be noted that I have a biology and information technology background, so I felt like this book was written for me. But with that said, the way he reveals the information would easily engage anyone without this knowledge.)

“Whether you are a science fiction aficionado or not, add this book to your Must Read list. It will not disappoint.”

Calgary: ***** “Like most of Sawyer’s works this book is filled with extra nods to Canadians. And like most of his works contains elements which should never be left out of science fiction: thinly veiled political commentary, using technology that is not completely understood to create a believable and unique scenario, and finally the exploration of some aspect of humanity.

“A must read in my humble opinion.”

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National Federation of the Blind launches lawsuit to prevent Kindles from being used

by Rob - June 27th, 2009

Because, as I’ve said all along, the text-to-speech feature on the Kindle series of ebook-reading device was not conceived as, never was intended to be, and can’t be used as an assistive technology for the blind.

Read about the lawsuit here.

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Hayden Trenholm for the Aurora

by Rob - June 24th, 2009

Yesterday, I put up a post pimpin’ my Identity Theft and Other Stories, from Red Deer Press, which is one of five finalist for the Aurora Award for Best Long-Form Work in English this year. And, indeed, I owe it to the publisher, who invested a lot of money in publishing my book, to do what I can to help the book do well, including at awards time. :)

But let me tell you about another book that’s also on the ballot, and why it, too, deserves your very serious consideration: Defining Diana by my writing student (from back in 1996!) Hayden Trenholm, brought to us by the good folks at Bundoran Press Publishing House in Prince George, British Columbia.

Their gorgeous trade paperback sports this blurb from me:

Hayden Trenholm is a true original; an exciting new voice, tinged with sly wit. Defining Diana will grab you on the first page and won’t let you go.

Hayden’s proven he’s an award-calibre writer: he won last year’s Best Short Form Work in English Aurora Award (and in 1992, he won the 3-Day Novel Writing Contest).

There’s an excellent interview with Hayden by Edward Willett — himself a very deserving Aurora finalist this year in the same category — here, and Ed reivews Hayden’s book here: you know there’s something special about a book when the authors of its competitors for an award are singing its praises. :)

I’m the proud owner of the very first signed copy of Defining Diana — a gift from Hayden (I was MC at the book-launch party for the novel held at Toronto’s Ad Astra). And — lucky me! — I got to read the wonderful sequel, Steel Whispers (which will be launched at the Montreal Worldcon in August), in manuscript, and offered this blurb:

Hayden Trenholm’s Steel Whispers is an edge-of-your seat amalgam of police procedural and razor-sharp science fiction. The streets of Calgary never seemed so mean! Fans of Dashiell Hammett and William Gibson will both love this; a great novel by Canada’s fastest-rising SF star.

The quality of Hayden’s book is, of course, first and foremost, the reason you should consider voting for it — but there’s another reason, too.

See that pretty lady with Hayden below? That’s Virginia O’Dine, the publisher of Bundoran Press, and she and her business partner Dominic Maguire fund that little operation out of their own pockets, and, despite having done some fabulous books so far, with more in the pipeline, they still don’t have a distributor (which means their books aren’t yet widely available in bookstores).

Having an Aurora Award proclaiming that the best English-Canadian science-fiction book of the year was one of theirs just might help them get the attention of a distributor. And, after all, getting attention for deserving works and their publishers is what the pro Aurora Awards are all about.

So, when you go to fill out your Aurora ballot, please do consider all the wonderful works that are nominated, including the excellent Defining Diana from the amazing Bundoran Press.

(Pictured: Author Hayden Trenholm and editor Virginia O’Dine, the Publisher of Bundoran Press, at McNally Robinson in Winnipeg in May 2008.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site


by Rob - June 24th, 2009

Geek Monthly, that is. And the June 2009 edition of this glossy American newsstand magazine features a wonderful two-page spread on Robert J. Sawyer and his new novel Wake.

The text isn’t available online (hence the greeked Geek you’re seeing here), so get thee to a newsstandary! But it sure is a cool-looking layout:

The article, by Jeff Renaud, is entitled The World Wide Web Wakes Up in 2009 … And Robert Sawyer Set the Alarm, and it begins:

Wake, the first book in Robert Sawyer’s highly anticipated WWW trilogy, boasts a leading man that will be tough to cast if Hollywood ever wants to make it into a movie. How the heck do you screen test for a series of tubes?

So, go grab a copy!

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Congratulations, Alistair Reynolds!

by Rob - June 24th, 2009

British SF writer Alistair Reynolds just did a 10-book one-million-pounds deal with Gollancz, as reported in The Guardian.

I think I’ve only ever met Alistair once — we were on a panel together about hard SF at the 2006 Los Angeles Worldcon — but GOOD FOR HIM!

Still, I’m irritated by the reportage, because the really interesting details are left out. Yes, one million pounds is a lot of money (it’s about 1.64 million US dollars, which might be notionally apportioned as US$164,000 per book).

But what exactly does it cover?

Just UK and open-market territorial rights in the English language? Yowza, that’s a ton of money for just that.

World English rights (meaning Reynolds will not have a separate US or Canadian or Australian publisher)? That’s still really great money for a genre-fiction author (previously, his US rights had been going to Ace — possibly because Reynolds himself controlled them, and licensed them to Ace, and possibly because Gollancz, his British publisher, sub-licensed them to Ace).

For most SF authors, UK rights might be worth roughly the same as their American rights, or maybe a little less; for a UK-based author, the UK rights might well have been worth more than the US rights, but the US rights still have real value.

World rights, including all languages/translations? It’s still good money, but, well, I don’t know how it is for most other writers, but for me, in aggregate, my foreign rights earnings match or exceed my English-language ones.

Ebook rights? Audiobook rights?

The former aren’t worth much — yet (but who knows about a decade from now — and who knows what percentage royalties for ebooks will be considered fair a decade from now; Reynolds is presumably locking in a rate today).

The latter are easily worth four figures (in dollars) per book, and might eventually be worth five; the audio market seems to be taking off as it shifts to downloads from the cumbersome cassette/CD days.

Almost everyone has to give their print publishers the ebook rights these days; I always retain my audiobook rights.

World rights, including all languages/translations, audiobooks, and ebooks — plus film/TV rights? The million pounds is still good money, but not super-spectacular.

Of course, a deal like that doesn’t mean the publisher gets to keep all the film/TV money, but it does mean they get part of it, and the default boilerplate split in most contracts is that they get half (although that percentage can be whittled down).

I never give my publishers any of my film/TV rights; if I had, well, Tor would have had a very large bonanza on the sale of FlashForward to ABC; instead, I got all the money myself.

And is it ten separate US$164,000 advances — meaning that each book starts generating royalties when it’s earned out its individual advance? Or is it one big US$1.64 million advance, joint accounted (or “basket accounted,” as it’s sometimes called), meaning he cumulatively has to have earned US$1.64 million back before he sees dime one (or his first ten pence!) in royalties?

That could quite realistically mean he’ll never see royalties at all (since one under-performing book can keep you from ever earning out a bulk advance), or, if he does, it won’t be until, oh, maybe 2021 or so at the earliest.

That is, the first book under this contract will be published in October 2010 (says the article) — and so the last book of ten on this contract should be published late in 2020, and advances are usually geared to cover at least the projected first-year earnings of the book, meaning the following year might be the first in which he sees royalties.

Okay, the article that I linked to above is in a mainstream newspaper, but the reportage in the SF press is just parroting it, instead of getting the answers to the above questions, or at least pointing the questions out.

Yes, for sure, for sure, it’s an amazing deal, and a huge vote of confidence in Alistair by his publisher (and, for that matter, a huge vote of confidence by Alistair in his publisher). But the Guardian article says:

There hadn’t been such a sizable deal for a science fiction writer in the last decade.

That’s a paraphrase by the reporter of something Maxim Jakubowski apparently said, and I’m sure Maxim was much more precise in his language, because it’s clearly not true as an all-encompassing statement (although might well be true about a deal for UK-rights only).

Kevin J. Anderson and Brian Herbert I believe got US$5,000,000 for their latest Dune trilogy, meaning they got as much per book as Reynolds will get in total for all ten.

And my buddy S.M. Stirling did a deal last year that’s for fewer books but might well be for more money per book than Reynolds got (again, we just don’t know because the actual parameters of the Stirling and Reynolds deals aren’t publicly knowledge [nor should they be]).

The Stirling deal is six books for “seven figures” (in American dollars), meaning a minimum of US$1,000,000 — which is at least US$167,000 per book, if they’re apportioned equally, or at a minimum $3,000 more per book than Reynolds got. But, still, there’s no real way to compare without knowing what rights have been acquired.

Now, what about that million pounds? Does it come all at once? And do authors have to repay advances if the books don’t earn out?

The answers are no and no. :)

The author gets to keep the advance whether it earns out or not. The only times an author might have to repay an advance would be (1) failure to deliver an acceptable version of the contracted-for book in a reasonable time, or (2) a major material breach of the warranties the author provided in the contract is uncovered (for instance, that the work was plagiarized or extensively libelous).

That said, there will almost certainly be a complex delayed payout schedule in Reynolds’s contract: some amount on signing the contract, and then portions on (I’d assume) delivery or acceptance of each manuscript, portions on hardcover publication, and portions on paperback publication — in other words, at least 31 payout events (overall on signing, plus three installments minimum per book). Of course, even sliced in the smallest possible way, into 31 equal parts, the minimum payout per event for a one-million-pound advance is US$53,000 — of which an author’s agent will typically take 15% as fees, leaving about US$45,000 per event, before taxes.

So, if, hypothetically, an author with a ten-book contract stopped writing after the third book (not that he would!), the publisher wouldn’t be out much, because the on-signing portion of books four through ten would be all he would have received for the unwritten books (and those monies would be legally recoverable via the failure-to-deliver clause, anyway).

For a big contract, on-signing tends to be small (maybe even just 10% of the total contract value); for mid-sized contracts, a fifty-fifty split is common (half on signing, half on acceptance of the manuscript). Only for very small contracts can on-signing (or for really small publishers, on-publication) sometimes be the full advance — that’s what we do at RJS Books, the line I edit, for instance, since in most cases it’s more trouble than it’s worth to fiddle around with a series of small payouts.

Anyway, hearty and sincere congratulations to Alistair Reynolds! Having a decade of job security is something almost no freelancer ever gets. Way to go!

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Full text of "Identity Theft" novella online

by Rob - June 24th, 2009

My short-story collection Identity Theft and Other Stories from Red Deer Press is currently one of five finalists for the Aurora Award for Best Long Form Work in English.

In honour of that, I’m pleased to offer the Hugo and Nebula Award-nominated title novella, “Identity Theft,” for free during the remainder of the voting period. You can read it right here.

All of the other nominees in this category are excellent, too — and three of them are by my writing students:

  • Impossibilia, Douglas Smith (PS Publishing)
  • Defining Diana, Hayden Trenholm (Bundoran Press)
  • Marseguro, Edward Willett (DAW Books)

So, one way or another, the odds are great that I’m going to be a happy man on Friday, August 7, 2009, when the Aurora Awards are presented at a banquet at this year’s World Science Fiction Convention in Montreal.

Praise for Identity Theft and Other Stories:

“At every opportunity, Sawyer forces his readers to think while holding their attention with ingenious premises and superlative craftsmanship.” —Booklist

“A collection of great stories; highly entertaining and thought-provoking. This book has something for almost any science-fiction fan.” —Quill & Quire

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RJS on WordStar cited in paper about accessibility for the blind

by Rob - June 23rd, 2009

Stumbled on this quite by accident, and found it an interesting coincidence, given that my current novel, Wake, deals with a blind teenager trying to deal with computers: a January 2006 technical paper entitled “A Personal Information Management Approach for People With Low Vision or Blindness” by Silas S. Brown and Peter Robinson of University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory — which quotes at length my 1990 essay entitled “WordStar: A Writer’s Wordprocessor.”

The paper appeared in the newsletter of the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing — and, in another coincidence, the last page of the current Communications of the ACM is a piece by me about the science behind Wake.

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Wake is Halfax’s top beach-reading pick

by Rob - June 21st, 2009

No, not Don Halifax — the main character in my novel Rollback — but the Halifax Chronicle-Herald, the major daily newspaper in the capital city of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, which starts its list entitled “Beach Reading: Fiction Picks for Summer,” compiled by David Pitt, with my Wake, published in Canada under Penguin’s Viking imprint.

The write-up on Wake concludes:

Sawyer has a knack for taking realistic characters and plunking them down in stories that might seem far-fetched, if they weren’t so vividly imagined and elegantly told. He’s an excellent storyteller, and you catch him here at his very best.

You can read the whole review — and the rest of the Chronicle Herald‘s summer picks — here.

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Touring for Wake comes to an end

by Rob - June 21st, 2009

And that’s a wrap!

Today I did my final scheduled touring event to promote my new novel Wake.

The touring started on Monday, April 13, 2009, at Borderlands Books in San Francisco.

That was followed April 17-19, 2009, at Xanadu Las Vegas, the wonderful science-fiction convention I was author guest of honor at.

Then there were stops in Vancouver, British Columbia; Calgary, Alberta; Edmonton, Alberta; Moncton, New Brunswick; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Montreal, Quebec; Ottawa, Ontario; Toronto, Ontario; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Winnipeg, Manitoba; Waterloo, Ontario; Sudbury, Ontario; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; and finally, this afternoon, in Regina, Saskatchewan. It’s been exhilarating, exhausting, and, I believe, effective.

Many thanks to the people who made this tour possible. All the wonderful booksellers; Penguin Canada (and my publicist there, Debbie Gaudet); plus Carolyn Clink, who worked very hard booking media for me; and the friends who lent a hand as I traveled across the continent: Kaye Mason, Bonnie Jean Mah, Kirstin Morrell, Randy McCharles, Vanessa G. Gaudio, Hayden Trenholm, Liz Trenholm, and Edward Willett — I couldn’t have done it without you!

Of course, my travels are by no means over: I’ve still got numerous trips still coming up this year.

Photograph copyright 2009 by Charles Mohapel.

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Tanya Huff on the Globe and Mail bestsellers’ list

by Rob - June 20th, 2009

W00t! My great friend Tanya Huff is now officially a Canadian national bestselling author! Her Valor’s Trial, just out in mass-market paperback after a successful run in hardcover, is on The Globe and Mail‘s Canadian Fiction Bestsellers’s List, published in today’s (Saturday 20 June 2009) edition of the paper, and also available online.

The Canadian Fiction Bestsellers’ List is compiled for The Globe and Mail by BookNet Canada, which records actual point-of-sale data from hundreds of bookstores across Canada.

Tanya and I first met 30 years ago this September, when we both started our bachelor’s degrees studies in Radio and Television Arts at what was then called Ryerson Polytechnical Institute in Toronto. We were in the same Canadian-Literature course in first year, were in the same creative-writing class (under Marianne Brandis), and collaborated on our final-year TV project (we co-wrote the script, I directed, and Tanya produced), a nifty little science-fiction drama.

We both went on to be prolific novelists for major US publishers, me exclusively in science fiction, and Tanya in both SF and fantasy; we both nonetheless went out of our way to publish short-story collections with Canadian small presses and otherwise support Canada’s growing SF industry; and we’ve both had novels adapted into television series (Tanya’s Blood books were made into the TV series Blood Ties, and my Flashforward will be a series this fall).

It’s said often enough that Robert Charles Wilson is my brother; well, if that’s true, then Tanya Huff is my sister — and I’m very, very proud of my sister today! Congratulations, Tanya! You rock!

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Authors@Google: Robert J. Sawyer

by Rob - June 19th, 2009

Now available on YouTube: my full 1 hour and 12 minute talk given at Google Waterloo on Wednesday, May 27, 2009. Wake up, Watch it, and Wonder about it … ;)

(If you prefer an audio podcast, you can get that here.)

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Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking …

by Rob - June 19th, 2009

It’s been a busy seven days of public appearances and interviews — in three different cities:

Saturday evening, June 13, 2009, I appeared in Calgary, Alberta, reading from Wake at the EDGE Publishing book-launch event.

Monday, June 15, 2009, I gave an hour-long creative-writing lecture on “Great Beginnings” to the staff of the Canadian Light Source.

That evening, I gave a talk on science fiction and astronomy for the Calgary Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.

Wednesday evening, June 17, 2009, I gave a public lecture entitled “Science Fiction as a Mirror for Reality” at the Frances Morrison Theatre of the Saskatoon Public Library, and, after the talk, I gave a reading from Wake.

Thursday, June 18, 2009, I did a half-hour radio interview on John Gormley Live, Saskatchewan’s most-popular morning show.

Thursday evening, June 18, 2009, I gave the banquet speech at the Canadian Light Source’s annual users meeting.

Today, I record another radio interview down in Regina.

And this Saturday afternoon, June 20, 2009, at 2:00 p.m., I’m reading from Wake at Book and Brier Patch in Regina.


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Rob on John Gormley Live

by Rob - June 19th, 2009

John Gormley Live is Saskatchewan’s most-popular radio morning show, and I was guest for almost half an hour this morning. Missed it? No problem! You can hear the whole interview right here (I start at the 16 minute 9 second mark, and, in this version, with the commercials trimmed out, it lasts about 18 minutes).

Most of the interview is about my writer-in-residence gig at the Canadian Light Source.

John Gormley Live is heard daily on News Talk 650 in Saskatoon and News Talk 980 in Regina.

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The things people say to writers!

by Rob - June 18th, 2009

Tonight I gave a very-well-received talk and reading at the Saskatoon Public Library, as part of my residency at the Canadian Light Source synchrotron, with 108 people in the audience. And at the end, there was a reception with refreshments, and people came up to say hi, and get autographs, and ask questions, and all was lovely and sweet until one fellow posed his question:

Do you ever get jealous when you read a really good writer like Orson Scott Card?

And I know we writers are supposed to bend over and take it whenever anyone wants to take a whack at us in a review, or on Amazon, or whatever, but you know what? We actually do have feelings — and I think my response of:

What the fuck kind of thing is that to say?

showed commendable restraint. (Although I did go on to say that, “In point of fact, I admire Scott’s writing a great deal and he admires mine.” [see last page of PDF])

Ah, well. Otherwise, a really nice evening. :)

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It’s a book and a movie!

by Rob - June 17th, 2009

Someone wrote me this morning saying (of the novel this person was writing): “I think my story has great potential to be a film; my goal is to find an agent that will promote this project as both a film and a book.” My response:

The reality is that agents can sell finished manuscripts to book publishers, but that Hollywood is rarely interested in an unpublished book. So, if your story exists solely as a book manuscript, rather than a screenplay, the first step is probably to get it published (while making sure to retain control of your film/TV rights).

Hollywood has a hard enough time sorting through the vast number of published books looking for things to adapt without also agreeing to sift through unpublished books, too; in other words, the fact that the book has sold to a publisher is Hollywood’s first indication — other than the earnest but hardly objective assertion of the author or his/her representative — that it is a good story. :)

My own agent simply is not looking to take on new clients; his plate is quite full as it is. But you’ll find my advice on landing an agent here.

And there’s some background on film contracts and options here.

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Remembering William A.S. Sarjeant

by Rob - June 16th, 2009

Carolyn and I are having lunch today with my friend Peggy Sarjeant. Peggy is the widow of William Antony Swithin Sarjeant, who had managed to do both of the things I wanted to do with my life: he was a professional paleontologist and a published science-fiction writer.

Read more about him here, and read my tribute to him here. Bill passed away in 2002.

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Events in Saskatoon and Regina this week

by Rob - June 16th, 2009

I’m doing two free public events in Saskatchewan this week:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009 (tomorrow), at 7:00 p.m.: Free public lecture at the Frances Morrison Library Theatre in Saskatoon: “A Galaxy Far, Far Away My Ass: Science Fiction as a Mirror for Reality.”

Saturday, June 20, 2009, at 2:00 p.m.: Reading from Wake and signing at Book & Brier Patch, 4065 Albert Street in Regina.

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Anticipation’s Aurora Awards banquet — a significant break from tradition

by Rob - June 16th, 2009

A few interesting facts about this year’s Aurora Awards and the ceremony at which they will be presented, courtesy of the website for Anticipation, the World Science Fiction Convention in Montreal, which is hosting the Auroras this year:

“Since the Awards will be held in Montreal, we are placing emphasis on access to French works, through translations and other efforts to make the output of French Canada available to international attendees.”

One wonders if the Aurora Awards subcommittee of the 2003 Worldcon — the previous Canadian one — had issued a statement like the above about the Auroras, but with “Toronto” and “English” substituted for “Montreal” and “French,” what the response would have been. Surely all of Canada’s Aurora-Award-nominated works deserve to be highlighted for those coming to the Worldcon from outside Canada.


“The Awards will take place Friday, August 7th. Doors open at 17:30, Dinner and Awards start at 18:00. A cash bar will be available during the Awards.”

Well, that’s nice that they’re having a banquet; those Aurora Award ceremonies that have included a banquet (starting, I believe, in 1997) have been the best.

“Due to time constraints, the Awards ceremony will take place during dinner.”

Time constraints? But Anticipation bid to become the Canadian National Science Fiction Convention: it fought for the right to be the venue at which the Auroras are presented, and fought for the right to be designated not just the World Science Fiction Convention but also the CanVention, this year’s Canadian National SF Convention. Surely they are setting an appropriate block of time aside for the Aurora Award ceremony, no?

“Therefore, open seating after the banquet is not available this year. If you want to attend the ceremonies, you must purchase a ticket. You must be a member of Anticipation to attend the banquet.”

Who in the what now? This is a huge break in tradition. No one has ever had to pay to see the Auroras presented before. When there has been a banquet, it has always been followed by open seating, allowing people to see the awards be presented without having to pay. Indeed, the open seating normally hasn’t even required people to have a convention membership to come in and watch. (I always go to the banquet when there is one, but that’s not the point.)

Also, having often been master of ceremonies for, given keynote speeches at, and participated in many dozens of awards ceremonies and banquets over the years, both in and out of the SF field, I’ll point out that you never give the awards while people are trying to eat. The noise level is too high and there are too many people distracted from paying attention to the presentation of the awards; it ruins both the meal and the awards ceremony.

“Tickets are $40 in advance, $50 on site. This is on top of the registration fees required for voting … If you want to attend the ceremonies, you must purchase a ticket.”

So, if you’re nominated for an Aurora, and you actually want to attend the ceremony at which the winners will be announced, the fee is Cdn$240 for your membership in Anticipation plus Cdn$40 for your banquet ticket, if you buy in advance, for at total of Cdn$290 — or more at the door.

In the past, nominees and others who are interested (even the general public) have been able to attend the actual ceremony for free, since the ceremony has always been held either as a standalone affair or after the banquet was over.

We’ve often had cases in the past where there have been surprise Aurora victories (meaning no one can confidently predict who is going to win in any given category), and many nominees — both pro and fan — will find $40 (for their own ticket) or $80 (the combined cost of their own and one for their significant other) too steep to bear.

It seems to me, therefore, that Anticipation is manufacturing a situation in which there will likely be winners who are attending the Worldcon but will not be able to come into the room to receive their trophies (or their applause) during the ceremony, because they’ve chosen not to (or been unable to) spend $40 on a banquet ticket on the off-chance that they might win.

Given that Anticipation seems unwilling to clear an appropriate block of time in its schedule for the Aurora Awards (and therefore is currently planning on trying to cram all of a cash bar, a sit-down meal, and the actual presentation of the awards into a small window of time), I personally think they’d do better to dispense with the banquet, and have a proper ceremony — one that all of the nominees can attend — instead.

But the real solution is for this year’s Canadian National Science Fiction Convention — that selfsame Anticipation — to find the appropriate amount of time in the schedule for both the banquet and the awards ceremony. The current plan — a rushed affair with a mandatory entrance fee — is unfair to the nominees, to those on a budget, and to the dignity of the awards.

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CLS: Tempus fugit

by Rob - June 16th, 2009

Carolyn and I have been in Saskatoon for two full weeks now. Incredibly, my writer-in-residence gig at the Canadian Light Source, Canada’s national synchrotron, is already one-quarter over.

But what a two weeks it’s been. During it, I:

  • Did safety training at CLS
  • Was interviewed by CBC Radio One in Saskatoon
  • Was interviewed by CBC Televison (the story carried
  • Was interviewed by CTV News Saskatoon
  • Was interviewed by Shaw Cable Saskatoon
  • Did a pre-interview for a documentary about the CLS
  • Did a podcast (about which more later) related to Wake
  • Attended Edward Willett’s book launch at McNally Robinson
  • Had my own book launch for Wake at cNally Robinson (and hit #2 on the Saskatoon StarPhoenix bestsellers’ list
  • Attended a dinner party at Yann Martel and Alice Kuipers’ place
  • Attended a barbecue at Matthew Dalzell’s place (Matt’s my supervisor at CLS)
  • Gave two one-hour how-to-write seminars at CLS, one on generating story ideas and the other on how to start a story
  • Gave a talk at a local high school (Centennial Collegiage)
  • Gave talk to the Saskatoon Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
  • Gave a talk to the computer-science department at the University of Saskatchewan
  • Flew to Calgary for this past weekend
  • Attended VulCON 16: Spock Days / Galaxyfest in Vulcan, Alberta
  • Attended (and gave a reading at) the big season launch party for EDGE Publishing in Calgary
  • Did 13 one-on-one hour-long consultations with local writers in Saskatoon (having read and prepared critiques of their manuscripts in advance)
  • And, oh, yes, wrote the first 2,100 words of Wonder, the hird WWW novel


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First look at Watch cover

by Rob - June 15th, 2009

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Here’s the first look at the cover for Watch, second volume of my WWW trilogy. This is the American version for Ace Science Fiction; the Canadian version for Penguin Canada will be similar, but will lack the “WWW:” in front of the title.

The cover design is by Rita Frangie, and the cover art is by Tony Mauro. Watch will be published in hardcover in April 2010.

I think this is a gorgeous follow-on to the lovely cover for Wake, below:

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Visit The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

#2 Bestseller in Saskatoon

by Rob - June 12th, 2009

McNally Robinson‘s Saskatoon superstore provides the data to the major Saskatoon newspaper, The Saskatoon StarPhoenix, for its bestsellers’ list. My Wake is #2 this week on the hardcover list, having been beaten by … Dr. Seuss!

The list, which will be in tomorrow’s (Saturday, June 13, 2009’s) StarPhoenix, is below:

  1. Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
    By Dr. Seuss – $22.00
  2. Wake
    By Robert J. Sawyer – $30.00
  3. Skin Trade
    By Laurel K. Hamilton – $23.45
  4. Excuses Begone
    By Wayne W. Dyer – $30.95
  5. Medusa
    By Clive Cussler – $24.50
  6. The Scarecrow
    By Michael Connelly – $21.69
  7. Gone Tomorrow
    By Lee Child – $22.40
  8. Tea Time for the Traditionally Built
    By Alexander Mccall Smith – $20.97
  9. The Hormone Diet: Lose Fat Gain Strenth Live Younger Longer
    By Natasha Turner – $32.95
  10. Seasick: The Global Ocean in Crisis
    By Alanna Mitchell – $32.99

(And, by the way, my Flashforward is #7 on the StarPhoenix mass-market paperback list this week, and Previously, Wake hit #1 on the Winnipeg Free Press bestsellers’ list.)


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Listen Up science-fiction episode online

by Rob - June 12th, 2009

Although the broadcast debut isn’t until Sunday, June 14, 2009, the special science-fiction episode of the Canadian religious TV show Listen Up is already online on YouTube.

The feature interviews are with Robert J. Sawyer, Gabriel McKee, John C. Wright, and Peter Kazmaier, and there are clips from Hugo Award-winner Robert Charles Wilson, and Space: The Imagination Station’s Mark Askwith.

Here’s the whole show, in four parts:

Part 1: Robert J. Sawyer, the author of Wake and Calculating God, plus comments from Penguin Canada publicist Debbie Gaudet, Robert Charles Wilson, and Mark Askwith

Part 2: The Sunburst Award’s Peter Halasz (the fellow who makes the opening comment); Gabriel McKee, author of the excellent nonfiction survey The Gospel According to Science Fiction

Part 3: Tor author John C. Wright discussing his conversion to Christianity; self-published author Peter Kazmaier

Part 4: The host’s wrap-up.

I was asked on camera about my own beliefs — I’m an atheist — but that didn’t make it to the final cut, it seems. :)

Here’s Listen Up‘s own page about the episode.

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SF writers featured on Listen Up this Sunday

by Rob - June 11th, 2009

I was about to write a blog post about my upcoming appearance on the Canadian TV show Listen Up, which airs Sundays at 11:00 a.m. on Canada’s Global TV — but I see Gabriel McKee, author of the excellent The Gospel According to Science Fiction, who is appearing on the same episode (as are Robert Charles Wilson and John C. Wright), has beaten me to it.

The interview with me was recorded at the Toronto book-launch party for Wake at the Dominion on Queen Pub, and was conducted by Patricia L. Paddey, who, as it happens was in my year in Radio and Television Arts at Ryerson (Class of 1982).

Visit The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Sci-fi writer ready to draw inspiration from Saskatoon synchrotron

by Rob - June 11th, 2009

That’s the headline for a story at today — and here’s the very nice article about my residency at the Canadian Light Source that accompanies it.

(There was also a lovely piece on the Saskatchewan CBC Evening News last night, from which the quotes for this article were excerpted.)

Visit The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site