Robert J. Sawyer

Hugo and Nebula Award-Winning Science Fiction Writer

Coles, CBC, Vaughan — quite a day!

by Rob - May 11th, 2007

Day Two of Phase Three of the Rollback went very well. It began with a lunchtime signing at the Coles bookstore in Royal Bank Plaza, one of the massive banking tours at the heart of downtown Toronto. I was delighted that my old friend Howard Cohen dropped by — he’s one of my high-school buddies who didn’t happen to make it to the Northview Heights reunion last weekend.

After the signing, I had a wonderful lunch with Fergus Heywood of the CBC, where we talked about a very interesting project we both hope will soon get the go-ahead …

Then it was over to the CBC Broadcasting Centre, for an interview by CBC News Sunday, where I did a lengthy interview about my op-ed piece in the Ottawa Citizen that I call “A Bright Idea for Atheists. We did the interview in the Barbara Frum Atrium — where a bit of Rollback takes place. I’ll post word here when it’s going to air.

After that, I headed up to the CBC radio studios on the third floor of the Broadcasting Centre, and was interviewed remotely for 10 minutes by Barbara Peacock, host of Crosstown on CBC Radio One in Windsor, Ontario.

Then it was off to the Pierre Berton Resource Library in Vaughan (which bills itself as “The City Above Toronto”), where I did another reading and Q&A about Rollback. (Mary Vaughan in Hominids and its sequels is named for this city.)

A few photos:

It never hurts to bribe the customers! Coles provided a big plate of Tim Hortons cookies

Nice rack!

I signed 14 books at Coles for Galadia Murphy, whose husband is a big fan of my books.

CBC News was on-hand to record my signing as B-roll for the interview about the atheism op-ed piece.

Entrance to the Pierre Berton Resource Library in Vaughan, Ontario. Carolyn and I lived in Vaughan from 1992 to 2000 (although this wonderful library was built after we left). Pierre Berton was one of Canada’s greatest nonfiction writers; it’s his childhood home that Carolyn and I will be living at in the Klondike this summer.

Old friends from Forest Hills North, the condo building Carolyn and I lived in for eight years in Vaughan; the Forhilnor race in Calculating God are named in honour of that building.

More old friends: Lawrence Fox and Gail Copeland came out to the event at the Pierre Berton Resource Library.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

A pun I’m proud of

by Rob - May 10th, 2007

I make lots of puns, but I’m particularly pleased with this one that came to me as I was giving a talk during the Rollback book tour.

I referred to George Orwell’s Animal Farm as “a roman à cleft hoof.”

Hee hee hee.

(Don’t get it? A roman à clef is the term used in literary circles for a novel that you won’t understand fully unless you know what it’s really about; the term is French for “novel with a key.” Animal Farm appears to be about, well, animals on a farm, but it’s really about the Russian revolution; cows and other farm animals have cleft hooves. Yeah, yeah, I know: it’s not funny if you have to explain it. Still …)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Oshawa, by gosh!

by Rob - May 10th, 2007

The by-car in Southern Ontario part of the Rollback book tour is off to a roaring start.

Carolyn and I decided to drive over to Oshawa starting at 3:00 p.m., to avoid the rush-hour traffic (we had to get from the west side of the Greater Toronto Area, where we live, to the east side). We got to Oshawa around 4:30 and did a drop-in signing at the Chapters bookstore there.

They had a lot of my books on hand, which was great.

After the books were signed, Olga Filina, the Customer Experience Manager at that Chapters, took Carolyn and me out to dinner at Caseys; I had an excellent bison burger (but didn’t eat the bun!)

Then it was off to the Oshawa Public Library, where I gave a talk about the science-fiction genre to an audience of 30, and did a reading from Rollback. My talk was advertised in part by this large poster in the library.

Greg Rist from Rogers Durham is doing a half-hour TV documentary about me and my work; he interviewed me in my home on April 2, 2007, and came out tonight to get more footage, as well as some quotes from people in the audience

As always, I like to think I made a few good points in my talk. The library gave people cards to rate my talk — I got five out of five from everyone, except one patron who gave me four out of five. The nerve! :)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Rob on CBC Radio One Windsor on Thursday

by Rob - May 9th, 2007

Tomorrow, Thursday, May 10, 2007, I will be interviewed starting at 4:30 p.m. or so on CBC Radio One in Windsor, Ontario, on Crosstown with Barbara Peacock (pictured); you can listen online here (select the Windsor feed; Windsor is on Eastern Time — same as Toronto and New York).

I’ll be in the Toronto CBC studios, doing a hook-up with Barbara, who will be in Windsor. We’ll be talking about Rollback and GenreCon, at which I’m Guest of Honour on Saturday.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Southern Ontario book tour

by Rob - May 9th, 2007

Phase Three of the Rollback book tour begins tonight: Southern Ontario. Here are my events — please come out and say hello! All events (including Genrecon) are totally free.

Free Public Reading from Rollback and Talk
Oshawa Public Library
“Science Fiction: Does the Future Have a Future?”
(plus reading from Rollback)
McLaughlin Branch
65 Bagot Street
Oshawa, Ontario
Wednesday, May 9, 2007, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.

Signing Rollback
Royal Bank Plaza
Toronto, Ontario
Thursday, May 10, 2007, 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m.

Free Public Reading from Rollback and Talk
Vaughan Public Library
Pierre Berton Resource Library Branch
4921 Rutherford Road
Woodbridge, Ontario
Thursday, May 10, 2007, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Reading from and signing Rollback
135 Gateway Park Drive
Kitchener, Ontario
Friday, May 11, 2007, 7:00 p.m.

Guest of Honor
Genrecon 2007
Sarnia Branch, Lambton County Library
124 Christina St. South
Sarnia, Ontario
Saturday, May 12, 2007
(Rob will only be there from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)

Reading from and signing Rollback
86 Fanshawe Park Road East
London, Ontario
Saturday, May 12, 2007, 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Promoting Books Online

by Rob - May 9th, 2007

I got asked recently by the author of a popular-science book about the brain for some tips related to promoting his book. As a Canadian, he’s having the same experience I am: major media exposure (resulting in large sales) in Canada, and much less attention in the States. Here’s what I had to say:

The U.S. is a very tough nut to crack. I get major media in Canada, too, but have a hard time getting anything in the U.S. As I’m sure you know, the best place to promote books in the U.S. media is probably NPR; for your book, an interview on NPR’s Science Friday with Ira Flatow would be a natural (it’s the counterpart of Quirks and Quarks here); I’ve been on Science Friday, and it’s a great show. Another good one for your book (and my current one, Rollback) is A Touch of Grey (seniors of course are interested in brain function, and over-50s are the biggest market for hardcover books, because they have the disposable income). They did a great, in-depth interview with me recently.

Your website is good, but it lacks the two things that have driven the most traffic to my own site. Number one: an actual sample chapter of the text. People don’t want to read ABOUT the book; they want to sample the book. For my current novel, I’m giving away 10,000 words out of 100,000 online; in your own case, at least one case-study chapter online would be appropriate.

Number two: something that’s value-added. The biggest draw for my website isn’t the stuff about my books per se; rather, it’s the stuff on how to write and sell science fiction.

In your case, a few brain-teaser exercises might be useful, or a checklist to see if you’ve lost any of your cognitive function, or whatever. People don’t link to sites that just promote books (if they really want to point to your book, they’ll point to its page on Amazon); rather, they link to interesting, useful, or fun things they think others should check out.

Also, a blog helps; the net is all about social interactions. See how Tom Stafford and Matt Webb are selling (their very interesting) book Mind Hacks, for instance.

Best of luck!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

#2 Bestseller at McNally Robinson Winnipeg

by Rob - May 9th, 2007

Go me! Rollback is #2 on the hardcover fiction bestsellers list for McNally Robinson in Winnipeg. Take that, Harry Potter! Eat lead, J.R.R. Tolkien! :)

1-Divisadero-Michael Ondaatje

2-Rollback-Robert J. Sawyer

3-Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows-J.K. Rowling (preorders)

4-The Children of Hurin-J.R.R Tolkien

5-Simple Genius-David Baldacci

(McNally Robinson is the major bookstore in Winnipeg, the capital of Manitoba.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

New deal with Penguin in Canada and USA

by Rob - May 8th, 2007

Well, since it’s the lead story right now on the (by subscription) website for Quill & Quire, the Canadian publishing trade journal, and since I’m scheduled to speak about this today (Tuesday, May 8, 2007) to Cynthia Good’s class in the Creative Book Publishing Program at Humber College, I suppose I should say something here, too:

After 17 novels for which his North American rights have gone to U.S. publishers, Hugo Award-winning Canadian science-fiction writer Robert J. Sawyer now has a domestic Canadian publisher. He’s splitting his Canadian and U.S. rights for his next three books in a six-figure deal, with Barbara Berson at Penguin Canada acquiring rights north of the border, and Ginjer Buchanan at Penguin USA getting them south of it.

“Starting eleven years ago, back in 1996, Cynthia Good at Penguin Canada began making overtures about getting my titles for that company,” says Sawyer, 47. “But neither Ace Science Fiction nor Tor Books, my two U.S. publishers at that time, wanted to give up my Canadian rights, and so we weren’t able to make this happen; I still needed a strong U.S. publisher, and Penguin had no real presence in the SF field in the U.S. back then. But a few years ago, Penguin USA acquired Berkley Putnam, which included Ace, an imprint I’d happily done six novels for between 1992 and 1997.”

Also, since signing his last contract with Tor, Sawyer’s Hominids won the Hugo Award for Best Novel of the Year — SF’s top honour. Several publishers let Sawyer’s New York agent, Ralph Vicinanza, know that they’d be interested in acquiring Sawyer, should he become available. “H.B. Fenn has done a fabulous job promoting my books in Canada; I owe much of what I am to Harold and Sylvia Fenn and their wonderful crew,” Sawyer said. But working with a U.S. publisher through a Canadian distributor meant receiving a lower, export royalty for Canadian sales from Tor. “And now that Penguin in the States has Ace, Ralph was able to structure a handsome deal with separately accounted advances and full royalties on both sides of the border,” Sawyer says.

The joint deal plays to Sawyer’s relative strengths on both sides of the border. “In the states, I’m a successful genre-fiction writer, with a loyal following in the SF section,” says Sawyer. “But in Canada, I’ve had considerable breakout success, gathering a large mainstream audience; Fenn has done a tremendous job positioning me out-of-category. Under this new deal, in the U.S., I’ll be published quite happily under the Ace imprint; over the last few years, Ace has really concentrated on hard SF, while other U.S. genre lines have shifted heavily to fantasy, so it’s the perfect home for me there. And in Canada, I was wowed by what Penguin has managed to do positioning genre writers Guy Gavriel Kay, Jack Whyte, and R. Scott Bakker outside the fantasy category — not to mention their success in breaking out mystery writers, such as Peter Robinson, who was based there for many years.”

Sawyer’s new contract covers the three volumes of his planned WWW trilogy, about the World Wide Web gaining consciousness, and the relationship humanity builds with this nascent global brain. “I’m calling it `William Gibson meets William Gibson,'” says Sawyer. “William Gibson the novelist wrote Neuromancer, which, although a wonderful book, is now almost a quarter of a century old and portrays a kind of hacker-subculture-rules-the-world streetwise vision that’s totally at odds with Time magazine having named `You’ as its most recent Person of the Year — us, average joes who create content for, and live our social lives in, the online world. And William Gibson the playwright wrote The Miracle Worker, about Annie Sullivan who helped lift Helen Keller — a vast intellect, trapped in a world of darkness and silence — out into full consciousness.”

Sawyer will spend all of July, August, and September at the Berton House Writing Retreat in Dawson City, working on the first volume, Wake; the subsequent books have working titles of Watch and Wonder. “Expect a lot of mosquitoes in Wake,” says Sawyer.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Another bestsellers’ list!

by Rob - May 8th, 2007

Woohoo! Rollback by Robert J. Sawyer is currently #13 on Canada’s Bookmanager hardcover fiction bestsellers’ list.

The Bookmanager list is complied from point-of-sale data collected from 230 independent Canadian booksellers (Bookmanager is the company that makes the software used by most Canadian bookstores). The list is published in several Canadian newspapers, including The National Post, The Vancouver Sun, and The Regina Leader-Post, and is also reported by the trade journals Quill & Quire and Canadian Bookseller.

Here’s the list:

Hardcover Fiction
Week Ending April 28, 2007

Rank (Last Week) Weeks on List

1 (4) 2wks Divisadero by Michael Ondaatje $34.99 (McClelland&Stewart)

2 (3) 2wks The Children of Hurin by J.R.R. Tolkien & Christopher Tolkien $34.95 (HarperCollins)

3 (5) 2wks The Good Husband of Zebra Drive by Alexander McCall Smith $29.95 (Knopf)

4 (2) 4wks On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan $27 (Knopf)

5 (1) 9wks Shopaholic & Baby by Sophie Kinsella $30 (Dial)

6 (6) 31wks For One More Day by Mitch Albom $26.95 (Hyperion)

7 (8) 12wks The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill $34.95 (HarperCollins)

8 (11) 10wks The End of the Alphabet by CS Richardson $25 (Doubleday)

9 (10) 7wks Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult $29.99 (Atria)

10 (13) 6wks Death Comes for the Fat Man by Reginald Hill $34.95 (Doubleday)

11 (7) 8wks 300 by Frank Miller & Lynn Varley $35.99 (DarkHorseComics)

12 (9) 8wks Helpless by Barbara Gowdy $32.95 (HarperCollins)

13 ( -) 1wk Rollback by Robert J. Sawyer $29.95 (Tor)

14 (15) 16wks Ysabel by Guy Gavriel Kay $34 (Viking)

15 (10) 2wks I Heard That Song Before by Mary Higgins Clark $29.99 (Simon&Schuster)

(The paperback of my Mindscan was also a Bookmanager bestseller back in January 2006)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Northview Heights reunion

by Rob - May 6th, 2007

The by-plane across-Canada part of the Rollback book tour ended when I touched down at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, May 4, 2007.

Carolyn picked me up at the airport — but we didn’t go home. Instead, we headed through awful rush-hour traffic to Le Parc, a conference centre, for the Friday Night gala part of the 50th-anniversary reunion for our high school, Northview Heights Secondary School, which opened its doors in 1957. (We paused en route at Carolyn’s brother David’s place, so I could shower and change into my suit.)

Northview meant a great deal to me. I had lots of friends, lots of fun, always had a girlfriend, was active in many things (co-founded the science fiction club; founded and edited the school newspaper, The Northview Post; was the voice of the morning announcements in my final year; and ended up as valedictorian), and enjoyed an eclectic array of courses (Latin, Film Studies, an independent studies biology course for which I got to research dinosaurs). So, it was with great happiness I returned to the school this weekend to see old friends and reminisce.

I must say it was gratifying how many people — even from decades other than when I attended the school — recognized me and came up and told me how much they liked my books. In fact, the Saturday night entertainment in Northview’s wonderful theatre was hosted by Art Nefsky, who explained in his opening remarks how he got the job being emcee: “We contacted Howie Mandel’s agent [Mandel now hosts Deal or No Deal, and was at Northview a few years before I was], but he’s in Vegas; Harvey Atkin hosted last night at the gala, so we couldn’t ask him to do it again; Robert J. Sawyer is brilliant — but can he sing and dance? — and so you’re stuck with me.” :)

As part of an auction to raise funds to help renovate the school, I donated this: “You’ve won the right to have a supporting character named after you or a friend or relative of your choice in Wake, the next novel by Hugo and Nebula Award-winning science-fiction writer Robert J. Sawyer. We’ll work out the details — which physical characteristics and personality traits you’d like me to spotlight — but I reserve the right to kill your character in a manner of my choosing, if the plot demands it!”

The high bid was $450, and the winner was alumnus Stephen Bloom, who wants me to included his mother Anna Bloom in my next book.

Det-Yenalb himself! The high priest in my novel Far-Seer is named for my old friend Ted Bleaney, seen here at the Friday night banquet

The reunion continued all day Saturday at the school. No sooner had I arrived than I ran into Northview’s other Hugo Award winner. That’s me on the left, and Mike Glicksohn, who won the best-fanzine Hugo Award in 1973, on the right. I’m Northview class of 1979; Mike was class of 1964.

And — gak — that’s what I looked like in 1979, at 19 years of age (back then, Ontario, unique among jurisdictions in North America, went to Grade 13 in high school); resemblance to Rasputin, the mad monk, is purely coincidental.

All three Sawyer boys went to Northview. That’s my older brother Peter D. Sawyer, now 52, on the left, and my younger brother Alan B. Sawyer, now 45, on the right; Robert J. Sawyer, in the middle, just turned 47.

Both Clink girls went to Northview, too. That’s Carolyn, my wife, on the left, and her younger sister Pat Beckett (who was called Patsy Clink back in the day) on the right. Pat was my first girlfriend; we dated the year I was in grade 10.

In Grade 13 (1978-79), my friend Rick Gotlib and I shared an office, because we were the heads of the student government. Posing outside the office door: my girlfriend from that year, Anne Ptasznik, who is now a very fine playwright.

Speaking of girlfriends, that’s Lorian Fretz (formerly Lorian Fraser), who was my girlfriend in 1978; her son Geoffrey was one of my writing students a couple of years ago at the University of Toronto

I swear we all used to have hair! Alan Getgood, Robert J. Sawyer, and David Livingstone Clink in the 1970s decade room at the reunion. All three were members of NASFA, the Northview Association for Science Fiction Addicts, and David is now my brother-in-law. Afsan, the name of the main character of my novel Far-Seer, is NASFA spelled backwards.

English teacher Robert E. Howley, the staff sponsor for NASFA, and Robert J. Sawyer, its co-founder.

How cool is this! A bunch of my books on the shelf of my own high school’s library!

Lory Corso and Donna Beach, who I’ve known since my days at Churchill Public School

Robert J. Sawyer, Neil Schechtman; Neil and I were in kindergarten together. Neil’s mom is Emmy Award-winning make-up artist Beverley Schechtman.

One of the absolute highlights of my high-school years was a school trip to Rome in March 1977; here’s a little reunion from that trip: Anita Auerback, Robert J. Sawyer, Lori Beckerman, Richard M. Gotlib (Rick co-founded NASFA with me)

A quick dinner break at Swiss Chalet (a barbecue-chicken place near Northview that we all remembered from the 1970s). Anne Ptasznik, Carolyn Clink, Gillian Clinton.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

by Rob - May 6th, 2007

SF people have become used to all the little slights and put-downs that readers and writers of science fiction have to endure in the mainstream media. And that’s why this article from today’s Toronto Star — the largest-circulation newspaper in Canada — charmed me so much. Google Alerts drew it to my attention because of a passing mention of my own work, but what the article consists of is just a pair of interviews with nice, normal people who love science fiction. One is Michael Lennick, a great friend of mine, and the other is Georgie Bell Johnson, a retired school teacher who does her church newsletter.

As readers of this blog know, I’ve just returned from 20 days of touring to promote my novel Rollback, and of course that experience underscored for me how pleasant, varied, and normal the science-fiction reading audience is — but that fact so rarely gets reflected in mainstream coverage of the genre that I really do think the article from The Star is noteworthy.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Saskatoon a success — and finally home!

by Rob - May 5th, 2007

You know a book tour is ending well when you get bumped up to Executive Class for the flight home. Woohoo!

Today, I finished the second — and longest — of the four phases of the book tour for Rollback, my 17th novel. This was the by-plane cross-Canada part, and included stops in Winnipeg, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, and Saskatoon.

And an absolutely wonderful trip it was! Every event went well, I saw a lot of old friends and made some new ones, we got lots of media coverage, and lots of books were sold.

Yesterday, H.B. Fenn and Company (Tor’s Canadian distributor) had me take Kent Pollard and Ian Goodwillie from the Saskatoon McNally Robinson out to lunch; Chris Pepin — who was my wonderful handler from the Saskatchewan Library Association — joined us, and we had a great time talking about bookselling, writing, libraries and more.

My final event for this phase of the tour, last night (Thursday, May 3, 2007), was giving the Mary Donaldson Memorial Lecture, a public lecture given each year as part of the annual meeting of the Saskatchewan Library Association (pictured: me and PJ, the Saskatchewan Library mascot, who came by my talk).

We had an audience of 125, and Kent, Ian, and others from bookseller McNally Robinson were on hand at the Frances Morrison Library to sell books. The whole evening was fabulous: I was on fire, if I do say so myself; the audience was wonderful; and the questions they asked were great; we sold lots of books; and there was a fabulous reception at the library afterwards. After that, it was off to Maguire’s, a lovely pub, for drinks with librarian Peggy Sarjeant (the widow of fantasy writer and paleontologist William A.S. Sarjeant), Geoffrey Ursell and his wife Barbara, and Jeff Cutler from the Canadian Light Source, the synchrotron located in Saskatoon.

I’m back home in Toronto now, and have four days off — then I embark on Phase Three of the Rollback book tour. Phase One was by-car in the U.S.; Phase Two, just finished, was by-plane in Canada; Phase Three is by-car in Southern Ontario (and lasts four days); and Phase Four is by-plane in the US (with stops in Denver and Orlando). For details of the remaining stops, see here here.

A few pictures from Mary Donaldson Lecture:

The Saskatchewan Library Association banner

Robert J. Sawyer and Chris Pepin, who served as Rob’s guide, handler, and host on behalf of the SLA

Old friends Les and Ellen Dickson, who are active not only in science-fiction fandom but also with the Saskatoon Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

Rob presenting the Mary Donaldson Memorial Lecture. His topic: “Science Fiction as a Mirror for Reality”

The “World’s Best Phi-Fi Writer” T-shirt — a gift from Montreal fan Debi Ancel — makes another appearance when Rob speaks about how the genre should really be called “Philosophical Fiction”

Kent Pollard: bookseller from the Saskatoon McNally Robinson, author, and long-time member of
Rob’s Yahoo Groups! discussion group

Ian Goodwillie of Saskatoon’s McNally Robinson bookstore

After Rob’s talk, a crowd converges on the book-sales table — woohoo! Wearing the white sweater: Saskatoon playwright Geoffrey Ursell

Stephanie Hollinger and Robert J. Sawyer; Stephanie presented Rob with a sketch she’d made of Sal-Afsan, the main character from Rob’s 1992 novel Far-Seer

Stephanie Hollinger’s sketch of Sal-Afsan, from the Robert J. Sawyer novel Far-Seer

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Mary Donaldson Memorial Lecture — tonight!

by Rob - May 3rd, 2007

I’m in Saskatoon right now to present the Saskatchewan Library Association’s Mary Donaldson Memorial Lecture; that’s Mary Donaldson above. If you’re in town, come on out! It’s tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Frances Morrison Library; it’s free!

My topic is:


Many people dismiss science fiction as escapism — but they’re wrong. From its roots with H.G. Wells to the political allegory of the new Battlestar Galactica, science fiction has always been a powerful vehicle for commenting on the here-and-now. Join Hugo and Nebula-Award winner Robert J. Sawyer for a discussion of how science fiction lets us explore the burning issues of today … in the guise of talking about tomorrow.

The Mary Donaldson is one of Canada’s most prestigious lectures (and it comes with a hefty speaking fee — woot!), and I’m totally honoured and thrilled to have been asked to present this year’s talk.

Although some of the names below may not mean much to non-Canadians, the previous presenters have been a veritable Who’s Who of Canadian arts and culture, and I’m absolutely delighted to be included in their number. (Stephen Lewis, who gave the 1990 lecture, is a particular hero of mine, and in my novel Flashforward I made him UN Secretary General; broadcaster Adrienne Clarkson went on to really be Canada’s Governor General; and it’s Pierre Berton‘s house I’m going to for my writing retreat this summer).

Here’s the full list of presenters of the Mary Donaldson Memorial Lecture.

1968: Mary E. P. Henderson: “Planning the Future by the Past”

1969: Frederick G. B. Hutchings: “The Impact of William Morris”

1970: Alberta Letts: “Provincial Library Service — Today and Tomorrow”

1971: Lura G. Currier: “The Librarian in the Political Arena”

1972: Richard Blackwell: “A British Beaver’s Eye View of the Book Trade”

1973: Carlyle King: “Far Horizons, Man Alone: Landscape and Man in Saskatchewan Writing”

1974: Allan R. Turner: “Bearing on the History of Saskatchewan”

1975: Roy B. Stokes: “I Had Forgotten About the Wind”

1976: A.L. Karras: “After Publication — Reaction”

1977: Bede Hubbard: “The Humanist Imperative”

1978: Marion E. Gilroy: “Pioneers! O Pioneers! The Genesis of Regional Libraries”

1979: Eli Mandel: “Culture and Literacy: Contemporary and Canadian Writing”

1980: Donald C. Kerr: “Moving Pictures, the Great Dream”

1981: Andreas Schroeder: “Compensation for Authors, or the Search for the Elusive Red Jellybean”

1982: Frances Morrison: “Saskatchewan Libraries: Remembering Dreams and Recalling the Past”

1983: Patrick Lane: “The Liberal Vision and the Death of Culture”

1984: Emma LaRocque: “Three Conventional Approaches to Native People in Society and in Literature”

1985: John Sawatsky: “Librarians as Investigative Journalists”

1986: John Gray: “Learning to be Dull: the Canadian Cultural Experience”

1987: Adrienne Clarkson: “Canada: a Possible Vision”

1988: Mel Hurtig: “Speech on Free Trade”:

1989: Wes Fine Day: “Education”

1990: Stephen Lewis: “The Struggle for Literacy Abroad and at Home”

1991: Pierre Berton: “Writing Narrative History”

1992: Barbara Clubb: “Discovering That Immeasurable Quality”

1993: Jean Dirksen: “The Joy of Empowerment: Library Leadership for The ’90’s

1994: Janet Lunn: “The Power of Story”

1995: Bill Richardson: “Truth be told: Coming Out as a Writer”

1996: Ben Wicks: “Caring in a Technological Age”

1997: Sharon Butala: “Lost in Cyberspace”

1998: Don Ching: “Public Enterprise in Saskatchewan: The
Ties that Bind”

1999: Mark Kingwell: “Storage/Retrieval”

2000: Roy Bonisteel: “Read Any Good Web Lately?”

2001: Roch Carrier: “The National Library of Canada: tradition in the new millennium”

2002: Glen Sorestad: “The Opening of Doors”

2003: Gail Bowen: “Ruth Rendell and Me”

2004: Tim Wynne-Jones: “This Place Is Totally … This Place, Libraries: Real Community In A Virtual World.”

2005: Arthur Black: “The Wit and Whimsy of Arthur Black”

2006: Dan Yashinsky: “Suddenly They Heard Footsteps: why we listen to told stories”

2007: Robert J. Sawyer: “Science Fiction as a Mirror for Reality”

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

I’ve landed on Planet S

by Rob - May 3rd, 2007

Planet S is the biweekly free arts-and-entertainment newspaper in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan — and the current issue contains this wonderful interview with me, conducted by Gregory Beatty. In the print edition, the interview takes up a full page, and the cover of the issue proclaims “Sci-Fi Sensei Comes to Saskatoon.” Woohoo!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Calgary — yeehaw!

by Rob - May 3rd, 2007

The by-plane part of the Rollback book tour is drawing to a close. I’m now at the Calgary airport, in the Air Canada lounge, about to fly to Saskatoon for the final stop on the tour. The event in Calgary at McNally Robinson was excellent — packed house, ton of books sold.

It was a very special event for me. Rollback is dedicated to my great friend Robyn Herrington, pictured above, who passed away in 2004 after a long battle with cancer. Robyn’s parents, John and Gisela Brown, and her husband, Bruce Herrington, were at McNally for the event, and I began with a tribute to Robyn, who was a mainstay of the Calgary writing community.

Also on hand was Hugh Graham; Hugh had written this fabulous profile of me, which was in the current issue of FFWD (Fastforward), the Calgary arts-and-entertainment weekly. McNally Robinson had a stack of copies, and so I told everyone we had a special deal: buy a copy of Rollback, and we’d throw in a free copy of FFWD. This got a big laugh, ’cause FFWD is always free. Still, we gave away a lot of copies of it last night — because we sold a lot of books!

Earlier in the day, I’d done a quick-and-dirty interview for CBC Radio One in Calgary, and I’d had a wonderful reunion with an old friend from public school, Rice Honeywell, who I hadn’t seen in decades. That reunion came about because Rice, who lives in British Columbia, happened to be visiting Calgary on business, and on the weekend he literally walked into this sign out on the sidewalk in front of McNally Robinson:

He sent me an email, and we arranged to get together. We had a fabulous time catching up. Here’s Rice:

In addition to the street sign, McNally had done a fabulous job promoting the event, including this gigantic banner (note bookseller in foreground for scale) behind the cash counter at the store for most of the last month:

My reading was introduced by Thomas Chalmers, the new events coordinator at McNally, while a giant tribble looked on in wonder:

(Actually, that’s Danita Maslan‘s hair — she was part of a big table of members of the Imaginative Fiction Writers Association, the writing group to which Robyn belonged, who came out for the event; my reading took place in McNally Robinson’s Prairie Ink restaurant.)

After the reading, there was a huge line-up for my signature; I signed autographs for over an hour:

And, at the end of the night, high-school English teacher Kim Greyson, also a member of IFWA, took home the giant banner; he’s going to put it up in his classroom:

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site


by Rob - May 2nd, 2007

Edmonton was fabulous — one of the very best stops on the entire Rollback book tour. I flew in from Calgary (only 250 km away), and was pleased to see that the Indigo bookstore at the Edmonton Airport had a whack of hardcover copies of Rollback. I signed their stock, then was picked up by Barb Galler-Smith, my longtime friend, and a very fine writer. Barb acted as my guide and handler in Edmonton.

We rushed from the airport to the Edmonton CTV studios, where I was interviewed on the noon newscast; a great interview.

Then we headed to the Edmonton City Centre mall, and went to the Coles store. There’d been a little miscommunication. I’d thought I was only doing a drop-in signing (where an author makes no public appearance, but signs the store’s stock), and I’d said I’d show up sometime between 1:00 and 2:00. They’d thought I was doing a formal public signing between 1:00 and 2:00, and had a table all set up for me at the entrance to the store. I didn’t get there until 1:30, sadly — but some customers were waiting for me, and we actually sold a good number of books. And the enthusiasm of bookseller Irene Hall there made the whole trip to Edmonton worthwhile in itself!

I was met at the signing by Joel Gotlib, an old friend from Toronto. He’s one of the weekend news anchors for the CTV station in Edmonton (and he makes appearances in my novels The Terminal Experiment and Flashforward). Joel, Barb, and I went to a pub (the Elephant and Castle, I think), and Barb patiently listened while Joel and I got caught up.

We then headed off to PALS, an Edmonton adult-literacy centre. Barb is on the board of directors, and my longtime friend Ann Marston, who is a wonderful fantasy writer, works there, and we got a chance to see her.

Then it was off to dinner with Minister Faust, his wife, and infant daughter. Minister Faust had written the very nice article about me in the current edition of Edmonton’s VUE magazine, and he’s also one of my SF-writing colleagues: author of Coyote Kings of the Space-Age Bachelor Pad and From the Notebooks of Dr. Brain. It was great to spend time with him and his family, talking shop.

We then headed over to Audreys, a wonderful independent bookstore in Edmonton. Lots of old friends were there, including my Banff writing students Eileen Bell and Darlene Jones; SF artist Jim Beveridge; fan Jim Shannon (who is the most frequent commenter in this blog); and — a special treat! — Jerry Bellikka and his wife Lorraine. Jerry and I had been students together at Ryerson in Toronto; I hadn’t seen him since 1982. He looked great — and still has the best broadcaster’s voice I’ve ever heard!

I thought I read particularly well (the acoustics were good, and the venue was comfortable — both of which help), and the Q&A session was particularly good. And — woohoo! — we sold a ton of books.

After that, it was back to Barb Galler-Smith’s place, where I crashed for the night. Early in the morning (of Wednesday, May 2, 2007), Barb drove me to the Edmonton airport, and at 8:00 a.m. I did a phoner interview from the Maple Leaf (Air Canada) Lounge at the airport with the CBC Radio One station in Regina, Saskatchewan (on Thursday — tomorrow! — I’m giving the Mary Donaldson Memorial Lecture at the annual meeting of the Saskatchewan Library Association).

Some photos, again taken with my Clie TH55; if you were at these events, and have better photos, please email some to — thanks!

An intriguing sign at the CTV Edmonton studios, where Rob appeared on the noon newscast … and I, for one, welcome our new robot masters!

Irene Hall of the Coles bookstore at Edmonton City Centre

Robert J. Sawyer and Joel Gotlib; Joel is one of the weekend anchors for CTV News in Edmonton

Wonderful window display at Audrey’s, the bookstore Rob did his Edmonton event at

Canadian SF artist Jim Beveridge and Canadian SF writer Barb Galler-Smith; Barb was Rob’s host and handler in Edmonton

A packed crowd in Edmonton; at the right-front is Jim Shannon, the most frequent commenter in this blog, and in the back at right is Minister Faust

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site


by Rob - May 1st, 2007

Still on book tour for Rollback

Vancouver was fabulous. Bonnie Jean Mah, who was one of my writing students at Banff in 2000, picked me up at the airport. We rushed off to Chapters on Robson Street, so I could sign stock.

The afternoon was spent with meetings. Bonnie Jean and I got the behind-the-scenes tour at Mainframe, Canada’s leading computer-animation house, from studio head Paul Gertz. Then we headed over to Rampage Entertainment, the company that has optioned Calculating God, for a meeting with the business-affairs manager and the scriptwriter who is adapting the novel.

After that, there was another meeting, about which more later, if anything comes of it. :)

Then it was dinner. Bonnie Jean’s husband Jeff and her seven-year-old daughter Sabrina joined us, as did old friends Daneen and Will McDermott, who drove up from Washington state.

The event at White Dwarf — Vancouver’s SF specialty store — was excellent. The house was packed; in fact, next time, we’re going to have to do my event at the local library (with White Dwarf as the bookseller, of course!). We sold out the entire stock of copies of Rollback, and, as this was the last day of the month, White Dwarf co-owner Jill was able to confirm that Rollback was the number-one bestselling book at White Dwarf for the month of April — woohoo!

I spent the night in a hotel by the airport, then took an early shuttle to the airport, and flew off to Edmonton, the next stop on the tour. I’m exhausted, but having a blast!

Some photos:

Arriving at White Dwarf, Vancouver’s SF specialty store

A packed house

An animated reading from Rollback

Writer Will McDermott and his wife Daneen, who came all the way from Washington State for Rob’s reading

Ma, Mah! Rob with Bonnie Jean Mah and her daughter Sabrina

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Odyssey Podcast: Rob on Point of View

by Rob - May 1st, 2007

Odyssey: The Fantasy Writing Workshop has just released a podcast of my lecture on point of view, given last summer when I was writer-in-residence at the workshop. Have a listen here.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Woohoo! First bestsellers’ list appearance for Rollback

by Rob - May 1st, 2007

I’m kicking Tolkien’s butt, at least in Winnipeg!

The Winnipeg Free Press bestsellers list for the week of April 22, 2007, in the hardcover fiction category:

1. Divisadero by Michael Ondaatje

2. Effigy by Alissa York

3. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows (advance orders) by J.K. Rowling

4. Rollback by Robert J. Sawyer

5. The Children of Hurin by J.R.R. Tolkien

The Winnipeg Free Press is the major daily newspaper in the capital city of Manitoba.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Happy Birthday to me!

by Rob - April 30th, 2007

Sunday, April 29, 2007, was my 47th birthday, and I happened to be in Calgary, Alberta, a good waystation on the Rollback book tour (I was en route from Winnipeg to Vancouver; my actual event in Calgary is this coming Wednesday, May 2, 2007).

I spent most of my birthday at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo, as part of the crew manning the booth for Con-Version, the Calgary SF convention that occurs each summer.

Since Kirstin Morrell is chair of Con-Version this year and also managing editor of Red Deer Press, the company for which I edit the Robert J. Sawyer Books imprint, the Con-Version booth was also selling the titles from my line (with Con-Version getting a cut).

We took a break for a late brunch at Nick’s, a Calgary steak house, which is where the pictures below were taken (I’d forgotten to bring my regular camera, so these were taken with the little camera on my Sony Clie TH55 PDA):

Bruce Herrington; my novel Rollback is dedicated to his late wife Robyn Herrington, who was one of the most gifted writing students I’ve ever had

Kirstin Morrell, chair of the SF convention Con-Version 23 and Managing Editor of Red Deer Press

Val King, one of my writing students from a workshop in Calgary in 1996, and Randy McCharles, chair of next year’s World Fantasy Convention in Calgary

Danita Maslan, author of the novel Rogue Harvest, published by Robert J. Sawyer Books

Special guest Abe Simpson, who was along to remind Rob that he wasn’t really old yet!

Randy McCharles and science-fiction writer Robert J. Sawyer

First thing Monday morning, it was off to the Calgary Airport for my trip to Vancouver — but I made a quick stop at the Coles bookstore there (which was open before 8:00 a.m.!), and signed their nice supply of copies of Rollback

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site


by Rob - April 30th, 2007

Check out the “The Page 69 Test” for my novel Rollback.

And there’s more of interest here.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

"I love Robert J. Sawyer’s brain. Really, I do."

by Rob - April 28th, 2007

So begins the full-page article “Reeling in the years: Sci-fi hero Robert J. Sawyer’s Rollback finds taint in the fountain of youth” in the Thursday, April 26, 2007, edition of FFWD (Fastforward), Calgary’s free arts and entertainment weekly. It’s a great piece — part review of Rollback, part interview with me — by Hugh Graham. Those in Calgary: pick up a copy! And don’t forget to come to my reading at McNally Robinson there on Wednesday, May 2, at 7:00 p.m.

Winnipeg tour

by Rob - April 28th, 2007

The second phase of the Rollback book tour started yesterday (Thursday, April 26, 2007). This is the by-plane part, and I’ll be hitting these Canadian cities over the next eight days: Winnipeg, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, and Saskatoon. Details are here.

The trip got off to a propitious start: the little bookstore at Lester B. Pearson International Airport in Toronto had a nice face-out display of Rollback.

I was picked up at the Winnipeg airport by Bev Geddes, who was one of my writing students at the Banff Centre last September. After a quick lunch, Bev took me to the Shaw TV studios in Winnipeg, were I did an interview. We then had dinner with Chadwick Ginter, the SF buyer for McNally Robinson in Winnipeg; his girlfriend Wendy, who also works at McNally Robinson; and Judy, H.B. Fenn’s Calgary sales rep, at a great place called Cafe Carlo.

Then at 7:00 p.m., I did my reading and signing at McNally Robinson. After that, it was off for a radio interview on CJOB at 10:00 p.m. — and then the next morning (Friday, April 27, 2007) I appeared on Winnipeg CITY-TV’s Breakfast Television, then high-tailed it for the Winnipeg airport, and flew from there to Calgary, Alberta, where I’m spending the weekend before heading off to Vancouver first thing Monday morning.

Some pictures:

Rollback face out at the airport bookstore in Toronto

Joanne Kelly of Shaw TV in Winnipeg records an interview with Rob; the interview will air every hour for 24 hours starting at noon Winnipeg time on Monday, April 30

Wendy and Chadwick from McNally Robinson; Robert J. Sawyer; Judy Parker from H.B. Fenn, Tor’s Canadian distributor

Krista from McNally Robinson, who introduced Rob to the packed audience before his reading

Rob reading at McNally Robinson in Winnipeg

A wonderful banner in the window of McNally Robinson — these guys know how to promote an event!

Winnipeg writer Bev Geddes who escorted Rob on his touring in that city — despite being on crutches! — at the end of the day

Jon Ljungberg, the host of Winnipeg’s Breakfast Television, interviews Robert J. Sawyer bright and early on Friday, April 28

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Survival Guide to Writing Fantasy

by Rob - April 26th, 2007

Tee Morris’s Survival Guide to Writing Fantasy podcasts Robert J. Sawyer from Ravencon — for almost an hour! — right here.

(This was in fact the Guest of Honor interview with me, conducted by Tee, at Ravencon in Richmond, Virginia, last weekend.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

No rest for the wicked!

by Rob - April 26th, 2007

My one day in Toronto was spent doing media — three interviews, to be precise: Sounds Like Canada on CBC Radio One, which went fabulously; a half-hour phone for KAOS-AM in Olympia, Washington, which was also great; and a really pleasant face-to-face interview with The Mississauga News, the local newspaper here.

Tomorrow, I set out on Phase Two of the Rollback book tour: the by-plane part across Canada. Please come on out and see me at these events:

# Reading from and signing Rollback
McNally Robinson at Grant Park
1120 Grant Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Thursday, April 26, 2007, 7:00 p.m.

# Reading from and signing Rollback
White Dwarf Books
3715 West Tenth Avenue
Vancouver, British Columbia
Monday, April 30, 2007, 7:00 p.m.

# Reading from and signing Rollback
Audreys Books
10702 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
Tuesday, May 1, 2007, 7:30 p.m.

# Reading from and signing Rollback
McNally Robinson
120 8th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
Wednesday, May 2, 2007, 7:00 p.m.

# Free Public Lecture
Mary Donaldson Memorial Lecture
Frances Morrison Library
(the main branch of the Saskatoon Public Library)
311-23rd Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
(Book sales on site courtesy of McNally Robinson)
Thursday, May 3, 2007, 7:30 p.m.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Sailing Time’s Ocean review

by Rob - April 26th, 2007

A nice review of Terence M. Green’s Sailing Time’s Ocean, published under my Robert J. Sawyer Books imprint is here at Andy’s Anachronisms.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Minister Faust interviews Robert J. Sawyer

by Rob - April 25th, 2007

Minister Faust is one of Canada’s best SF authors (his latest is From the Notebooks of Dr. Brain, published by Del Rey). He’s just posted a lengthy interview with Robert J. Sawyer on his blog, The Original BRO-Log; the article also appears in the April 26 edition of Edmonton’s VUE, the weekly arts newspaper there.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Indigo email promotion

by Rob - April 25th, 2007

Indigo — the big Canadian bookstore chain — sent out this email to its iRewards loyalty-program members who are interested in science-fiction titles. Nice to be featured up front!

(Many thanks to my high-school buddy Ted Bleaney who pointed this out to me.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Is speculative literature an endangered species?

by Rob - April 25th, 2007

I’m quoted in this article on that topic. Author Mike Collins quotes part of what I said in response to his email question; here’s my full response:

I don’t think there is a decline in reading per se; more people are reading more books than ever before — all the stats show that. However, they’re reading fewer different titles; everyone is looking for a sense of community in our fragmented world, and so wants to read the things that others are reading. There simply weren’t runaway bestsellers like HARRY POTTER and THE DA VINCI CODE in an earlier era; those books shattered all previous sales records.

It’s pointless to talk about the decline in reading “speculative” fiction, because there’s no section in the bookstore labeled that — and, after all, HARRY POTTER and THE DA VINCI CODE, along with Michael Crichton, Audrey Niffenegger, Neil Gaiman, and Christopher Paolini are all broadly “speculative,” and they’re all doing just fine, thank you very much.

What we’re talking about is the decline of the commercial publishing category known as science fiction, and the fault for that, by and large, lies with the publishers and the authors. SF has become increasingly self-referential, smug, and inaccessible to newcomers. Without bringing new readers in, and keeping them, the field is being whittled away by natural attrition of its established readership base — the trend is a straight line, down into the toilet, and it’s going to be very, very hard to turn it around at this point.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Sounds Like Canada

by Rob - April 24th, 2007

I’m going to be on CBC Radio One’s Sounds Like Canada with Shelagh Rogers tomorrow morning (Wednesday, April 25, 2007) — one of Canada’s most-popular radio programs, heard coast-to-coast in Canada. Of course, we’ll be talking about my just-released 17th novel Rollback.

I’m arriving at the Toronto CBC studio at 9:45 a.m. Eastern time on Wednesday — so that’s the earliest the interview can be aired; I think the show is time-delayed in some parts of Canada, and I suspect I’m not going on until after the 10:00 a.m. Eastern time newscast. But, wherever you are, you can listen online to CBC Radio One‘s live audio feed; in fact, you can probably hear the interview multiple times, by picking an appropriate local CBC feed. Try the Toronto feed between 9:45 a.m. and 10:15 a.m., and you’ll hear me.

I’ve been on Sounds Like Canada before, but this time the interview is particularly apt. Sarah Halifax, the SETI researcher in Rollback, is interviewed on Sound Like Canada, in chapter 14:

“We’d been so wrong,” Sarah told Shelagh Rogers the next morning. Don wasn’t the Toronto sound engineer for Sounds Like Canada — Joe Mahoney was doing that these days — but Don stood behind Joe as he operated the board, looking over Joe’s shoulder at Sarah.

And, while doing so, he reflected on the irony. Sarah was in Toronto, but Shelagh was in Vancouver, where Radio One’s signature program originated — two people who couldn’t see each other, communicating over vast distances by radio. It was perfect.

“Wrong in what way?” Shelagh’s voice was rich and velvety, yet full of enthusiasm, an intoxicating combination.

“In every way,” Sarah said. “In everything we’d assumed about SETI. What a ridiculous notion, that beings would send messages across the light-years to talk about math!” She shook her head, her brown hair bouncing as she did so. “Math and physics are the same everywhere in the universe. There’s no need to contact an alien race to find out if they agree that one plus three equals four, that seven is a prime number, that the value of pi is 3.14159, et cetera. None of those things are matters of local circumstance, or of opinion. No, the things worth discussing are moral issues — things that are debatable, things that an alien race might have a radically different perspective on …”

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site