Robert J. Sawyer

Hugo and Nebula Award-Winning Science Fiction Writer

Centre for Inquiry talk

by Rob - March 11th, 2007

After the talk at McMaster, I scooted back to Toronto and gave another talk: I was the final speaker on a program of 20 (!) speakers at the grand opening of the Centre for Inquiry Ontario.

I was quite honoured to be given the final slot, and I think I shook things up a bit. As it happens, yesterday I was contacted by the op-ed editor for The Ottawa Citizen (the largest circulation newspaper in Canada’s capital city) to ask if I wanted to do another op-ed piece for them — and so I sold him on the idea of running an expanded version of my speech. I’ll post a link here when it’s available on-line.

By the way, see the photo of me on the wall behind me? That’s part of the Centre’s display of (cough, cough) famous Canadian freethinkers. Cool!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Global warming talk

by Rob - March 11th, 2007

This morning, I was the last of four speakers, each giving an hour-long talk, at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Collectively, we were the program for the conference “Do You CO2?,” about global warming and climate change, sponsored by the McMaster Science for Peace / Pugwash Society.

The other speakers were a McMaster grad student, giving a supposedly “neutral” account on climate change, a fellow from Greenpeace, and a fellow from “Friends of Science,” a group about which has this to say.

I only got this speaking assignment late Thursday afternoon; I was replacing Severn Cullis-Suzuki (David Suzuki’s daughter), who works with the same speakers’ bureau I do; she had to bow out because of a family emergency. So, I didn’t have a lot of time to prepare — but my talk was very well received. I recorded it, and hope to make a podcast out of it, in my copious spare time. :)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

A rare day indeed

by Rob - March 10th, 2007

I thought about not even posting about this, since nothing at all concrete has actually happened, but, then again, a day like this is so rare in a writer’s career, I decided I’d like to at least mark it.

I spent a good hunk of today dealing with not one, not two, but three different inquiries about the availability of film rights. Miraculously, all three inquiries were for different books, and all three happened to be books that are not currently under option.

Of course, nothing might come of any of these — most such inquiries ultimately don’t end up going anywhere. But it’s fun to daydream about the possibilities (and at least one of the producers is actually drafting an option agreement right now, according to my film agent in Hollywood) …

(Picture: now we know why Rob is smiling …)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Romanian rights; NYRSF

by Rob - March 9th, 2007

Today’s mail brought a contract for Romanian rights to my 1995 Nebula-Award-winning novel The Terminal Experiment. The Romanian edition will be published by Nemira. Yay!

Also in today’s mail: the March 2007 edition of The New York Review of Science Fiction, which has, on page 3, a nice photo showing Karl Schroeder, Marcel Gagne, Lorna Toolis, and Terence M. Green (misidentified as Terence H. Green). But what the caption doesn’t say is that the photo was taken in my home back in December. Terry and Lorna are in my living room, and, behind them, Karl and Marcel are leaning on the open French doors that lead into my office, which is visible in the background.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Centre for Inquiry Ontario

by Rob - March 9th, 2007

The grand opening of the Centre for Inquiry Ontario (“A new Canadian voice for reason, science and secularism”) is tomorrow night, Saturday, March 10, 2007, in Toronto, and I’m one of the speakers there. Also speaking are John Robert Colombo, James Alcock, Robert Buckman, and others. The event starts at 5:00 p.m.; I’ll be speaking at 7:50 p.m.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

History of the Star Trek theme song

by Rob - March 9th, 2007

Those who have seen me at parties know that I will sing the theme song to the original Star Trek at the drop of a hat (yes, it has lyrics!).

My buddy SF writer Edward Willett has drawn this YouTube interview with Alexander Courage, who wrote the music (but not the lyrics — those are by Roddenberry), to my attention. Check it out!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Rollback dustjackets

by Rob - March 9th, 2007

Today’s mail brought some copies of the dustjacket for Rollback, my novel that comes out in 26 days. Of course, I’d seen a JPG of the cover before, but that doesn’t prepare one for the impact of the actual finished product. I must say it’s gorgeous. The cover has a lovely matte (as opposed to glossy/varnished finish), with my name and the title embossed, and my name in a blue metallic foil.

Also, the prices are now set: US$24.95 — and Cdn$29.95, which is a nice improvement (thanks to shifting exchange rates) over the Cdn$34.95 of my recent hardcovers.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Google summary distorts

by Rob - March 8th, 2007

My brother and I are both amused by the following, which Google displayed today when he searched on “Sawyer” and “ICE 2007”:

Robert J. Sawyer
I’ll be keynote speaker at the ICE 2007 conference being held in Toronto on … got this gig just because my broski, Alan Sawyer, is one of the organizers. … – 17k – CachedSimilar pages

Of course, if you read the actual blog entry this Google synopsis refers to, it says exactly the opposite: “Now, it’s fair to say that I do a lot of keynotes, so I wouldn’t want anyone to think I got this gig just because my broski, Alan Sawyer, is one of the organizers.”


More on the ICE 2007 conference is here.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Northview Heights 50th Anniversary Reunion

by Rob - March 7th, 2007

How many high-school reunions can boast that they’ll have not one but two Hugo Award-winners present? Well, this one can — and it’s now just two months away. Mike Glicksohn, who won the best-fanzine Hugo in 1973, and Robert J. Sawyer, who won the best-novel Hugo in 2003, are both attending the 50th-anniversary reunion for Northview Heights Secondary School (formerly, Northview Heights Collegiate Institute) in Willowdale / North York / Toronto (the school hasn’t moved — but the place it’s in has changed its name!).

The reunion will be held Friday night, May 4, and all day Saturday, May 5, 2007 — and I will be arriving exhausted, since my flight from the by-plane portion of my book tour gets me in at the Toronto airport just two hours before the cocktail party begins!

Also on hand will be a bunch of good folk from the Northview Association for Science Fiction Addicts (NASFA), the school’s SF club, including co-founders Richard Gotlib and Robert J. Sawyer (him again!), and members Ted Bleaney, Gillian Clinton, Carolyn Clink, David Clink, Pat (formerly Patsy — another name change!) Clink, and, we hope, many more.

Northview opened its doors in 1957, at the very dawn of the space age. If you’re a former student, teacher, or staff member, come on out to the celebration.

(Carolyn and I, as well as Rick, Ted, and Gillian, have all committed to both the Friday-night gala, as well as the Saturday festivities.)

The Northview Reunion Web Site

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Probe Control to Probe One …

by Rob - March 7th, 2007

Score! I’ve been wanting one of these hero-prop replica Probe scanners from the 1972 TV series Search for a long while, but kept getting outbid on eBay. But I landed one tonight — the very last one the maker says he’s going to produce. Woohoo!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Interviews galore

by Rob - March 7th, 2007

Today was spent doing interviews: a full hour by phone with a radio station in Alamogordo, New Mexico, followed by five hours (!) face-to-face with a magazine journalist in my home — more about that one soon. :) And tomorrow, I’m off to the headquarters of Space: The Imagination Station to record an interview about Rollback, plus some other things for them.

Meanwhile, just received copies of the Spanish edition of Starplex — eleven years after it came out in English. Nice to see it finding new readers — not to mention generating new income! :)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Aurora Awards nominating now open

by Rob - March 6th, 2007

The nominating ballot for the 2007 Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Awards (“the Auroras”) is now available here.

I have nothing particular of my own worth considering this year, but certainly Robert Charles Wilson‘s remarkable novella Julian: A Christmas Story from PS Publishing and Karina Sumner-Smith‘s Nebula-nominated “An End to All Things” from the DAW anthology “Children of Magic” leap to mind as worthy candidates in the English-language short-form category.

Also, Susan Forest‘s first major sale, “Immunity” in the December 2006 Asimov’s, is worth your attention.

And it’s high time we gave the Best Work in English (Other) award to Brian Hades for Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, the only significant dedicated SF/F book publisher in English Canada.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Locus Online has Rollback tour dates

by Rob - March 5th, 2007

Mark R. Kelly, the incredibly hard-working editor of Locus Online, has listed the tour dates for Rollback on Locus Online‘s “Author Appearances” page.

Newly added: events in Winnipeg, Manitoba (on Thursday 26 April at McNally Robinson in Grant Park, at 7:00 p.m. — actually, Mark’s missing this one), Alexandria, Virginia (on on Sunday 22 April), and Sudbury, Ontario (on Sunday 3 June)

Marvel Super Heroes Science Exhbition: save your money

by Rob - March 5th, 2007

I was going to write a long blog entry about how lame, disappointing, and just downright dull and pathetic the “Mavel Super Heroes Science Exhibition” currently on at the Ontario Science Centre (and traveling to other museums) is, but I don’t have time, so this will have to do. Save your money. I have seen many great traveling exhibitions at the Ontario Science Centre over the years, including The Art of the Muppets and Gunther von Hagens’ Body Worlds, but this one was just awful.

Also: the Ontario Science Centre is just falling apart, and the few extant exhibits (there’s lots and lots of empty space) are dated and uninteresting. I have very fond memories of that place, but it needs a complete overhaul. I’m normally a very proud Toronto tour guide when I have visitors from out-of-town, but on Friday, I had time to take my friend Bev Geddes, visiting from Winnipeg, to only one place before Ad Astra began, and since the Science Centre is right by the Ad Astra hotel, we went there — and I was ashamed.

They’ve simply shut down the horribly dated Apollo-era space gallery and computer gallery, taken away the giant laser, and replaced them with … well, not much. Ugh.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Writers of the Future panel at Ad Astra

by Rob - March 5th, 2007

Writer Nick Matthews took a bunch of pictures, which you can find here.

Left to right in the group shot:

Tony Pi
Robert J. Sawyer
James Alan Gardner
Stephen Kotowych
Mike Rimar
Jim C. Hines

I’m a judge; the others are all Canadian winners of the contest.

Birthstones launch tomorrow!

by Rob - March 1st, 2007

Tomorrow (Friday) at 8:00 p.m. in the Reflections room at AD ASTRA, Toronto’s science-fiction convention:

Come celebrate the launch of Phyllis Gotlieb’s latest novel BIRTHSTONES, published by Robert J. Sawyer Books.

Phyllis’s career is now in its fifth decade, and she’s without doubt the founding mother of Canadian SF.

Join Phyllis and her editor for the world premiere of this far-future tale from Gotlieb’s famed Galactic Federation, a brilliant hard SF novel with an afterword by Nalo Hopkinson. Refreshments will be served.

Fan Central Station

by Rob - March 1st, 2007

Carolyn and I are hustling to get ready for the arrival of seven — count ’em, seven! — house guests tomorrow, who are all staying with us for Ad Astra, the Toronto SF convention. What did Colonel Taylor say? Oh, yeah: “It’s a madhouse! A madhouse!” :)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Runnymede Library reading

by Rob - March 1st, 2007

Karl Schroeder and I read today over lunch at the Runnymede Public Library in Toronto. Lou Sytsma, who is active on my Yahoo! Groups newsgroup, has posted some great pictures from the readings here (hover your mouse over each picture to read the caption Lou has written). Thanks for the great pictures, Lou!

As Lou says, this is probably the last public reading I’ll ever give from Mindscan; my next reading — this Saturday at Ad Astra — marks the switchover to doing readings from my new book, Rollback.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Karina Sumner-Smith: Eligible for the Campbell

by Rob - February 28th, 2007

If you haven’t done your 2007 Hugo nominating ballot yet, do so! Deadline is this weekend. Among those eligible for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer this year is my friend Karina Sumner-Smith, who lives here in Toronto. You want proof that she’s worthy of the Best New Writer award? It’s just been announced that one of her stories is a Nebula Award finalist. Way to go, Karina!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

More Book Lover’s Ball photos …

by Rob - February 26th, 2007

… this time also including lots from the literary-themed fashion show that concluded the evening. Check them out.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Karl Schroeder and Rob Sawyer read together …

by Rob - February 26th, 2007

… this very Wednesday, February 28, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the Runnymede Public Library in Toronto, 2178 Bloor Street West (Runnymede & Bloor). Admission is free.

This “Literary Lunch” is the final official event of Keep Toronto Reading month. I believe Karl will be reading from Sun of Suns; I haven’t decided what I’ll read yet, but I promise a different reading than the one I’m doing at Toronto’s Ad Astra SF convention next weekend.

(That’s Karl, above, speaking at the Merril Collection; photo by Andrew Specht.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

My Tor books

by Rob - February 26th, 2007

All fourteen of the books I’ve had published by Tor are still in print. You can see Tor’s own online catalog them here, including excerpts from most of them.

(And the main Tor web site page about me is here.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Virginia in the news

by Rob - February 25th, 2007

I was already looking forward to my trip to Richmond, Virginia, in April to be Guest of Honor at RavenCon, but now I’m looking forward to it even more. Congratulations, Virginia! You’ve done a wonderful thing.

Virginia Apologizes for Role in Slavery

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Yo, Toronto: Ad Astra is next weekend!

by Rob - February 25th, 2007

Toronto’s annual science-fiction convention, Ad Astra, is coming up in six days (March 2-4, 2007).

I’ll be there, doing a bunch of programming, reading a chapter with naked people in it from Rollback, launching Phyllis Gotlieb’s new novel Birthstones (which I edited), and just hangin’ out and having fun. Come on out! It should be a blast.

(The launch for Phyllis is at 8:00 p.m. Friday night; my reading is Saturday at 11:00 a.m.)

Author Guests of Honour are Phyllis Gotlieb, Stephen Jones, and Cory Doctorow; Fan Guests of Honour are my great friends Lee and Chris Knight (pictured above); Ed Beard, Jr., is the Artist GoH. So come on down to South Park, and have yourself a time!

The Ad Astra Website

Note: the con is very close to the Ontario Science Centre, which currently has Marvel’s Science of Superheroes exhibition on; that’s where I’ll be Friday afternoon.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

So much for slowing down …

by Rob - February 24th, 2007

One of my New Year’s resolutions was to try to slow down the pace of my life a bit. But I see I have 14 flights scheduled in the next 90 days — gak!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Unearthed: Unearth

by Rob - February 24th, 2007

Cleaning my home today, I stumbled across Volume One, Number One, of Unearth: The Magazine of Science Fiction Discoveries, dated Winter 1977 — almost 30 years ago.

This magazine, which was edited by John M. Landsberg and Jonathan Ostrowsky-Lantz was, according to the editorial, “a market solely for writers who had not yet made a sale, where their work would not have to compete with that of established authors … the only prozine to work exclusively with unpublished writers.”

The front cover of this first issue says “Introducing” followed by these names:

Paul Di Filippo, Chris Dornan, K.W. MacAnn, Daniel C. Smith, Debra Thrall, and Danny Williams.

Now, I remember reading this magazine thirty years ago, and I surprised myself to find that I even remember some of the stories. What I hadn’t remembered was Paul’s biographical note at the back of the magazine:

“Paul Di Filippo has announced that he is leaving science fiction for greener pastures. He has vowed that ‘Falling Expectations’ is the last SF story he will ever write.”

We’re all very lucky that that did not turn out to be the case. :)

More on Unearth

Paul Di Filippo’s website

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

I’ve been Interrobanged!

by Rob - February 24th, 2007

The student newspaper at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario, where I spoke recently, has this to say about my visit, in a very nice article by Ashley Houghton.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Astronomy lecture in Calgary

by Rob - February 23rd, 2007

The Calgary Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada is hosting Robert J. Sawyer for the evening of Thursday, March 15, 2007, for the annual Peter Sim Lecture.

Astronomy and Science Fiction

Exploring strange new worlds happens as often at a writer’s keyboard as it does at an astronomer’s eyepiece. From exploring the worlds of our solar system to the planets of other stars, from bases on Mars to the heat-death of the universe, science-fiction writers always get there first, and Canada’s leading SF writer will be our tour guide as we look at some of their-and his-visions.

The meeting is open and free to the public; in fact, the public is strongly encouraged to attend. So come on by and hear a fantastic speaker on a favourite topic!

Where: Discovery Dome at the Telus World of Science (formerly the Calgary Science Centre)

When: 7:30 p.m., Thursday, March 15, 2007

More Details

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Carolyn is more suspicious than I am

by Rob - February 22nd, 2007

So, on February 6, I went to the local Canadian passport office, to renew my Canadian passport; the office is upstairs in a mall near my home.

I noticed as I entered the office that there was a sign on the outside wall of the office advertising a place in mall that took passport photos. Odd, I thought: you need to have your passport photos in advance of coming in, because the back of one of them has to be signed by your guarantor; nobody could show up at the office still needing photos, unless, maybe, they were just popping in to pick up the forms (which you can pick up lots of other more convenient places, such as post offices).

I waited a couple of hours for my number to be called (writing away on my laptop, of course!), went up to one of the clerks, and presented my old passport, birth certificate, completed application, and photos.

“These photos are pretty bad,” the clerk said. I thought he was making the standard joke that if you look like your passport photo, you’re not well enough to travel — and I said as much.

“No,” he said, “you should get them re-done.” I protested that the photos had been taken by the Canadian Automobile Association; they take tons of passport photos, and surely these met the required specifications.

“No, there’s a shadow,” the clerk said. “Where?” asked I. “Well, you can’t see it in this light, but it’s there — they might reject this at the head office. Are you sure you don’t want to go downstairs and get another set of photos taken?”

“If you can point to what’s actually wrong with these photos, so that I can see it, all right,” I said, “but I want to see what’s wrong so that if the same thing’s wrong with the new ones I can tell the photographer on the spot.”

“Well,” he reiterated, “you can’t see it, but there’s a shadow behind your head; it’ll make your ears look longer, and they might reject your passport applicaton — then you’ll have to come back and stand in line again. But you don’t have to stand in line here again if you get new photos today; I’ll give you a card that’ll get you to the front of the line when you come back.”

I declined — if he couldn’t show me what was wrong, I said I was willing to take my chances. And, of course, my passport showed up today via registered mail, having sailed through the rest of the process.

Me, I just thought the clerk was being an officious twerp, and I don’t have a lot of patience with such people. But Carolyn thinks the clerk was getting kickbacks from the photographer in the mall. That had never occurred to me; she’s more suspicious than I am.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Looking for a keynote speaker?

by Rob - February 21st, 2007

I do lots of keynotes about science, technology, and the future (in fact, I’m off to do one today) — and Speakers’ Spotlight, the speakers’ bureau I work with, has just revamped its web page about me.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site