Robert J. Sawyer

Hugo and Nebula Award-Winning Science Fiction Writer

Google AdSense

by Rob - September 4th, 2006

Well, as those who read my blog directly at have doubtless noticed, I’ve been trying an experiment in having Google AdSense ads on my blog.

But I’m not sure I’m happy with the results: the ads seem to mostly be either from vanity publishers or authors of self-published books, or from fee-charging agents, and those aren’t things I’d recommend to people. Most web users are savvy enough, I’m sure, to know that the mere presence of AdSense ads on a site doesn’t constitute an endorsement of the goods or services offered by the advertisers by the owner of the site, but, still, I’m not sure I’m comfortable with them being here. Thoughts, anyone? (And, no, they’re not generating much revenue.)

There’s also an interesting twist to Google’s license agreement: to avoid getting paid for clicks you yourself generate, you, as the site owner of a page displaying AdSense ads, have to agree to NOT click on them yourself — so I’m not allowed to follow the ads to find out precisely what they’re for; I’m having to guess about the actual products beings sold, in most cases. (Although the Science Fiction Book Club is one of the advertisers whose AdSense ad pops up in rotation here, and I fully support them, and am glad to have books published by them.)

Hmmm ….

Mississauga Write-Off Day Three (evening)

by Rob - September 4th, 2006

Today’s food was a brunch at our place in the morning, followed by an early dinner at Emerald Chinese, one of Mississauga’s best, and most authentic, Chinese restaurants (by the time our dinner was over, the place was reasonably packed, and we were the only non-Asians eating there). Liz and Hayden very kindly bought for everyone.

I got my 2,000 words done (total 6,000 so far for the Write-Off). At 8:00 p.m., we all did five-minute readings from what we’d been working on, which was great fun; the readings were fueled by Pillsbury chocolate-chip cookies.

After, we watched my favourite episode of the HBO TV series From the Earth to the Moon, which is “Galileo was Right.” In it, David Clennon plays a geology professor who teaches a bunch of Right Stuff-style astronaut jocks how to be scientists; I’ve never seen any SF work do as good a job of conveying the excitement of scientific discovery.

We also watched an episode of a Corner Gas, a wonderful Canadian sitcom (three words that, until recently, could not be used in the same sentence), since our American friends hadn’t ever seen it. We also watched parts of Silent Running, and Probe, the pilot film for the TV series Search.

And we had a fascinating discussion about the accessibility of modern science fiction, using these paragraphs, the opening of Chapter Two of Charles Stross’s new novel Glasshouse, as a springboard:

Welcome to the Invisible Republic.

The Invisible Republic is one of the legacy polities that emerged from the splinters of the Republic of Is, in the wake of the series of censorship wars that raged five to ten gigaseconds ago. During the wars, the internetwork of longjump T-gates that wove the subnets of the hyperpower together was shattered, leaving behind sparsely connected nets, their borders filtered through firewalled assembler gates guarded by ferocious mercenaries. Incomers were subjected to forced disassembly and scanned for subversive attributes before being rebuilt and allowed across the frontiers. Battles raged across the airless cryogenic wastes that housed the longjump nodes carrying traffic between warring polities, while the redactive worms released by the Censor factions lurked in the firmware of every A-gate they could contaminate, their viral payload mercilessly deleting all knowledge of the underlying cause of the conflict from fleeing refugees as they passed through the gates.

Like almost all human polities since the Acceleration, the Republic of Is relied heavily on A-gates for manufacturing, routing, switching, filtering, and the other essentials of any network civilization. The ability of nanoassembler arrays to deconstruct and replicate artifacts and organisms from raw atomic feedstock made them virtually indispensable not merely for manufacturing and medical purposes, but for virtual transport (it’s easier to simultaneously cram a hundred upload templates through a T-gate than a hundred physical bodies) and molecular firewalling. Even when war exposed them to subversion by the worms of censorship, nobody wanted to do without the A-gates to grow old and decrepit, or succumb to injury, seemed worse than the risk of memory corruption. The paranoid few who refused to pass through the verminous gates dropped away, dying of old age or cumulative accidental damage; meanwhile, those of us who still used them can no longer be certain of whatever it was that the worm payloads were designed to hide in the first place. Or even who the Censors were.

All in all, a wonderful, stimulating, productive, enjoyable (but fattening!) day.

Mississauga Write-Off Day Three (afternoon)

by Rob - September 3rd, 2006

Progress has been slow for me today — stayed up too late last night, plus I’m at the difficult stage in which I’m defining characters’ voices; once I have those down, my pace tends to pick up.

It’s still overcast here, but it’s not raining today. Hayden has gone for a walk, Herb is now working out on my balcony, and I’ve got the door from my office to the balcony open to let in fresh air.

Well, back to work!

RJS Books event in Honeoye Falls, New York, Saturday, September 9, 2006

by Rob - September 3rd, 2006

Nick DiChario, the author of A Small and Remarkable Life, which I published, is having a party — come one, come all:


Robert J. Sawyer Books Publication Party
Saturday, September 9, 2006, 2 p.m.

Q & A Session and a Celebration of Noted Rochester SF Authors

Our own Nick DiChario, author of A Small and Remarkable Life -– official launch of his first novel!

Marcos Donnelly, author of Letters From the Flesh -– official launch of his paperback edition!

Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo Award winning author and editor of Robert J. Sawyer Books –- signing his award-winning novel Mindscan!

Join our guest authors for a Q & A session and their official publication event!
Coffee and light refreshments served. Books available for purchase. 2-4 p.m., Saturday, September 9. Free and open to the public.

The Write Book and Gift Shop, 19 North Main Street, Honeoye Falls, NY 14472.

Mississauga Write-Off Day Two (evening)

by Rob - September 3rd, 2006

I got my 2,000 words by the end of the day. Dinner was here at our place: hot dogs, barbecue chicken, fried chicken, salad. Eight is a lot of people around our kitchen table, but miraculously nothing got spilled.

Evening included watching stuff on my 50″ Sony Grand WEGA TV: the classic Star Trek episode “Balance of Terror,” the fan-made Trek film “In Harm’s Way,” plus a bit of Saturday Night Live.

We’re all having a blast, although Hayden and Liz ran out of steam early in the evening and went to bed; the rest of us are just retiring now (about 1:00 a.m. Toronto time). Tomorrow’s our last full day …

Mississauga Write-Off Day Two (afternoon)

by Rob - September 2nd, 2006

We’re all back from lunch at Montana’s, a roadhouse-style chain restaurant. It’s a cold, rainy day here in Toronto, and the disadvantage of having a penthouse with lots of floor-to-ceiling windows is that if it’s dreary outside, it can seem dreary inside. But I’ve put on a fire in the living room, and that’s cheered the place up. Everyone is back at work, and being productive. I got 1,000 words before lunch, and intend to get another 1,000 this afternoon …

Public domain golden-age SF ebooks for free

by Rob - September 2nd, 2006

See here and here.

Mississauga Write-Off Day One

by Rob - September 2nd, 2006

All went well. My personal goal was 2,000 words — and I got 2,189. Most everyone else met their goals, too.

We went on mass to Swiss Chalet (Canadian barbecue chicken franchise) for lunch; dinner was pizza (from Pizza Nova, for those who know Toronto pizza chains). Lots of great work done, lots of great conversation. In the evening, everyone but Carolyn and me participated in a critiquing session for manuscripts by Hayden and Randy. (I’m critiqued out, having done 16 at Odyssey, and having eight to do for my Banff group this month, and then a couple of dozen to do while I’m writer in residence at the Kitchener Public Library this fall.)

Later in the evening, we all watched the just-released 20-minute Writers and Illustrators of the Future documentary, which features many winners and judges, including me. It’s quite a nifty documentary, and really captures the excitement of the awards ceremony and the workshop associated with it.

We’re all going to bed before midnight tonight. Looks like rain tomorrow; maybe I’ll put on a fire in the fireplace …

A sneak peek at Rollback

by Rob - September 1st, 2006

For a limited time, the Analog website has the first seven chapters of my next novel Rollback online. You can read them here.

Analog is serializing Rollback in four parts. At the end of the online sample, it says that the story will be concluded in the next issue; that’s wrong — it runs over four issues: October 2006 (now on newsstands), November 2006 (which subscribers are just now receiving), December 2006, and the January-February 2007 double issue. Also, the part online is only a portion of what’s in the October issue, which actually contains the first 12 chapters.


Everyone has arrived

by Rob - September 1st, 2006

… for the Mississauga Write-off. Much food has already been eaten (“it’s like locusts,” said Carolyn); we’ve clearly underestimated how much we’ll need.

We’d intended to go to bed earlier, but the conversation was too good. :) Now, at 1:30 p.m., we’re calling it a night. Tomorrow, the writing begins!

This weekend is a total write-off

by Rob - September 1st, 2006

… by design. Two and half years ago, I started attending the twice-yearly “Write-Off” weekends hosted by Danita Maslan (aka Danita Maslankowski) for Calgary’s Imaginative Fiction Writers’ Association (IFWA). A bunch of writers — 15 or 20 — hole up for a weekend in the rec center at Danita’s townhouse complex, bringing laptops along, and they write, write, write all weekend.

And this long holiday weekend is the first-ever Mississauga Write-Off. Carolyn is off at the airport making the first round of pickups: Hayden Trenholm and Elizabeth Westbrook-Trenholm, who are flying in from Ottawa. Later, Randy McCharles (chair of the 2008 World Fantasy Convention in Calgary) and Val King arrive on another flight; they’re coming from Calgary. And later still, Herb Kauderer and Al Katerinsky are showing up from Buffalo, New York, by car. I became involved with IFWA in 1996, when they hired me to facilitate a workshop for them; Hayden, Liz, Val, and Randy were all in that workshop, and Herb (a massively published poet) and Al are frequent guests in our home during SF cons, parties, and so on.

All of them, plus Carolyn and I, will be writing our hearts out over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, plus part of Monday (the Labour Day holiday here in Canada). Carolyn and I have a very large penthouse apartment, with lots of comfy chairs and couches for people to curl up in with their laptops. Our building has a guest suite, which is where Herb and Al will be sleeping, but everybody will be writing in our apartment (or out on the large balcony).

We’ll walk out to restaurants for lunch each day, and either order in or go out for dinner. The goal, of course, is to get as much writing done as possible (and Sunday night, we’ll all do brief readings of samples of what we’ve written). We’ll see how it goes. I’ll keep y’all posted …

The Pope and Evolution

by Rob - August 31st, 2006

A papal summit will debate the Catholic church’s stance on evolution, says New Scientist.

MasterReplicas Enterprise

by Rob - August 30th, 2006

I’ve put four 4.1-megapixel pictures of the latest prototype of the MasterReplica’s 33-inch Enterprise model from Classic Star Trek up on my website, for those who, like me, are thinking of getting one. Only 2,000 are being made, and they cost US$1,199 each (or more, with autographs).

The photos are: here, here, here, and here.

These photos were taken last weekend at the World Science Fiction Convention in Los Angeles.


Carolyn and Rob live out childhood dreams

by Rob - August 30th, 2006

… at L.A. Con IV, the Worldcon in Los Angeles:

Me in a Star Trek uniform

Carolyn in the Batmobile

Boarding the Enterprise now out

by Rob - August 30th, 2006

Boarding the Enterprise, the 40th-anniversary Classic Star Trek essay collection edited by David Gerrold and me, is now out from BenBella Books; I’ve now seen it for sale in stores, and it was flying off the BenBella dealers’ table at the L.A. Worldcon.

You can read my introduction to the book here.

And there’s a nice review over at Trek Nation, and another nice one at The Log Book.

Buy it at your favorite local store, or from or Barnes and Noble Online.

Of all the nerve!

by Rob - August 30th, 2006

A message that just showed up in my inbox:

Dear Robert,

I expect you get asked by a lot of people to finish their story….

Mine really isn’t such a sloppy idea… I really just am too busy and thought you might help??

That’s as far as I read. Sheesh! I’m rather busy myself, ass-face.


Writers of the Future, Volume XXII

by Rob - August 30th, 2006

Volume 22 of L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future is now out. This volume contains writing essays by Hubbard, Orson Scott Card, and myself, plus one on art by Bob Eggleton; mine is called “Eight Things New Writers Need to Know.”

But the meat of the volume is the award-winning stories from the latest year of the Writers of the Future contest. I was a judge for the grand prize this year (helping select the year’s overall winner from the four quarterly finalists), and I was simply blown away by the quality of the stories, every one of which was first rate.

You can buy the anthology here, or at your favorite bookstore.

And you can find out about entering the contest — which has helped make the careers of such writers as Stephen Baxter, Dave Wolverton, James Alan Gardner, Eric Flint, Sean Williams, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Robert Reed, Howard V. Hendrix, and 2006 Hugo winner David D. Levine — here.

World Fantasy Barbecue in Calgary

by Rob - August 30th, 2006

Calgary World Fantasy ALL-U-CAN-EAT BBQ!

Saturday September 16th, 12 – 4 PM
Pearce Estate Park (east downtown)

$10 gets you all the burgers and pop you can handle + an assortment of amusements: Music, nature walks, games and much, much more.

Award-winning author Robert J. Sawyer will lead a discussion on how near-future technology can save mankind.

There will also be an ENORMOUS BOOK RAFFLE! Hard covers. Trades. Paperbacks. Galleys.
Ivan Dorin will be running a book exchange table, so bring along any books you’d like to swap.

Visit for more information.

Hugo stats from a decade ago

by Rob - August 30th, 2006

Happened to come across a few of the stats for the 1996 Hugos — the ones given ten years ago, at the exact same venue (the Anaheim Convention Center) as this year’s Hugos; the ones ten years ago were given at L.A. Con III.

Back then, the nominees were Neal Stephenson’s The Diamond Age (which won), my The Terminal Experiment, Stephen Baxter’s The Time Ships, David Brin’s Brightness Reef, and Connie Willis’s Remake. But what’s interesting is that ten years ago, 734 ballots were cast in the best-novel category, and this year only 567 ballots were cast — that’s close to a 23% reduction, which is yet another sign of the declining readership of SF, and the shrinking of fandom, I suppose.

On the other hand, back in 1996, it took just 27 nominations to make the final ballot: (Stephenson had 76, I had 58, Baxter had 47, Brin had 28, and Willis had 27), whereas this year it took 45 (Stross had 90, Wilson had 76, Martin had 47, MacLeod had 46, and Scalzi had 45.)

Net’s Largest SF&F Forum

by Rob - August 29th, 2006

Net’s Largest Science Fiction & Fantasy Forum Created by Chronicles Network Acquisition of

The chronicles network has purchased Ascifi, and successfully merged the forums from both sites, to create the internet’s largest general science fiction and fantasy forums.

Read more

Worldcon day five

by Rob - August 29th, 2006

Sunday, August 27, was the final day of L.A. Con IV, the World Science Fiction Convention in Los Angeles.

I started off with a meeting with Scott Danielson from SFF Audio, then did my autographing, which was well attended, and my reading, which was not (just four people — the readings venue was hidden off in one of the hotels, instead of the convention center; I hate it when cons do that).

I read “The Eagle Has Landed” from Mike Resnick’s DAW anthology I, Alien, and spoke rather passionately about the societal role of science fiction. After that, I ran into actress Karen Black outside, as I was heading from the hotel to the convention center; I remembered her remembered fondly from Capricorn One and other movies; we had a very nice chat — she’s still quite lovely.

Next up was a group photo on a mock-up of the bridge of the Enterprise from the original Star Trek, posing with wax figures of the original crew, with me, Susan Forest, Heather Osborne, and Kirstin Morrell dressed in classic Trek uniforms. Once I get a copy of the photo, I’ll post it here. (As it happened, my editor walked by just after I’d put on my gold Enterprise tunic. “That’s your new author photo, Rob,” I was told.

Dinner was with Analog editor Stan Schmidt and his wife Joyce; very nice. After, Carolyn and I joined the Calgary contingent and headed off to watch the fireworks at Disneyland from a parking lot (Disneyland is only a short walk from the convention center). We then attended a bit of the dead-dog party, ran into Robert Charles Wilson and his wife Sharry over in the Marriott as they returned from Disneyland, and had drinks with them before calling it a day.

All in all, it was a very pleasant Worldcon. But it was small, as these things go; just 4,950 warm bodies on site, from what I heard; that’s only 2/3 of what was expected.

My theory: the presence of the 110,000-person San Diego Comics Con — which has evolved into a general pop-culture media convention with a very large science-fiction component — just last month in nearby San Diego may have siphoned off a lot of the potential traffic for L.A. Con IV. Or, it may be that World Science Fiction Conventions are generally in decline. Next year’s attendance figures in Japan won’t tell us anything, because that’s such an unusual location for a Worldcon (the Worldcon has only once before been in a country where English isn’t the principal language), but the 2008 con in Denver will be a significant test.

Anyway, I had a great time, and did a lot of useful business. And I’m now back home after 20 days on the road, a trip that took me to Calgary for a wedding; to the Googleplex in Mountain View, California; to San Diego for Writers of the Future; and finally to L.A. for the Worldcon. I wish I could say the rest of my year won’t be as hectic, but I’ve got trips to Banff, Denver, Montreal, and two trips to Vancouver coming up … Still, it’s a great life! :)

Worldcon day four

by Rob - August 29th, 2006

Saturday, August 26, was the fourth day of the 2006 World Science Fiction Convention in Los Angeles. Carolyn went off to Disneyland with friend Stella Luuk, but for me the day started with a wonderful two-hour lunch with Eric Greene, who wrote one of my favorite nonfiction books, Planet of the Apes as American Myth.

Eric is also a policy analyst for the ACLU in L.A., and contributed an essay to Boarding the Enterprise, the 40th anniversary Star Trek book that David Gerrold and I edited (and which just came out); Eric also played Lokai in the 1970s Saturday-morning SF show Space Academy. Eric and I had never met before, but we hit it off fabulously, chatting about Planet of the Apes and a million other things.

After that, I moderated a panel on dinosaurs; the panel included Worldcon artist Guest of Honor James Gurney and author James P. Hogan, but, truth be told, it suffered from having no actual paleontologist on it. Still, we panelists had a good time, and it seemed like the audience did, too.

I then met for an hour with my agent, Ralph Vicinanza. Lots of good business was discussed.

Next up was a panel on the Renaissance in Hard Science Fiction. Besides myself, the panelist were Gregory Benford, John Barnes, and Alistair Reynolds, plus moderator Allen M. Steele. Like many of the printed panel descriptions in the program book, this one was a bit lame (as moderator, I’d rewritten the proffered one for the dinosaur panel in advance of the con); the description of this one suggested that Vernor Vinge and Greg Egan somehow were new authors, of the same vintage as Charlie Stross: “With the emergence of authors like Stross, MacLeod, Vinge, Egan, etc., Hard SF is making a comeback.” I guess the actual panelists were the “etc.” :)

Anyway, it was a great panel, with lots of really good discussion and audience participation.

Then it was time for the pre-Hugo-Awards reception. As my guests, I brought Carolyn (of course!), plus Barbara Geiger and Elisabeth Hegerat, who were celebrating their honeymoon at Worldcon (I’d attended their wedding in Calgary on Thursday, August 10), and Kirstin Morrell, the managing editor of Red Deer Press, which is publishing my short-story collection Identity Theft and Other Stories next year; “Identity Theft” was my Hugo-nominated novella this year.

The reception was very pleasant, but I’d eaten plenty already that day, so didn’t have any of the nice spread they’d put out. My guests and I got front-row-center seats for the Hugo ceremony.

Before the ceremony began, I went up to chat with Harlan Ellison — it ended up being me, Harlan, Tor editor Moshe Feder, and Robert Silverberg, standing and talking in front of the stage for a time. Bob looked at us and said, “Four old Jews.” I pointed out that I wasn’t Jewish, to which Bob replied, “You are now,” and Moshe said, “I snuck into your room last night,” and he made a scissors-snipping motion with his fingers. Had I won the Hugo — which is a very phallic trophy — I was going to tell Moshe in my acceptance speech to keep his hands off it. :)

Anyway, I was delighted to get to congratulate Harlan in person on his SFWA Grand Master Award — especially since Harlan has announced that this would be his last convention.

Connie Willis was master of ceremonies for the Hugos, and did her usual terrific job, periodically aided by Bob Silverberg, who was his usual dapper, droll self. The whole ceremony came in at just about exactly two hours and was great fun. That said, I do think it was wrong not to read the names of the writers and directors of the dramatic-presentation nominees; a lot of them were in attendance, and they deserved to have their moment in the sun (indeed, I’d quite enjoyed getting to know Anne Cofell Saunders, who wrote the Battlestar Galactica episode “Pegasus” — she and her husband, as it turns out, are great fans of my books, and her husband had in fact been at my very first book signing, back in 1990 for Golden Fleece).

As I’ve mentioned before, I lost in the novella category to Connie Willis, but my buddy Robert Charles Wilson won in the novel category for Spin, and my editor David G. Hartwell won for his editorial work — a long overdue honor. And John Scalzi gave a terrific, heartfelt speech on winning the Campbell Award for Best New Writer.

After the ceremony, it was off to the Hugo Nominees party, hosted by the crew from Japan who are putting on next year’s Worldcon. It was a particularly nice party, and I had a great time.

Hugo statistics for 2006

by Rob - August 28th, 2006

Lots of interesting stuff in the Hugo nominating stats.

For starters, I’ve suggested to my friend Robert Charles Wilson that he send a thank-you note to Neil Gaiman, ’cause it turns out Gaiman withdrew Anansi Boys from Hugo consideration (presumably because, although flattered by the nomination, with two Hugos already and a superstar career, he felt another writer might benefit more from the award — a very classy move on Neil’s part).

Now, I’m not saying that Anansi Boys would have beat Spin had it been on the ballot, but it might have moved Neil’s supporters to actually vote, and their second-place choice (which is significant in the Australian instant-runoff voting system used for the Hugos) might have gone to the only other fantasy on the ballot, George R.R. Martin’s book.

Also interesting is that John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War had only one more nomination than did Dan Simmons’s Olympos. Simmons is very popular; had his book gotten one more nomination, or the Scalzi one less (so that they tied and both ended up on the ballot), again, things might have been different.

Once you get past Anansi Boys (withdrawn) and Olympos (which missed the final ballot by one nomination), the next-most-nominated work was my own Mindscan. Of course, I was sad not to make the final ballot, and I note that when I did go head-to-head against three of the four sf novels that did make the final ballot — for the John W. Campbell Memorial Award — I did beat them all (and the one fantasy novel on the Hugo ballot, the Martin, came in dead last). Spin, Charles Stross’s Accelerando, and Ken MacLeod’s Learning the World were all also Campbell nominees; of the SF novels on the Hugo ballot, only the Scalzi didn’t make the Campbell Memorial Award ballot (although he handily won the other Campbell, the one for best new writer, this past weekend). Ah, well. One can’t be nominated every year. :)

Although, actually, I was nominated this year — but in the novella category, for my hard-boiled SF detective story “Identity Theft.” I never expected to win — I thought for sure that Kelly Link would, given the acclaim her “Magic for Beginners” has already had. I should have known that the unbeatable Connie Willis is called that for a reason. :) Although I did well in first-place voting (Kelly Link and Connie were tied for most first-place votes, with 124 a piece; I had 109; Ian McDonald had 90; and James Patrick Kelly had 72), as the instant-runoff voting sorted itself out, I came in last place in the final tally …

That’s probably it for award possibilities for “Identity Theft,” but it retires honorably, having won the world’s largest cash prize for SF writing, and been a Hugo, Nebula, and Aurora finalist.

Speaking of Auroras (the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Awards), it’s interesting to note that Robert Charles Wilson and I — both of whom have won our share of Auroras — won our Hugos in years in which we lost the Aurora. When my Hominids won the 2003 Hugo, it lost the Aurora to a novel by Karl Schroeder; earlier this year, Bob’s Spin (and, incidentally, my Mindscan) lost the Aurora to a book by Karin Lowachee … all of which goes to show that there’s lots of great Canadian SF around these days!

Last night, Carolyn and I and Bob and his wife Sharry sat by the pool at the Anaheim Marriott and had nightcaps, toasting Bob’s Hugo win (and I actually had a drink — very rare for me — enjoying a gin and tonic). Bob, who is one of my very best friends as well as one of my favorite writers, observed that it was nice that we’d each won our Hugos in years when the other wasn’t on the Hugo ballot in the same category, and I agreed. I’m totally thrilled for Bob. This is a lonely profession, and it’s truly wonderful to have a brother, a peer, a colleague, and a friend like Bob. Congratulations, Bob!

(See all the Hugo voting and nominating statistics for this year)

Hugos for Robert Charles Wilson, David G. Hartwell, Donato Giancola …

by Rob - August 27th, 2006

… and others.

My “Identity Theft” did not win in the best novella category … but I knew I didn’t have a chance, and was totally calm all evening. It was a great ceremony, and my posse (Carolyn, Kirstin Morrell, Barbara Geiger, and Elisabeth Hegerat) and I had front-row seats at the ceremony.

I’m totally, totally thrilled that Bob Wilson, one of my very best friends, finally got his long overdue Hugo, and that my editor and friend David Hartwell, who, with 33 nominations to date, held the record for most nominations without a win, finally got the Best Editor Hugo; I was also delighted that Donato Giancola, who did the wonderful covers for my Neanderthal books, won for best artist. I was also delighted to see John Scalzi get the Campbell Award for Best New Writer.

Worldcon day three

by Rob - August 26th, 2006

Yesterday (Friday) was very busy, but very enjoyable. It started with an excellent 10:00 a.m. panel [note to self: stop agreeing to do 10:00 a.m. panels] on “Giving Good Interview,” moderated by the wonderful Evo Terra from the Slice of Sci-Fi podcast. After, I was approached by the producer of Escape Pod, who actually had a contract and check for me for doing a podcast of my short story “The Shoulders of Giants.”

Then it was off to lunch with old friend Roger MacBride Allen — a long-standing Worldcon tradition for Rog and me, during which we catch each other up on our so-called careers, and discuss the state of the field.

After that, I wandered the dealers’ room, and had a nice five-minute chat with BarBara Luna, who had played Captain’s Woman Marlena Moreau in the classic Trek episode “Mirror, Mirror.” She’s still stunning at 67. Later in the day, I had second-row seats for the “Women of Star Trek” panel, featuring BarBara, Susie Plakson, Marina Sirtis, and Chase Masterson, which was a blast — all four are really witty.

I had to leave that to attend my kaffeeklatch, at which a tableful of people sat with me for an hour to just chat informally; it was great.

In the dealers’ room, I saw a prototype of the MasterReplica’s 33-inch Enterprise from classic Trek — they’re making 2,000 of them, and they sell for US$1,199. It was beautiful, and I’m trying to decide if I want one (and where I’d put it if I did get one).

Then it was dinner with high-school buddy Asbed Bedrossian and his wife Laura, poolside at the Marriott.

In the evening, I escorted new Asimov’s writer Susan Forest (one of my writing students) to the Asimov’s / Analog party, and to the very-hard-to-find Tor party, and I made the rounds to a lot of other parties. I didn’t get to bed until 2:30.

Denver beat Chicago for the right to hold the 2008 Worldcon, in very close balloting.

Well, it’s time for another day … :)

Worldcon day two

by Rob - August 25th, 2006

The con began bright and early for me, with a 10:00 a.m. panel called, “No, Really, That Makes Sense!” SF writers tried to come up with rational and entertaining explanations for various things that at first glance seem illogical in SF movies, TV shows, and books. Despite valiant moderating by Dr. Isaac Szpindel, it didn’t really come off that well; 10:00 a.m. is too early after a night of partying for a think-on-your-feet panel.

At 1:00 p.m., about a dozen members of my Yahoo! Groups newsgroup met for a get-together, which was great fun.

At 3:00, I signed at the Edge Publications table — I did the introduction for their edition of The Alphanauts by J. Brian Clarke. Then it was off to a presentation by Suzie Plakson and J.G. Hertzler (K’Ehleyer and General Martok from Star Trek), an event that had a surprisingly small audience (Carolyn, Kirstin Morrell, and I sat in the front row). It was absolutely excellent; both of them are great storytellers.

I then had a wonderful editorial meeting … about which more later. :)

Then it was dinner, outside, by the pool, with a fabulous all-you-can-eat buffet. Our dinner party consisted of Carolyn and me, Pyr editor Lou Anders, Hugo nominee Paolo Bacigalupi and his wife Anjula, Hugo nominee Robert Charles Wilson and his wife Sharry, and John W. Campbell Memorial Award winner Jack McDevitt. We had a fabulous three-hour dinner, and I said with confidence, even though this was only the second day of the five-day con, that unless I win a Hugo Saturday night, this dinner will clearly be the highlight of the convention for me. It was amazing, with conversation ranging from serious shoptalk to which actor was the best Superman.

After that, we hit some parties, and had good chats with John Scalzi, Adam-Troy Castro, and others. And now, to bed …

Worldcon day one

by Rob - August 24th, 2006

Lunch with Amy Sisson and her husband, NASA scientist Paul Abell. Sat with Mike Moscoe at the Analog/Asimov’s table, hustling subscriptions, then at the Edge Press table, helping to sell J. Brian Clarke’s The Alphanauts, for which I did the introduction. Moderated a very lively and entertaining panel entitled “You Are Responsible For Your Own Career.” Spent some time hanging out in the green room with my Tor editor, David G. Hartwell. Went to a reception for the writers in the evening, and hung out in the SFWA suite for a while with Robert Silverberg, Allen Steele, and Joe and Gay Haldeman, then lots of party-hopping. All in all, L.A. Con IV is off to a great start.


by Rob - August 23rd, 2006

Carolyn and I have been in Los Angeles since Sunday. Yesterday, we fought the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad traffic in L.A. to visit the terrific store of Barry R. Levin, the world’s leading rare-SF dealer, then had a a very productive lunch with my film agents, Vince Gerardis and Eli Kirschner, then headed off to meet a producer interested in optioning one of my properties, then went to the house of my old high-school buddy Asbed Bedrossian for a great evening of pizza and conversation.

Today, it was lunch with Anne McCaffrey and Sean Williams, then off to DisneyLand (where we ran into David G. Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer, plus their children, and Karl Schroeder and his wife Janice, and their daughter).

Then it was time for the first round of Worldcon parties, all being put on by cities bidding to host future Worldcons. I spent a lot of really enjoyable time talking with Mike Resnick, as well as with Lou Anders, and with Paul Cornell, who is up for a Hugo this year for the Doctor Who episode “Father’s Day.”

Bed now; the con starts tomorrow …

Writers of the Future

by Rob - August 21st, 2006

Carolyn and I spent from Thursday afternoon until this morning (Sunday) in San Diego at the 22nd annual L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers and Illustrators of the Future awards weekend (I’m one of the judges for the writing contest). As always, it was a fabulous event, and we had a great time.

A few pictures:

Todd McCaffrey, David Brin, and Anne McCaffrey at our table at the opening barbecue

Rob and Kevin J. Anderson confer

Rob and Larry Niven walking along the beach outside our hotel

Astronaut Rick Searfoss and Rob

Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven (in center) receive Lifetime Achievement Awards

Canadian winner Sarah Totton

Rob presents one of the awards

All the judges and winners on stage

Anne and Todd McCaffrey, and globe of Pern, at Saturday’s massive autographing party

The Dragon Page interviews Rob …

by Rob - August 18th, 2006

… about the Hugo nomination for “Identity Theft.” You can listen here.