Robert J. Sawyer

Hugo and Nebula Award-Winning Science Fiction Writer

My programming at the Winnipeg NASFiC

Saturday, July 15th, 2023

I have a metric ton of programming at Pemmi-con, the North American Science Fiction Convention, which starts in four days in Winnipeg, including a joint session with my old pal paleontologist Phil Currie (pictured). Come join me at these events: Welcome to Canada Format: Panel 20 Jul 2023, Thursday 10:00 – 11:15, Charleswood B (Delta […]

New dates for Chengdu Worldcon

Thursday, January 19th, 2023

I’m one of the Guests of Honour at this year’s World Science Fiction Convention, Chengdu Worldcon, and it has new dates: Important Announcement: * Location Change * Time Reschedule * Hugo Awards Nomination 2023 CHENGDU WORLD SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION RESCHEDULED DATES AND SITE The 81st Chengdu World Science Fiction Convention (Chengdu Worldcon 2023) will be […]

NorthStar: The first-ever conference on Canadian science fiction

Sunday, September 18th, 2022

Forty years ago this month, when I was 22, my great friend Ted Bleaney and I put on NorthStar, the first-ever conference on Canadian science fiction. I’ll be in South Dakota on September 25, which is the actual 40th anniversary of this event, so I’m posting about it today. Our Guest of Honour was Donald […]