SFWRITER.COM > About Rob > Discussion Group
Discussion Group
Launched 1 June 2001
Join over 1,000 Robert J. Sawyer readers for lively discussions:
When you join the group at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/robertjsawyer, you'll be given
three options for how you want to see messages:
- they can be forwarded to your E-mail account as they're
posted by other members of the list;
- you can receive a daily digest a single E-mail message
containing all of that day's traffic from the list;
- you won't get any messages forwarded to your E-mail account
to read what's being said, you'll need to visit
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/robertjsawyer with a browser.
If you choose to have messages sent to your E-mail box, but
decided later that you don't want to get them anymore no
problem! To unsubscribe, just send an E-mail to:
Once you've joined the group, you can post messages to all
members of the group by simply sending E-mail to:
(You can also post messages and replies interactively by visiting
the group's web page at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/robertjsawyer,
if you prefer.)
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