Rob on Canada A.M. on Tuesday

CTV is the Canadian broadcaster for the FlashForward TV series, and they've booked me on their flagship morning show Canada A.M. for this Tuesday, September 22, 2009 (because that's the last day I'm in Toronto before the series premiere, two days later). I'm scheduled to go on at 8:40 a.m. Eastern time.
Not that anyone's counting, but this will be my fifth appearance on Canada A.M.
My appearances:
- Tuesday 19 November 1996, talking about The Terminal Experiment and Starplex
- Monday 16 June 1997, talking about Frameshift
- Thursday 18 June 1998, debating Thomas M. Disch about science fiction's influence on society
- Tuesday 23 May 2000, talking about Calculating God
- Tuesday 22 September 2009, talking about FlashForward
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