SFWRITER.COM > About Rob > Newsletters
News from the Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Since October 1995, my wife and I have been producing an
occasional newsletter with news about me and my work. The
newsletter is always a single sheet, printed on both sides, and
currently is mailed to 700 or so bookstores, journalist, and
people in the publishing industry. Christine Dao, former publicist
at Tor Books, described it as "the perfect author's newsletter."
We don't mail copies out to individual readers, but, because of
popular demand, we've decided to make electronic versions
available for downloading in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
The newsletter was originally called Soulwave: The Official
Robert J. Sawyer Newsletter, but we changed that to
Sfwriter.com: News from the Robert J. Sawyer Web
In 1998, Rob won the $500 Grand Prize in Paper Direct's
"Show Us Your Stuff" contest for excellence in
desktop publishing for this newsletter and related marketing
materials. We used to print the newsletter on Domtar
Expressions 24-pound "Sicily" paper, which has a lovely
one-centimeter-wide red marble border all around the front side
(that's why the margins seem a little wide on the first page of some
of the older issues if you print these on blank paper).
These files are copyright ©
1997-2010 by Robert J. Sawyer.
- WWW:Watch in Stores Now
- Wake for Hugo
- FlashForward
- Back in Print
- Wake Raves
- For a complete list of Rob's in-print books with ISBNs, see: sfwriter.com/bip.htm
- ABC Makes FlashForward TV Pilot
- Glowing Reviews for WWW:Wake
- Calculating God wins Audie
- September is RJS Month at the CBC
- Distant Early Warnings
- Bookstore ordering information for all in-print Sawyer titles
- Rob's 18th novel: Wake
- ABC Makes FlashForward TV Pilot
- New Collection: Identity Theft
- Writer-in-Residence at Synchrotron
- Rob Hosts Supernatural Investigator
- Bookstore ordering information for all in-print Sawyer titles
- China's Top SF Award
- Honorary Doctorate
- Rave Reviews for Rollback
- Tenth Aurora Award Win
- Bookstore ordering information for all in-print Sawyer titles
- Rollback Rolls Out
- Major Library Award
- Mindscan Wins Campbell Memorial Award
- Tour Includes Library of Congress
- Bookstore ordering information for all in-print Sawyer titles
- Mindscan Now Out
- Waterloo Region Chooses Hominids
- Rob Nominated for Hugo
- RJS Books Rob's Own Imprint
- Rave Reviews for Mindscan
- Bookstore ordering information for all in-print Sawyer titles
- Rob wins Hugo Award
- Hybrids Now Out in Hardcover
- Humans Now Out in Paperback
- Rob Join's SF Most Select Group of Writers
- Quintaglio Books Coming Back into Print
- Bookstore ordering information for all in-print Sawyer titles
- Humans Hardcover
- Hominids Paperback
- Upcoming Guest of Honorships
- Ryerson University honors Rob
- David Brin and Jack McDevitt praise Humans
- Publishers Weekly review of Humans
- Bookstore ordering information for all in-print Sawyer titles
- Hominids
- Short Story Collection Out in Canada
- Praise for Hominids
- Calculating God a Number-One Bestseller
- Bookstore ordering information for all in-print Sawyer titles
- End of an Era Coming Back into Print
- Calculating God Paperback Released
- Calculating God a Hugo Finalist
- Calculating God Named Year's Best
- Analog to serialize First Neanderthal Parallax novel
- New Robert J. Sawyer Online Discussion Group
- Bookstore ordering information for all in-print Sawyer titles
- Rob Sawyer Wins Two Aurora Awards
- Calculating God a Canadian Bestseller
- Rob on TV (including Rivera Live with Geraldo Rivera)
- Seven New Short Stories
- Rave Reviews for Calculating God
- Bookstore ordering information for all in-print Sawyer titles
- FlashForward Paperback
- Next: Calculating God
- Sawyer in Year's Best
- New Three-Book Deal!
- Bookstore ordering information for all in-print Sawyer titles
- Golden Fleece is Back!
- Rob's Novels Published Worldwide
- Recent Bestsellers Lists
- Maclean's Features Rob
- Library of Congress & National Library of Canada
- Bookstore ordering information for all in-print Sawyer titles
- Hugo Award Finalist
- FlashForward Hardcover Now Out
- Factoring Humanity Paperback Now Out
- Factoring Humanity on Year's Best List
- Rob on ChaptersGLOBE.com
- Bookstore ordering information for all in-print Sawyer titles
- Illegal Alien Paperback in Stores
- FlashForward Wins Europe's Top Award
- Rob on Radio Across the United States
- Science Fiction Chronicle Reader Award
- Frameshift Paperback Now Out
- Crossing the Line
- Praise for the novel Factoring Humanity
- Factoring Humanity
- Rob New President of SFWA
- Four Aurora Award Nominations
- Limited Editions
- Rob is July's "Author of the Month" on USA Today Online
- Rob Nominated for Two Hugo Awards
- Illegal Alien Film Deal
- Factoring Humanity Summer Book Tour
- Mystery Awards
- Praise for Illegal Alien
- Factoring Humanity Wins World's Largest Cash Prize for SF Writing
- Illegal Alien Named "Best Canadian Mystery of 1997"
- Coles & Smithbooks Feature Illegal Alien
- Tesseracts 6
- New URL: www.sfwriter.com
- Rob Sawyer Sweeps the Aurora Awards
- Gala Launch Party for Illegal Alien
- Rob on TV
- Convention Guest of Honorships
More Good Reading
Rob's Latest News
Rob's Newsletter About Canadian SF
Rob's Bifold Brochure (pdf)
Rob's Novels in the Classroom (pdf)
Ad for Calculating God from The Prehistoric Times (pdf)
My Very Occasional Newsletter
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Copyright © 1995-2024 by Robert J. Sawyer.