SFWRITER.COM > Novels > SI Reply
Another Rebuttal to
The Skeptical Inquirer's Review
of Calculating God
6 December 2002
Dear Skeptical Inquirer:
I was astonished to see that SI is still talking about my
science-fiction novel Calculating God
(using its latest letter column to essentially assert, "See, we were
right all along!"). But let's look at lines from another science-fiction
novel: "The universe was made on purpose ... In the fabric of space and in
the nature of matter, as in a great work of art, there is,
written small, the artist's signature ... there is an
intelligence that antedates the universe."
Clearly, this is creationist propaganda masquerading as fiction,
right? Maybe so but the author is Carl Sagan, and the novel
is Contact. Nor are these obscure references buried in the text,
and, unlike Barry F. Seidman, in his ridiculous "review" of my
book that started this discussion, I am not quoting dialog
without mentioning that it is dialog; the words above are
straight narration given pride of place on the very last page of
Sagan's novel they are the concluding statement of his book.
Christian Fundamentalism looks ridiculous when it attacks works
of fantasy, such as the Harry Potter series, for supposed
promotion of a belief in non-divine magic; Skepticism looks
equally ridiculous when it attacks works of science fiction
even more so when the attacks are selective, ignoring the
writings by those it identifies as being by "one of us" while
shouting down supposed apostates.
Robert J. Sawyer
More Good Reading
Rob's earlier letter to The Skeptical Inquirer
More about Calculating God
First Chapter of Calculating God
A Bright Idea for Atheists
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