SFWRITER.COM > Novels > SI Reply
Rebuttal to
The Skeptical Inquirer's Review
of Calculating God
9 March 2002
Dear Skeptical Inquirer:
As a skeptic and evolutionist, I was stunned by Barry Seidman's
review of my Hugo Award-nominated science-fiction novel
Calculating God (March/April).
He incredibly characterizes a novel whose villains are a pair of
young-Earth creationists, destroying Burgess Shale fossils in
order to erase evidence of evolution, as a pro-creationist work.
Heck, one of my creationist antagonists has the last name
"Falsey" I couldn't have been more obvious about my
sentiments. (What's that? You don't remember those characters
from Seidman's review? Exactly.)
Further, Seidman misleadingly presents a line of dialog (omitting
any indication that it is dialog) as if it were a
statement of my personal beliefs. Yes, I have a character (an
alien character another little fact Seidman fails to cite)
say: "That we live in a created universe is apparent to anyone
with sufficient intelligence and information." But Seidman makes
no mention of the pages of later dialog in which the novel's
human protagonist disputes this statement. (For an articulation
of my own beliefs, see the essay
"Science and God"
that Borders
commissioned to accompany the release of Calculating God.)
SI's editors should be chided for accepting a book review
from someone who cites within that review a personal relationship
with the author. Yes, Seidman sought me out repeatedly, and
argued in what I felt was an illogical and rude fashion. Even
after I stopped responding to his rants, he continued to send me
unsolicited emails for years afterwards. There are countless
disinterested skeptics who could have reviewed my book; using one
of them would have been much more appropriate journalistically.
(If the editors now choose to edit this response, I hope they'll
note that the full text is available on my web site at
Contrary to Seidman's statements, my novel takes pains to point
out arguments against intelligent design, irreducible complexity,
and many other issues.
More: Seidman outrageously charges that I'm trying to discredit
Sagan and Gould. As Dr. H. Paul Shuch, director of The SETI
League, wrote to me (unsolicited; our first-ever contact): "I
certainly identified with your protagonist. Of course, early on
I recognized Steve Gould. And I saw in [the character's] atheism
a healthy dose of Cosmic Carl. All in all, he was a most
appealing composite."
Seidman, who said in a February 1999 email that he'd only just
started reading "sci-fi," now feels expert enough to declare that
I should "stay far, far away from hard science fiction." This
would astonish Dr. Stanley Schmidt, editor of Analog,
universally considered the leading hard-SF magazine. Schmidt had
planned to serialize Calculating God, and only scheduling
difficulties with the hardcover publisher prevented its
appearance (Analog is currently serializing my next novel,
Hominids, instead, and previously serialized my Nebula
The Terminal Experiment, which Seidman
also decries).
It would also astonish Dr. Gregory Benford, professor of physics
at the University of California, Irvine, who is often cited as
the greatest living hard-SF writer. Dr. Benford was one of the
three judges who awarded Calculating God second place in
the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best SF Novel of 2000.
Wrote Benford: "Your handling of the ending was just right no
mysticism creeping in."
Barry Seidman's review isn't just unfairly damaging to my book:
it's also part of the shift toward knee-jerk reaction and
rhetorical sleight of hand within the skeptical community that is
damaging the skeptical movement itself. Seidman should be
Robert J. Sawyer
More Good Reading
Rob's second letter to The Skeptical Inquirer
More about Calculating God
First Chapter of Calculating God
A Bright Idea for Atheists
My Very Occasional Newsletter
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