Any typos in Analog serialization of Rollback?

For those reading the serialization of my novel Rollback in Analog, which has just begun (with the October issue), I'd be very grateful if you'd let me know about any typos you might spot. I can still get them fixed in the Tor hardcover, coming next year. My email address is sawyer at sfwriter dot com. Thanks!
Hi Rob!
Just finished reading Part I this morning. I think I did spot one typo, but can't exactly recall where. I guess I'll just have to read it again (oh darn). ;-)
Excellent work! Can't wait for the November issue to come out! I'm curious to see if we'll get a peek at the answer that was sent in response to the original message from Sigma Draconis...
Very glad to hear you enjoyed RollbacK. And I think it's safe to say that such a peek is indeed forthcoming ... :)
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