Monday Spotlight: My Star Trek novel

Star Trek is 40 years old this month! In honor of that, this week's Monday Spotlight -- highlighting one of the 500+ documents on my website at -- is my aborted Star Trek novel Armada, begun in 1984 (when Star Trek was just 18 years old ... and I was just 24!).
The sample chapters are here, and the outline for the entire novel is here.
Thaks. I have been a Star Trek geek for 20+ years.
Very cool.
Reading those stories in full-length form would have been quite interesting, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
If only you'd been asked to pen a novel based on that old CTV show THE STARLOST -- now THAT would have been one heck of a novel!
(Um, maybe...)
It would have been a good one to read, if a bit on the bloody side for ST.
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