EverNote: way cool software

I've just started experimenting with EverNote, a way cool program good for (among other things) organizing all those little research clippings a writer grabs from various places on the Internet.
It has a really slick interface, and I think it's going to be quite useful -- so I went ahead and registered it. It's on sale until January 15, 2008, for US$19.95, instead of the usual US$49.95 price.
And I gotta say I like their Google AdWords ad (you'll see it if you google "evernote":
www.EverNote.com: Info management that's so good our competition buys the keyword.The competition, apparently, is Microsoft's OneNote, but the reviews I found online seemed to generally agree that EverNote is a slicker, more-feature-rich product. So far, I like it a lot.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
If you don't need the advanced features (e.g. image processing and text recognition), EverNote is free. The advanced features are disabled after sixty days, but the excellent basic features -- the storing, searching, and categorizing features that will satisfy most people's needs -- continue at no cost. It's hard to beat a price like that!
I've been using EverNote for about two years, since it was in late beta, and I love it. It's an important part of my non-fiction writing process.
I also use it as an idea file for my fiction and non-fiction. For fiction, I tag ideas using the "CLOSAT" scheme (to tag an idea as a Character, Location, Object, Situation, Action, or Theme) and some others. I haven't yet used it to organize a fiction work-in-progress.
And one more use in my writing: I use it to organize what I'm learning about writing.
Evernote is an awesome program. I have the 2nd version (free version). I've found it to be truly useful in keeping notes and the like on things I'm working on that require a lot of memory. Any worldbuilding I do goes into Evernote. I may buy the full version one day when I figure out what all the advanced functions are and find out I need them.
Thanks for recommending the product Mr. Sawyer! It's a valuable tool for writers I think.
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