High time Stan Schmidt got a Hugo!

This year, 2008, is the 30th anniversary of Stanley Schmidt becoming editor of Analog Science Fiction and Fact. Despite Analog being consistently the English-speaking world's #1 best-selling SF magazine for that entire period, Stan has never won a Hugo Award for Best Editor. It's high time he did win.
To nominate and vote, you have to be an attending or supporting member of this year's World Science Fiction Convention, Denvention 3.
Membership info is here -- you need to be at least a Supporting Member to nominate.
And the Hugo ballot itself is here. People who are already members should be receiving their online nominating identification numbers in the mail very shortly, if they haven't already.
Now, yes, Stan is probably a slam-dunk to get nominated this year -- he's nominated every year. But if you want to vote for him on the final ballot, which will come out in March, you have to be a paid-up Denvention 3 member by January 31, 2008; if you're not yet a member, and would like to help see Stan get his way-overdue rocket trophy, now's the time to sign up -- don't wait to become a member until the final ballot is out, because by then it's too late. Again, details on how to become a member are here.
Stan's own web page is here. In addition to 2008 being Stan's 30th anniversary as editor of Analog, it's also his 40th anniversary as a published SF writer. Besides actually editing Analog (and in a very hands-on fashion, working diligently with his writers), it should be noted that Stan is the only editor of a major SF magazine to write an editorial for each issue, and his editorials are in themselves worth the cost of the magazine.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
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