Tony Pi and Doug Smith are rockin' the house

My writing students rock!
Tony Pi was my student for an intensive SF writing workshop at the University of Toronto in the summer of 2001. He's a terrific guy, and a terrific writer -- and, man, is he ever on a roll, as you can see here, with stories in Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show, On Spec, and others. Way to go, Tony!
And Douglas Smith, who took my SF writing course at Ryerson University in Toronto back in 1997, just had his first collection, Impossibilia, released by PS Publishing. Doug's a superlative craftsperson, and it's a terrific book.
Tony Pi is second from the left in the picture above and Doug Smith is at the far right. The picture depicts the 2008 English short-form finalists for the Aurora Award; the others, starting from the left, are Stephen Kotowych, Hayden Trenholm, and David Livingstone Clink (Stephen and Hayden have also been my writing students, and David is my brother-in-law).

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
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