Busy week!

It's been a busy week! In and around work on my novel Watch, the sequel to Wake, I have:
- Helped Anne Ptasznik, who was my girlfriend in grade 12, celebrate her mumblety-mumbletieth birthday [that's Annie and me at our high-school reunion last year]
- Finished going over the typesetting for Wake
- Attended a long, very pleasant, and very delicious lunch meeting with Sharon Fitzhenry and associates from Fitzhenry & Whiteside about Robert J. Sawyer Books, the imprint I edit for them
- Gave a 90-minute talk about "The Future of the Book" to the Canadian Roundtable on Academic Materials, a group of campus booksellers and student-union people from across Canada (at which every attendee got a free copy of my latest, book Identity Theft and Other Stories courtesty of the McMaster University bookstore)
- Spoke for two hours solid at Chet Scoville's class at the University of Toronto at Mississauga, where his students are studying Calculating God
- Had major phone conversations with my Hollywood agent Vince Gerardis and my New York one Ralph Vicinanza, both with very good news
- Did a by-email interview for a magazine for Chief Information Officers
- Swung by the offices of Penguin Canada (my Canadian publisher), and met the sales reps for British Columbia
- Attended Toronto's monthly First Thursday science-fiction pub night
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
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