Our best look yet at the Enterprise from the upcoming movie

... is in the above image of Playmates' toy version coming in May (click the picture for a larger version). More info at TrekMovie.com, including close-ups of the toy phaser, communicator, and tricorder, also coming in May.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Labels: Star Trek
Ehhhh...still not sure what I make of it after all these weeks.
Isn't it about time someone drove a stake through this franchise's heart?
Having too much fun with the novels right now, myself, so my answer's "No." to that question.
You don't have to go to the movie, rvitelli. :) But every incarnation of Trek has had some amazing work. To take but one example from each series: The Doomsday Machine, TOS; The Inner Life, TNG; The Visitor, DS9; Mortal Coil, VOY; In A Mirror, Darkly, ENT. That last was the 700th episode of Trek ever broadcast, and was on a par with anything they did in the original series.
Seconded on In a Mirror, Darkly!
One of my personal DS9 favourites? In the Pale Moonlight.
The problem with this stake through the heart business is that some fool always comes along to pull that sucker out.
Paramount is milking the Trek Drek dry for every penny they can--and yeah--I am going to keep my butt firmly at home to spoil their efforts. And if I miss anything, then it will probably be the acid reflux feeling I would get from watching them butcher my onetime beloved show.
I'll be too busy at home reading your new book, Rob, to care about watching bad movies. :)
The Enterprise is becoming more furuistic the further back they go.
This version from Playmates is even more futuristic then from the TV show "Enterpise" (My fav Trek to date) I can overlook the new Enterprise from "Academy," if the storyline is good in the movie.
I don't know why Trek movie producers don't just go with an Enterpris (TV show) movie using those characters. Yeesh, this is getting silly now.
Jim, the reason the ship is redesigned as often as possible is so that the merchandising licenses can be sold separately: one company might get rights to make a toy version of the TV series ENTERPRISE (right now, those rights belong to Diamond Select Toys); another gets the rights to the new movie version (Playmates). It's all about maximizing revenues.
Considering how several non-profit fanfilm series are exploiting the daylights out of the older designs to the visual delight of many, it seems like the skills of the redesign team could be better employed in other ways on this film.
Well, we'll see soon enough how well the movie actually works, never mind whether it's the reboot many fear it to be.
Rob, I think you mean "The Inner Light, TNG" rather than The Inner Life.
You're absolutely right, Cljohnston. :)
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