Free science-fiction festival in Greater Toronto
by Rob - September 9th, 2014.Filed under: Conventions, events, Milestones.
Science Fiction Spectacular!
Mississauga Central Library
in the Noel Ryan Auditorium
301 Burnhamthorpe Rd. West, adjacent to City Hall
Mississauga, Ontario
Saturday, October 18, 2014, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Free but space is limited. Please register in advance with the Central Library’s “Readers’ Den” Department: Phone 905-615-3200, extension 3544.
In honour of Mississauga resident ROBERT J. SAWYER‘s receipt of the Lifetime Achievement Aurora Award from the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, the Mississauga Public Library is pleased to present a FREE one-day science-fiction festival.
Rob asked us to get his “dream team” to join him at this event, and we did. Speaking and reading will be:
• Marie Bilodeau, Aurora Award-nominated author of Destiny’s Blood
• Tanya Huff, Aurora Award-winning author of The Silvered
• Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo Award-winning author of Hominids
• Robert Charles Wilson, Hugo Award-winning author of Spin
10:00 a.m.: Keynote address by Robert J. Sawyer on “The Canadian Science-Fiction Experience”
11:00 a.m.: “Differences Between Writing Science Fiction and Writing Fantasy” Marie Bilodeau and Tanya Huff in conversation
Noon: Lunch break
1:00 p.m.: Author Readings #1: Marie Bilodeau and Robert Charles Wilson
2:00 p.m.: “Science Fiction and the Science of the Mind” Robert J. Sawyer and Robert Charles Wilson in conversation
3:00 p.m.: Author Readings #2: Tanya Huff and Robert J. Sawyer
4:00 p.m.: “The Future of Science Fiction Publishing” Marie Bilodeau, Tanya Huff, Robert J. Sawyer, and Robert Charles Wilson

Robert J. Sawyer and Robert Charles Wilson with their Hugo Award trophies
Robert J. Sawyer online:
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