Robert J. Sawyer

Hugo and Nebula Award-Winning Science Fiction Writer

Busted by Bundoran!

by Rob - December 18th, 2008

Hee hee! Bundoran Press, the wonderful SF&F publisher in Prince George, British Columbia, has just put the above photo of me on the main page of their website.

It was taken November 10, 2007, at Sentry Box, Calgary’s great science-fiction store.

The book I’m looking at is the terrific anthology The Best of Neo-Opsis, culling the top work from one of Canada’s major SF magazines, including stories by Suzanne Church (who’s in my writers’ group), Darwin’s Paradox author Nina Munteanu, and Hayden Trenholm (one of my writing students, and author of Defining Diana, also published by Bundoran).

Check out the book, and all of Bundoran’s offerings.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

First review of Wake

by Rob - December 18th, 2008

Niteblade News has weighed in with the first review I’ve seen of Wake, volume one of my upcoming WWW trilogy. The very kind review, by Aaron Clifford, calls the book “plausible and touching” (and contains no spoilers). You can read the full review here. Wake will be published in April 2009.

(By the way, I have never seen the movie Hackers.)

And, on top of that, I got my very first fan letter for Wake today — the first feedback I’d had from someone in the general public (a person who had just finished reading the serialization in Analog):

Wow! Yeah! Woohoo! And Oh-my-God! ;-)

Rob, I’ve said it so many times now, yet it never gets old for me: You write amazing endings! I love that of your books!

Congratulations for Wake! Another master-piece. Very well executed and a fantastic read! I really, really enjoyed it!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

RJS at Fictionwise

by Rob - December 17th, 2008

Got my quarterly royalties today from, which reminds me to remind y’all that a whole mess of my short stories are available in every standard ebook format (eReader, Kindle, Mobi, Abode, Sony, PDF, you name it — all formats for one price, with no DRM) over there. Have a look.

(Also available are ebook edition of my Neanderthal novels.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

David Hartwell is in the house

by Rob - December 17th, 2008

Or, at least, he was until yesterday morning. Dave, who is a senior editor at Tor Books, comes to Toronto every December to speak at the sales conference for H.B. Fenn and Company, Tor’s Canadian distributor.

He stayed over Monday night at our place and we threw a reception in his honour — and also in honour of the fact that it was Hugo Award-winning author Robert Charles Wilson’s birthday.

Robert J. Sawyer, Robert Charles Wilson

Bob Wilson’s birthday cake — yum!

Author Mike Skeet, Lorna Toolis (Collection Head for The Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation and Fantasy)

Author Robert J. Sawyer, poet Carolyn Clink

Author Phyllis Gotlieb, computer scientist Kelly Gotlieb

Hugo Award-winning fanzine editor Mike Glicksohn

Bestselling fantasy writer Ed Greenwood and David G. Hartwell sing “Happy Birthday” to Bob

(More pictures are in Costi Gurgu’s blog.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

The Genesis of Calculating God

by Rob - December 17th, 2008

My most popular novel seems to be Calculating God, and ten years ago today is when I came up with the idea for it.

On Thursday, December 17, 1998, I was down on the shore of Canandaigua Lake in Upstate New York, borrowing my father’s vacation home there. I had a contract to write a novel for Tor called Up to Code (second book on the two-book contract that had also included Flashforward), but it wasn’t going well. I noted this in my journal for that day:

Tried outlining more of Up to Code, but it just isn’t credible. Meanwhile, received a fan E-mail that praised to the skies my characters and how they integrate with my premises. Of course, I have no real characters at all in Up to Code. Thought seriously about completely revamping the premise.

I first thought of making it more intimate: an alien ship and a human ship have a chance encounter in deep space; I then thought of an idea of an alien coming to Earth just to live with a human family, as a way of assessing the worthiness of our race.

And then it occurred to me to have an alien who was a “paleotheologist” — someone looking for ancient fingerprints of God (although the word is really “theologian,” not “theologist”). Carolyn suggested that maybe the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary layer is a galaxy-wide phenomenon, and he’s come to investigate that.

I figured he could show up and say, look, I’m here to consult with a human paleontologist, and if all the rest of you leave me alone for the year I’ll be here, I’ll tell you how to cure cancer before I go (which suggests a kidnapping plot by someone desperate to have the cure right now). It’s intriguing, anyway …

And, indeed, it was intriguing, to me and to a lot of other people: Calculating God came out in 2000, has been continuously in print since, was nominated for a Hugo and a John W. Campbell Memorial Award, was named the best SF novel of the year by both and the Denver Rocky Mountain News, hit #1 on the Locus bestsellers’ list, was my first national top-ten mainstream bestseller in Canada, has been translated into numerous languages, is widely taught at universities, and was the only book published as science fiction to make the Chapters/Indigo list of the 100 best Canadian-authored books of all time. recently released an unabridged recording of Calculating God, and in March 2009, Tor is bringing out a new trade-paperback edition of Calculating God with a book-club discussion guide bound in.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

CIO: Larry, Robbie, Nancy, Charlie

by Rob - December 17th, 2008

CIO, a publication for Chief Information Officers, interviews Larry Niven, Robert J. Sawyer, Nancy Kress, and Charles Stross in this terrific article by Daniel Dern (which you can read here as a single page).

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

So, Rob, what’s up with Flash Forward?

by Rob - December 16th, 2008

I’m getting asked a lot of questions about the ABC TV pilot based on my novel Flashforward that’s about to be filmed in Los Angeles. Here’s the response I made today in my Yahoo! Groups newsgroup:

I’m not at liberty to discuss things much.

In fact, it’s funny reading the online coverage seeing that no one involved really knows what they’re allowed to say. On Wednesday of last week, Fearnet interviewed Jessika Borsiczky Goyer (executive producer of Flash Forward):

Q: Is it a two-hour pilot?
A: I can’t comment on that.

The very next day, had an interview with David S. Goyer (director), and it’s just tossed off that it is a one-hour pilot.

But, let me say this: David and Brannon have mapped out five seasons of Flash Forward: that’s 110 episodes — and I’m story consultant on every single one.

When David, Brannon, Jessika, and I met in Los Angeles to go over how they intended to adapt my book, I was thrilled and excited about the approach they wanted to take — and I still am. When I went back to L.A., and read the pilot script (and provided my notes on it), I was even more thrilled; the pilot script is magnificent.

There is a lot of epic sweep to this thing. The people dissecting the pilot (and the many rumors about what it contains) are talking about less than 1% of the story arc for the series. (Not that Lost really is the model, but look at episode one of that in isolation and ask yourself if you really could have told where it was going, or that, say, John Locke would emerge as a major character.)

I’m writing one of the first-season episodes myself and am very comfortable with where all this is heading — and I believe that most fans of my work are going to be very, very pleased with the series.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

NYRSF on the Neanderthal Parallax

by Rob - December 16th, 2008

I had cause to look at a back issue of the Hugo Award-nominated The New York Review of Science Fiction today. Richard Parent wrote a fascinating 5,000-word essay about my novels Hominids, Humans, and Hybrids for the June 2004 issue entitled “Double Vision: Robert Sawyer’s Utopian Dystopia.” Students studying those books will find much meat there. The first paragraph:

Robert J. Sawyer’s ambitious new trilogy, The Neanderthal Parallax, presents a provocative challenge to literary analysis — its hybridized nature brings together utopian, dystopian, and traditional sf tropes. Though genre seepage is not a new phenomenon by any measure, Sawyer’s series shifts tone and emphasis at breakneck speed, switching between its personalities with Sybil-like suddenness. What begins as page-turning sf quickly becomes old-school utopia, abandoning all signs of sf. Soon enough, utopia itself is replaced with dystopia, and it is almost as if Bellamy’s Julian West, from Looking Backward, had awakened in 1984, not 2000. For the rest of the trilogy, Sawyer flashes moments of each of his three modes before our eyes, never allowing any one of them to become dominant and thus define the series. Even more intriguing than Sawyer’s deftness at writing in multiple styles, though, is his ability to make the Neanderthal gestalt an enjoyable read, no matter how much or how often each of the traditions interferes with the others. In this article I will explore the resonance and interference resulting from Sawyer’s blending of genres and traditions into a single narrative which, I will argue, gives rise to a revitalized reformation of the utopian tradition.

So there! ;)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

25 years of using WordStar; Canadian SF 25 years ago

by Rob - December 16th, 2008

Twenty-five years ago today, on Friday, December 16, 1983, I started learning the word-processing program WordStar.

I’d bought my first computer, an Osborne 1 CP/M luggable (24 pounds, the most portable computer in the world back then — see picture below), for the princely sum of Canadian$1,495, in large measure because it came bundled with WordStar, which was then the reigning champ of word-processing programs.

A quarter-century later, I still use WordStar. I started with WordStar for CP/M 2.26, and today use the final release, WordStar for DOS 7.0 Rev. D (the datestamp on the files for that version is 21 December 1992, sixteen years ago now).

WordStar is still, in my humble opinion, the best program ever written for the efficient and creative manipulation of text, for all the reasons I outline here, and I’m not going to switch.

For my very first writing project involving WordStar, I decided to write an article about Canadian achievements in Science Fiction over the past year.

The previous year, I’d worked at Bakka, Toronto’s SF specialty bookstore, and, back then, they did an occasional newsletter called The Bakka Bookie Sheet. I choose this project in part because I had become aware that a lot of stuff was starting to happen in Canadian SF, and also because, with all the boldfacing and italics, it would be a good exercise for learning how to format with WordStar.

That article was indeed published in The Bakka Bookie Sheet — and here it is, a quarter-century after it was written, an intriguing snapshot of what the field was like here all those years ago …

1983 in Review: Canadian Achievements in SF&F

In September 1983, Bakka Books published an amusing chapbook entitled Toronto’s Fantastic Street Names by John Robert Colombo.

Houghton-Mifflin published The Celestial Steam Locomotive, first volume of Michael Coney‘s “The Song of Earth” trilogy, in November 1983. Coney makes his home in Sidney, B.C.

Charles de Lint of Ottawa is well-known for his excellent semiprozine Dragonfields, of which the fourth number appeared in 1983. But he has also taken the book-publishing world by storm, selling his first, second, and third novels in 1983: The Riddle of the Wren and Moonheart to Ace and The Harp of the Grey Rose to Starblaze.

Augustine Funnel of Lyndhurst, Ontario, wrote “Viewpoint: A Stroll to the Stars” in the August 1983 issue of Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine [IAsfm].

Another fine collection by Phyllis Gotlieb, Son of the Morning and Other Stories, was released by Ace in December 1983.

Terence M. Green made his first appearance in IAsfm with “Susie Q2” in August 1983. He sold another story to The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction [F&SF]. He reviewed Pauline Gedge’s Stargate and Spider Robinson’s Mindkiller in the February 1983 Books in Canada. Once again, Terry was an invited reader at the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts in Florida.

Collector R. S. Hadji had annotated horror bibliographies in the June, August, and October 1983 issues of Twilight Zone.

Tanya Huff sold script outlines to a TV series in development stage called “Captain Lonestar.” Her fantasy story “Claus Clause” was a runner-up in the annual CBC Radio Drama Competition.

David Kesterton, author of The Darkling, and Robert J. Sawyer both joined the Science Fiction Writers of America in 1983, bringing the total Canadian membership of that organization to 18.

Tsunami by Crawford Kilian of Vancouver was published by Douglas & McIntyre.

That brilliant novel Courtship Rite continued to garner honours for Donald Kingsbury. It was a nominee for the Hugo and Locus named it best first novel of the year. Kingsbury was flown to Balticon 17 in April 1983 to accept the Compton N. Crook Memorial Award. Forbidden Planet bookstore announced Don as winner of their first annual Saturn Award in the Best New Writer category.

Toronto doctor Edward Llewellyn‘s third DAW Books novel, Prelude to Chaos, appeared in February 1983.

Spider Robinson‘s “Melancholy Elephants” won the Best Short Story Hugo. He signed autographs at Bakka in November 1983.

In June 1983, CBC-TV produced a version of University of Waterloo alumnus Thomas J. Ryan‘s 1977 novel The Adolescence of P-1. The show, with screenplay by Barrie Wexler, will be broadcast in 1984 as part of the “For the Record” anthology series.

Montrealer Charles R. Saunders sold an Imaro sequel entitled The Quest for Cush to DAW.

Robert J. Sawyer‘s article on semiprozines was in the Fall 1983 Canadian Author & Bookman. His story “The Contest” was optioned by Bar Harbour films and his script “Earthfall” won an honourable mention in the annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competition. His mini-interview with Don Kingsbury appeared in February 1983’s Books in Canada and he sold a long Kingsbury interview to Science Fiction Review.

Expatriate Canuck A. E. van Vogt completed a third Null-A book, which so far has only sold in French to a publisher in France. DAW Books published his Computerworld in November 1983.

Andrew Weiner continued his prolific publishing of excellent stories: “One More Time” in the Doubleday anthology Chrysalis 10, “On the Ship” in the May 1983 F&SF, “Takeover Bid” in the June 1983 Twilight Zone, and “Invaders” in the October 1983 IAsfm.

McGill University’s Science-Fiction Studies produced issues on “19th-century SF” and “SF in the non-print media.” Bill Marks‘s Vortex had four issues in 1983. A semiprozine called Moonscape appeared, edited by Mogens Brondum of Swan River, Manitoba.

(More such historical notes about Canadian achievements in science fiction are on my website here.)

An Osborne 1 — Rob’s first computer

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Back at SiWC in 2009!

by Rob - December 12th, 2008

Woot! I’ve just been invited to be a presenter again next year at the Surrey International Writers’ Conference in Surrey (Vancouver), British Columbia. This will be my third year at SiWC. It’s a fabulous conference. Dates are October 23-25, 2009.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

"As you know, Bob –" Kablooie!

by Rob - December 11th, 2008

During my lecture on “Showing, Not Telling” at the Surrey International Writers’ Conference back in October, I was asked when it was okay in fiction to have one character lecture another, and I said: “When the other character is desperate to know what the first one knows.” The example I gave is a speech by Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry:

I know what you’re thinking. “Did he fire six shots or only five?” Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

Make all your lectures like that, and your audience won’t even notice that it’s being lectured to. ;)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

More Flash Forward casting

by Rob - December 11th, 2008

We have the female lead for the Flash Forward pilot now. Sonya Walger, who has had recurring roles on both Lost and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, has signed on.

Also cast in the pilot is Christine Woods, pictured below. She’s guested on House and CSI Miami.

The Hollywood Reporter has the news here, and for more about the series pilot, based on my novel, just click on the label “Flash Forward” or “Flashforward” at the end of this post.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

TVOntario monologues with Rob and Nalo

by Rob - December 10th, 2008

TVOntario — a major Canadian public broadcaster — has uploaded some two- and three-minute-long monologues by Robert J. Sawyer and Nalo Hopkinson:

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Nick DiChario on Kurt Vonnegut

by Rob - December 10th, 2008

Hugo and World Fantasy Award finalist Nick DiChario — author of A Small and Remarkable Life and Valley of Day-Glo, both published by Robert J. Sawyer Books — discusses Kurt Vonnegut in the November-December 2008 issue of Philosophy Now, a magazine I quite enjoy. The article is online here.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

WTF, Lulu?

by Rob - December 8th, 2008

So, y’all know how much I love Planet of the Apes. And this guy has just self-published a book outlining his take on the timeline of the movies and TV shows as a trade paperback through, and I figured, okay, what the heck, I’d buy a copy; price is $29.95, plus shipping.

When I went to check out, Lulu ever so thoughtfully took me straight to “enter your credit card” information; I had to click on a thingy to see what shipping charges I was going to be assessed. Holy crap! Lulu had defaulted to “standard shipping” to Canada, which is US$74.26. That’s nuts for one trade paperback.

Now, yes, I could have chosen other options. Here are the choices Lulu offers:

* Ground: US$16.43

* Economy: US$29.44 (with a note that “Lulu does not recommend this shipping method”)

* Standard: US$74.26

* Express: US$84.50

* Super Fast – Ships Next Day Overnight Delivery: US$99.26

* Super Mega Fast – Ships Today Overnight Delivery: US$134.50

I canceled my order; oh, perhaps if they’d defaulted to ground (overpriced but not obscene), maybe I’d have gone through with it. But this is just freakin’ ridiculous.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

The design of Rob’s website at SFWRITER.COM

by Rob - December 8th, 2008

Rob's website

An email I received today said in part:

I’ve read several pages at your Web site. As a well-wisher and a Web programmer, I urge you to consider improving the colour and general design of the site. My kind are cheaper than a dime a dozen but if I can be of assistance, do let me know.

I get comments like that periodically (although I get far, far more praise for the site than I do complaints). My response:

Many thanks for the kind words. They’re very much appreciated!

I’ve looked at other authors’ websites, and rarely see one that I like, especially from an accessibility point of view.

I insist on having a site that resizes well to any size screen (including those on mobile devices); that uses actual text, not graphics, for all words (so they can be resized and so that screen-reading software used by the blind will have no trouble with them); that doesn’t constrain text sizes or hard-code specific point sizes (so that the user can resize up as much as he or she wishes); and that does not use frames, which I find awkward and clumsy.

The choice of colours is personal, I grant you, but I’m genuinely curious about what general sort of changes you’d suggest given the above constraints.

Now, yes, some have said there are too many words on my web pages, but given that my site’s purpose is to drive sales of books that are each around 100,000 words long, it seems that catering to those who don’t wish to read very much text would be counterproductive. :)

By the standards of SF author websites, mine excels in terms of depth of content (with over one million words and over 500 pages) and certainly is in the top half in terms of layout and design.

Also, I actually enjoy coding my own site; it’s all hand-coded in HTML. I’ve been doing it since 1995, and I make several changes each week to the site (often small things, but I need to be able to maintain it myself to do that). So, I’m not looking to hire someone to do it for me. But I’m always open for suggestions as to how to make it better.

And I certainly do welcome suggestions. I’ll probably give the site a facelift or a spruce-up over the next few months as we gear up for the release of Watch, my next novel. Thoughts?

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

RJS on Quirks & Quarks

by Rob - December 6th, 2008

I was on CBC Radio One’s science program Quirks & Quarks today. Missed it? So did I! But the MP3 podcast is already available right here.

The bit with me — on whether the end of our world might come at the hands of aliens — starts at 22 minutes 50 seconds and goes for about three minutes.

Pictured: Bob McDonald, the host of Quirks & Quarks.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

The Savage Humanists course adoption

by Rob - December 6th, 2008

When I commissioned Fiona Kelleghan to edit a critical anthology for Robert J. Sawyer Books, of course my hope was that the book would be adopted for univesity science-fiction courses. And, to our delight, that’s beginning to happen.

Fiona’s anthology The Savage Humanists is required reading at Philadelphia’s Drexel University in the course “Science Fiction” (English 303, section 701, Winter 2008-2009 term) taught by Donald Riggs.

Fiona Kelleghan of the University of Miami

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Science fiction murder mysteries

by Rob - December 6th, 2008

I saw an academic ask about science fiction murder mysteries today, and sent that person a list of my own works in that area:

Golden Fleece, Warner 1990 (reissued by Tor 1999) — winner of Canada’s Aurora Award for best novel; named best SF novel of 1990 in Orson Scott Card’s year-end summation in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction

The Terminal Experiment, HarperPrism, 1995 — winner of the Nebula Award for Best Novel

Illegal Alien, Ace, 1998 — winner of Japan’s Seiun Award for Best Foreign SF novel, and named best Canadian mystery novel of the year by The Globe & Mail, Canada’s National Newspaper

The novella “Identity Theft” from the anthology Down These Dark Spaceways edtied by Mike Resnick for the Science Fiction Book Club; nominated for both the Hugo and the Nebula Awards; included in Nebula Awards Showcase 2007 and in my 2008 collection Identity Theft and Other Stories

The short story “Biding Time,” winner of Canada’s Aurora Award for Best Short Story of the Year, from the DAW anthology Slipstreams edited by John Helfers and Martin Harry Greenberg, and included in my collection Identity Theft and Other Stories.

The short story “The Hand You’re Dealt,” finalist for the Hugo Award and winner of the Science Fiction Chronicle Reader Award for Best Short Story of 1998, first published in Free Space edited by Edward E. Kramer and reprinted in my collection Iterations and Other Stories

Other books by me that are in part murder mysteries: Hominids, winner of the Hugo Award for best novel of the year; Flashforward, winner of the Aurora Award for best novel (and the basis for a TV series pilot for ABC); Frameshift (Hugo finalist, Seiun Award winner), and Fossil Hunter (middle volume of my Quintaglio Ascension trilogy).

I’ve won Canada’s top mystery-fiction award, the Crime Writers of Canada’s Arthur Ellis Award, but that was for a story called “Just Like Old Times” that didn’t in fact involve a murder mystery, and I’ve won France’s top SF award, Le Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire, for a Sherlock Holmes pastiche, but that, too, didn’t actually involve a murder.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Forrest J Ackerman passes

by Rob - December 6th, 2008

Monday, April 22, 1996: Carolyn and I arrive in Los Angeles for a few days of vacation leading up to the Nebula Awards ceremony. Went to NBC, but arrived too late to get tickets to The Tonight Show and so we drove around in our rental car, looking for somewhere to eat, and found a Sizzler.

Across the room, I recognize a man whose photo I’d seen many times: Forrest J Ackerman, the great science-fiction fan, editor, agent, and collector. He was eating with some friends of his.

I thought, what the heck, I’d go up and say hello:

“Mr. Ackerman, you don’t know me, but my name is Rob Sawyer, and I’m visiting from Toronto.”


“Yes, and, well, I’m here for the Nebula Awards banquet — see, my novel The Terminal Experiment is one of the nominees this year, and –“

“Then you must come back to the house!”

My heart almost stopped. “The house,” I knew, was the famed Ackermansion: the giant, sprawling home that contained his amazing 300,000-piece collection of science-fiction books, magazines, and film and TV props, costumes, and memorabilia.

When lunch was done, Forry took us to his place, and OMG, it was incredible. He gave us a two-hour private tour of his 18-room home, and it was unbelievable. The robot from Metropolis. A Cylon from the original Battlestar Galactica. One of the sets of makeup appliances worn by Kim Hunter as Zira in the original Planet of the Apes. Two different sizes of Martian war machines from George Pal’s The War of the Worlds. And so much more.

I remember Forry’s wonderful kindness to a young writer he’d never met before. And I remember, all over his mansion, portraits of his deceased wife Wendayne, and how he spoke repeatedly about her with so much love.

I’m not given to believing in such things, but I do sincerely hope they’re together now. Forrest J Ackerman passed away yesterday at the age of 92.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Busy week!

by Rob - December 5th, 2008

It’s been a busy week! In and around work on my novel Watch, the sequel to Wake, I have:

  • Helped Anne Ptasznik, who was my girlfriend in grade 12, celebrate her mumblety-mumbletieth birthday [that’s Annie and me at our high-school reunion last year]
  • Finished going over the typesetting for Wake
  • Attended a long, very pleasant, and very delicious lunch meeting with Sharon Fitzhenry and associates from Fitzhenry & Whiteside about Robert J. Sawyer Books, the imprint I edit for them
  • Gave a 90-minute talk about “The Future of the Book” to the Canadian Roundtable on Academic Materials, a group of campus booksellers and student-union people from across Canada (at which every attendee got a free copy of my latest, book Identity Theft and Other Stories courtesty of the McMaster University bookstore)
  • Spoke for two hours solid at Chet Scoville’s class at the University of Toronto at Mississauga, where his students are studying Calculating God
  • Had major phone conversations with my Hollywood agent Vince Gerardis and my New York one Ralph Vicinanza, both with very good news
  • Did a by-email interview for a magazine for Chief Information Officers
  • Swung by the offices of Penguin Canada (my Canadian publisher), and met the sales reps for British Columbia
  • Attended Toronto’s monthly First Thursday science-fiction pub night

And the fun continues today with the first of what I’m sure will be a bunch of media interviews about my hosting the upcoming TV series Supernatural Investigator.


The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Shakespeare and Sulu to Flash Forward?

by Rob - December 5th, 2008

Today’s The Hollywood Reporter says:

Joseph Fiennes is in negotiations for the lead in ABC’s hot drama pilot “Flash Forward,” eyed as a potential companion to “Lost.”

John Cho is in negotiations to co-star in the project, from David S. Goyer, Brannon Braga and ABC Studios.

Based on Robert J. Sawyer’s sci-fi novel, “Flash” chronicles the chaos that ensues after everyone in the world passes out for 2 minutes and 17 seconds and has a mysterious vision of the future that changes lives forever.

Joseph Feinnes, of course, played the Bard himself in one of my favourite movies, Shakespeare in Love, and John Cho is the new Sulu in the upcoming movie version of Star Trek, my all-time favourite franchise. So — woohoo!

The full article (until The Hollywood Reporter puts it behind the subscribers-only wall) is here, and more about my novel is here.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Flash Forward casting

by Rob - December 2nd, 2008

We have our first actors cast for the TV series pilot based on my novel Flash Forward.

Two-time Tony Award-nominee Courtney B. Vance is best known for his six seasons as assistant district attorney Ron Carver on NBC’s Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

And my wife Carolyn is over the moon, because Jack Davenport, whom she has had a big crush on since he starred as Steve in the British sitcom Coupling, is playing Lloyd Simcoe. Jack played Norrington in three Pirates of the Carribean movies, and recently starred in CBS’s Swingtown.

The coverage from The Hollywood Reporter (“Vance, Davenport cast in ABC pilot: ‘Flash Forward’ is based on Sawyer’s sci-fi novel”) is here.

Filming of the pilot is scheduled to begin in nine weeks in Los Angeles, on February 19, 2009. More about the pilot is here.

(Photos: Courtney B. Vance, Jack Davenport)

Flash Forward / Flashforward by Robert J. Sawyer, published by Tor Books, New York.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

In charge of programming at Con-Version in 2009: Kirstin Morrell

by Rob - December 1st, 2008

Con-Version, held each year in Calgary, is one of my favourite science-fiction conventions.

The brilliant and beautiful Kirstin Morrell — chair of Con-Version last year, former managing editor of Robert J. Sawyer Books and Red Deer Press, and now Communications Officer for Alberta’s Informatics Circle of Research Excellence (iCORE) — has just been named Head of Programming for next year’s Con-Version, which will be held August 21-23, 2009. Guests of Honour are Terry Brooks and Tanya Huff.

It’s fair to say that over the years the quality of literary programming at Con-Version has waxed and waned, but there’s no doubt that it’ll be first-rate at Con-Version 25 next year. I’ll be attending for sure.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site


by Rob - December 1st, 2008

In a couple of minutes (in my time zone) National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo) will draw to a close.

I did not formally participate, and, if I had, I would not have won (“winning” being defined in NaNoWriMo as succeeding at writing 50,000 words of a novel in the 30 days from November 1 to 30).

But I still had a very good month: I added 31,000 words to Watch, the novel I’m currently working on, during November, bringing the total to 76,000.

And NaNoWriMo did have a role to play, for my bathroom reading for the last little while has been the book No Plot? No Problem! by Chris Baty, founder of National Novel Writing Month. It’s a wonderful book about getting a lot of writing done in a short time, and I recommend it highly. (Available from the NaNoWriMo store or

And to those NaNoWriMo participants who did write 50,000 words in November — congratulations!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Me? Reading poetry?

by Rob - November 30th, 2008

As a certain footnote in history would say, “You betcha!”

The 6th anniversary of the Dead Poets Society Night will be held Tuesday, December 16, 2008, at the Art Bar [Clinton’s], in Toronto, at 8:00 p.m.

There will be 3 sets of 5 readers each. Readers are:

Steven Michael Berzensky
Allan Briesmaster
David Chilton
Carolyn Clink
Robert Colman
James Dewar
Dayle Furlong
Beatriz Hausner
Donna Langevin
Gianna Patriarca
Sue Reynolds
Robert J. Sawyer
Kenneth Sherman
Adam Sol
Andrea Thompson

We will be reading the poetry of: Douglas Adams; Apollinaire William Wilfred Campbell; Margaret Cavendish; Tu Fu; Ted Hughes; Stanley Kunitz; Pier Paolo Pasolini; Jacques Prevért; Isaac Rosenberg; Walt Whitman + more.

Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Time: 8:00pm – 11:00pm
Location: Clinton’s
693 Bloor St. West, Toronto, ON
Phone: 416-535-9541

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The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Stephenie Meyer and her alma mater’s newspaper

by Rob - November 29th, 2008

The November 24, 2008, edition of the Brigham Young student newspaper contains an article entitled Stephenie Meyer: Too Cool for This School?, which says in part:

Meyer graduated from BYU in 1995 with a bachelor’s in English. Because of this inside angle, The Daily Universe requested an interview with the 34-year-old author last week. However, we were snubbed. After a few hours of searching, our reporter finally tracked down Meyer’s publicist’s e-mail address. But the publicist sent us an e-mail telling us Meyer was on much deserved time off. That’s publicist-speak for “She’s not going to grant you an interview, so don’t bother us.”

I’m willing to give Meyer the benefit of the doubt. I’m sure her publicist didn’t even pass the message along that her alma mater’s newspaper requested an interview. If Meyer has time for a self-indulgent cameo appearance, she has time for a 15-minute phone call.

That’s such crap. I’m nowhere near as popular an author as Stephenie Meyer, and my next book doesn’t come out for over four months, but we’ve already been lining up media related to its release (and a book release is much smaller news than is a movie coming out).

I posted the following comment over at’s Writer’s Blog, where I first read this news story; my friend Virginia O’Dine of Canadian SF&F publisher Bundoran Press introduced me to that blog.

“Because of this inside angle, The Daily Universe requested an interview with the 34-year-old author last week.”

LAST WEEK? Come on, guys. The fault is not Stephenie Meyer’s. It’s the paper’s for not getting its act together.

Darn tootin’ the publicist probably didn’t even pass on the request to the author; why should he or she when the students at the paper couldn’t be bothered to do their homework and request an interview well in advance of the release date of the film?

You can bet that all the major news outlets that had Meyer stories recently were lined up well in advance. They didn’t try to play an “inside angle” at the last minute.

Oh, well. At least the editor didn’t say “My dog ate it” to explain his failure to have an interview in his paper.

I have an author friend (someone everyone in Canada knows) who refuses to do any student media. I’m very sympathetic to student efforts — I founded my high school newspaper, The Northview Post — but this kind of crap (we didn’t do our job properly, so we’ll cover for that by being snarky) just vindicates my friend’s position.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Miracle Worker author passes

by Rob - November 28th, 2008

Before writing it, when I was pitching my current novel Wake to publishers, I said it was “William Gibson meets William Gibson.”

Back then, you see, there were two William Gibsons, and the one who’d been read the most probably isn’t the one you’re thinking of. Yes, indeed, there’s Bill Gibson of Vancouver, British Columbia, author of the seminal cyberpunk novel Neuromancer.

But even more people, I suspect, have read (and certainly more people have seen the movie versions of) works by the other William Gibson: the man who wrote The Miracle Worker, the story of deafblind Helen Keller’s relationship with her teacher, Annie Sullivan. That William Gibson died this past Tuesday, at the age of 94.

My novel Wake and my character of Caitlin Decter would not have existed without William Gibson’s marvelous play (and screenplay), because that’s where I first learned the story of Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan, a story that continues to captivate me. I’m sorry to see him go.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Stephen Hawking now with Canada’s Perimeter Institute

by Rob - November 27th, 2008

Woohoo! Stephen Hawking will be spending several months each year at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario. Here’s one of many news stories on the topic, and here’s PI’s press release.

As those who have been reading my novel Wake in Analog know, Caitlin’s father, Dr. Malcom Decter, works at the Perimeter Institute, which was founded by an endowment from my friend Mike Lazaridis, co-founder of Research in Motion, the maker of BlackBerry devices.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Re-reading Flashforward after a decade

by Rob - November 27th, 2008

My first novel, Golden Fleece, came out 18 years ago this month. I never go back and read my own novels after they’re published. Part of that is fatigue — the author has to read through the entire manuscript so many times when polishing a book, and then again when it’s copyedited, and once more to proofread the typesetting; by the time our book is actually out, it’s the last thing most of us want to look at.

And part of that is fear, I guess: an uneasy feeling that we might cringe, or want to rewrite some more, or wish we’d done things differently.

But my 1999 novel Flashforward (or Flash Forward) is, of course, very much in my mind of late, because ABC, the most-watched TV network in the United States, is making a series pilot based on the book. And, well, if it gets picked up for a series, I’m going to write one of the episodes, so I thought I should refamiliarize myself with the book, which I haven’t read in a decade.

As it turns out, recently made Blackstone Audio’s version Flashforward available as an unabridged audio book — so I downloaded it into my iPod and I’ve been listening to installments as I do my morning treadmilling. I finished listening today.

And, what did I think after a decade?

Welllll, colour me immodest, but damn, that’s a fine piece of work.

I mean, I know I should have know that it’s a good book: it won the Aurora Award (and — ahem, Aurora voters! — was my last book to do so); an excerpt from it won Spain’s Premio UPC de Ciencia Ficción, worth US$7,000 back then, the world’s largest annual cash prize for SF writing; and it got me my first starred review (denoting a book of exceptional merit) in Publishers Weekly, saying:

A creative, soul-searching exploration of fate, free will, and the nature of the universe. Sawyer shifts seamlessly among the perspectives of his many characters, anchoring the story in small details. This first-rate, philosophical journey, a terrific example of idea-driven SF, should have wide appeal.

But, y’know, Flashforward has never been one of my favourites from my oeuvre; for whatever reason, I’ve always tended to discount Flashforward and Illegal Alien, despite lots of people telling me that one or the other of them is their favourite among my books.

(As I’ve often said, an author’s take on a given book has more to do with how he or she felt while writing it — what was going on in his or her life at the time — rather than anything objective about what’s actually on the page.)

I had forgotten huge parts of Flashforward, and I’d forgotten how intricate it was, and how all the plot elements go snick-snick-snick, coming together at the end.

And I was astonished to see that the seeds of my latest novel, Rollback, are clearly in there, with the same dilemma Don and Sarah face in that later book spelled out. And I’d totally forgotten all the very neat stuff about Supernova 1987a and its aftermath, and lots of the cool philosophical ramblings.

But listening to it, in Mark Deakins‘s terrific reading, actually let me see it with fresh eyes (and hear it with fresh ears!). And, you know what? It’s worth every penny of the pile of money ABC is paying for the rights. :) I’m proud to have written it, and, really, there’s next to nothing I’d change if I had to do it over again.

For a novel that’s about seeing the future, I guess it would have been nice back when the book came out to have gotten a glimpse of what I myself was going to think about it a decade later (not to mention knowing in advance that it was going to generate so much money!), but now that the future is here, I’m very glad and very content.

More about the book is here, and you can get the Audible version here here. And the scoop about the TV pilot is here.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site