SFWRITER.COM > Nonfiction > Panel Suggestions
Panel Suggestions
When an author is asked to be a program participant at a
science-fiction convention, he or she is also often asked
to suggest panel topics, or to help flesh them out with provocative
questions. I first put together this list in 1994 for ConAdian,
the Winnipeg Worldcon, and update it periodically. One year, the
convention Contradiction in Niagara Falls, New York, simply
used my entire list of suggestions as their core programming.
Dinosaurs in SF
Was it all just cashing in on Jurassic Park, or did any
real literature emerge from the dino glut? Do we now know so
much about dinosaurs why they died, how they lived that
they're no longer fun to write about?
Genre Crossing
Can cross-over books ever be the best in either field? Will an
SF novel ever win an Edgar? Do crossovers get a bigger audience
(all SF plus all mystery fans) or a smaller one (only mystery
fans who like SF)?
Given we only have one life-bearing sample to work from, isn't
world-building a crock? Do some writers get so immersed in their
world-building that they forget that it's just a book, dammit?
Aliens in SF
We can't decide whether dolphins are sentient; what makes us
think we'd recognize an alien intelligence? Isn't it true
that SF about aliens can only be "literature" when its aliens are
metaphors for humanity?
Time Travel That Alters History
Isn't the fact that we live in a world in which the Holocaust
happened proof that such time travel is impossible? Does chaos
theory mean that altering the past will never have the effect you
How to Sell SF to General Readers as
Do you have to disguise any SFnal elements in packaging such a
book? (No mention of Hugos, of "SF," etc.) Isn't it all wasted
effort? Don't general readers deny that any work they like could
possibly be SF? And aren't the usual SF publishers incapable of
reaching mainstream audiences, anyway?
Short Fiction vs. Novels
Why would anyone who can sell novels bother writing lower-paying
short fiction anymore? Has anyone ever expanded a short story
into a novel that was actually better than the original short
story? What about so-called novels ranging from Asimov's
Foundation books to Allen Steele's Coyote and
Matt Hughes's The Commons that are really linked short
Creating an Internally Consistent
Many SF writers are atheists or agnostics; aren't we all really
setting up "straw men" religions? Isn't "internally consistent
religion" an oxymoron? Aren't they all really studies in
How We Deal with Death and Dying
Is it possible to write about life-after-death in an SF context?
Or is it all just mystic mumbo-jumbo? Doesn't SF especially
military SF cheapen the meaning of death? Isn't it all just
war porn?
Intersection Between SF and Contemporary
Does an average 14-year-old understand that The Forever
War is really about Vietnam? Are such allusions wasted
effort? Does a writer limit his or her shelf-life by tying work
too closely to the present day?
Tidally Locked Worlds
Can life evolve on one-face, tidally locked worlds? Would there
be different lifeforms on each side of such a world? Reverse
the premise: why would beings from a one-face world argue
against life on non-tide-locked worlds?
Defining SF
Should we endeavor to keep ourselves pure, defining SF so as to
exclude fantasy? Must
a definition of SF
include a reference to "science" or "technology"?
The SF Market Today
Isn't the SF market the worst its ever been for making a living?
Do writers doom themselves to poverty by writing category SF,
instead of Crichton-style thrillers? What about
sharecropping and work-for-hire media tie-ins?
Aren't they killing the genre?
Where the hell was SFWA when
agents started charging 15%? Isn't
15% outrageously high? Aren't literary lawyers, who are paid
only once, better than agents, who get a percentage for the life
of the book? Also, how do you get an agent? How do you fire an
agent? Can you manage your career yourself?
Canadian SF&F
The only Canadians writers read by significant numbers of people
are published in the US, so isn't there really no such thing as
Canadian SF? The British "New Wave"
changed American SF forever, but is Canadian SF sufficiently
distinctive and coherent to have a comparable impact? Why does
the Canadian government give grants to writers nobody wants to
read, while genre-fiction writers starve to death?
Learning to Write
Is it possible to
learn how to write? Why does Clarion enjoy
such a great reputation when the fact is that two-thirds of those
who attend it never publish a single word professionally?
Aren't writers workshops just the blind leading the blind? What
should you look for in a creative-writing course? Will you learn
more about writing by reading the dozen or so good books out
there on how to write SF, or to read a dozen true classic novels,
such as To Kill a Mockingbird and
The Catcher in the Rye?
The Skeptical Movement
When it started, the modern skeptical movement, as
exemplified by the Committee for the Scientific
Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) and
its magazine, The Skeptical Inquirer, was a bastion
of rigorous inquiry into unusual phenomena. But in
recent years, CSICOP and its publications have become
increasingly rigid, and are, in the view of some,
treating skepticism like a religion, with
dogmatic positions,
supposed apostates being shouted down, and
actual scientific inquiry being very much set aside. Can
skepticism be saved?
Some More Ideas
And here are some new panel suggestions emphasizing
literary SF and writing that I submitted to
the Calgary convention Con-Version 22 in June 2006:
Separate Awards?
Science Fiction and Fantasy: do we need a separate Hugo and
Nebula Award for each type? Was it a great breakthrough, or the
end of the world as we know it, when Harry Potter won a Hugo?
Canadian Small Press
The Canadian small press: a huge opportunity, or just giving
your books and stories away to markets very few people read?
A look at the SF/F publishing programs of EDGE Publications,
Robert J. Sawyer Books,
Bundoran Press, On Spec, Tesseracts, Neo-Opsis,
and more.
Exposition in SF and fantasy: can it be handled elegantly, or
does it always degenerate into indigestible infodumps? Do people
want to learn while they're being entertained, or do we separate
fiction and nonfiction for good reason? How much did the
infodumps about Christ and Catholicism contribute to the success
of The Da Vinci Code?
Writers' workshops and formal writing initiatives: from
online workshops like Critters, through big groups like Calgary's
Imaginative Fiction Writers Association (IFWA), and
small informal gatherings of just a few writers, does making
writing into a group activity actually help? What are the
pluses and minuses of workshopping and writing retreats? Do
things like NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and
three-day novel-writing competitions really get people producing
good work, or just burn them out? And what about formal writing courses?
From Banff to Beijing
What's special about Canadian science fiction and fantasy
books? They're selling well on the world stage why? What can
a story set in Alberta possibly have to say to someone in
China? Is Canadian stuff really different from the American brand,
and, if so, how?
Authors and Editors
Editors and authors have the same goal making the work the
best it can be but they don't always agree on what will
accomplish that. How do authors handle disagreements with
their editors? How do editors cajole authors into seeing the
light? Is self-publishing the great liberator by getting rid of
the editor altogether, or the road to mediocrity?
Is Hard-SF Getting Too Hard?
Everyone can understand the basic math and tech behind Larry Niven's
Ringworld or classic stories such as his "Neutron Star" and Tom
Godwin's "The Cold Equations," but who the heck understands
quantum entanglement? Is the science in today's science fiction
so abstruse and complex as to make the stories inaccessible to
most readers? And is this why fantasy has overtaken SF as the
more popular of the two genres?
The Philosophy of Fantasy
Sure, there's an escapist element in a lot of fantasy, but much of
it also has serious philosophical underpinnings. Look at
R. Scott Bakker bestselling fantasy writer who is currently
pursuing a Ph.D. in philosophy. What is it that today's
fantasists are trying to say, and why do they choose this
particular storytelling form to say it?
"Comme toujours, on peut dépendre sur la
performance de certains auteurs: Robert J. Sawyer est
un panéliste hors-pair." ("As always, you can depend on the
performance of certain writers: Robert J. Sawyer is an
outstanding panelist.") The Prix Aurora Award-winning blog
Fractale framboise
More quotes about Robert J. Sawyer at conventions
More Good Reading
What's an SF convention like?
Why authors attend Science Fiction Conventions
Rob's upcoming convention appearances
Rob's stints at Guest of Honor
Comments from convention attendees about Rob
(Also see Rob's comments about why authors attend SF conventions in
Canada's The National Post newspaper, Monday, February 21, 2000, page
More Nonfiction about SF
Canadian SF index
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