Robert J. Sawyer

Hugo and Nebula Award-Winning Science Fiction Writer

Farah Mendlesohn for the Hugo

by Rob - January 14th, 2009

This is the eighth in a series of blog posts in which I’m going to discuss people and things that I think merit consideration for this year’s Hugo and Aurora Awards; both sets of awards will be given at the Montreal Worldcon this year.

So, Hugo Award-winning science-fiction critic John Clute is in Toronto right now, and he joined a group (including Robert Charles Wilson and myself) for dinner last night. It was, of course, most pleasant, and it drove home an interesting reality: that the science-fiction and fantasy fields are flat, in a way that most other fields of endeavor are not. Athletes don’t socialize with sports reporters, actors don’t pal around with theatre critics, restaurateurs prefer to eat without the restaurant reviewer present. But in SF&F everyone socializes, even if sometimes the opening lines of H.G. Wells’s War of the Worlds echo through people’s minds:

No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man’s and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinised and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water.

Not so long ago, another Hugo Award-winning SF&F critic was also in Toronto, my friend Farah Mendlesohn, whom I first met when I gave a talk at the Library of Congress in 1999. Farah, John, Bob, and I will all meet up again soon, at the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts in Orlando in March, where authors will again be put under the microscope.

And, still, yet, one wonders do authors really care what academics think of their work? Do academics actually give a damn what the subjects of their scholarship think about their assessments? While wearing those hats (author, critic), the most healthy and productive answer for each is probably “no.”

But in that flat field of science fiction and fantasy, most of us wear at least one other hat, too: we’re also fans, and fandom cares enough about the field of writing about SF&F to have established a Hugo Award for “Best Related Book,” defined as “Any work whose subject is related to the field of science fiction, fantasy, or fandom, appearing for the first time in book form during the year in question, and which is either non-fiction or, if fictional, is noteworthy primarily for aspects other than the fictional text.”

And, lo and behold, there were a couple of standout works that meet the above criteria published last year. The one that had better distribution, and therefore has a real shot at the Hugo in this category, was by the aforementioned Dr. Mendlesohn: Rhetorics of Fantasy, described by its publisher thus:

Transcending arguments over the definition of fantasy literature, Rhetorics of Fantasy introduces a provocative new system of classification for the genre. Utilizing nearly two hundred examples of modern fantasy, author Farah Mendlesohn uses this system to explore how fiction writers construct their fantastic worlds. Mendlesohn posits four categories of fantasy — portal-quest, immersive, intrusion, and liminal — that arise out of the relationship of the protagonist to the fantasy world. Using these sets, Mendlesohn argues that the author’s stylistic decisions are then shaped by the inescapably political demands of the category in which they choose to write. Each chapter covers at least twenty books in detail, ranging from nineteenth-century fantasy and horror to extensive coverage of some of the best books in the contemporary field. Offering a wide-ranging discussion and penetrating comparative analysis, Rhetorics of Fantasy will excite fans and provide a wealth of material for scholarly and classroom discussion.

Includes discussion of works by over 100 authors, including Lloyd Alexander, Peter Beagle, Marion Zimmer Bradley, John Crowley, Stephen R. Donaldson, Stephen King, C.S. Lewis, Gregory Maguire, Robin McKinley, China Mieville, Suniti Namjoshi, Philip Pullman, J.K. Rowling, Sheri S. Tepper, J.R.R. Tolkien, Tad Williams.

As critic Brian Attebery said,”Mendlesohn goes well beyond a survey to offer new and often surprising readings of works both familiar and obscure. A fine critical work that offers fresh insights on almost every page.”

And it does indeed do just that: a fascinating, insightful, argument-provoking, entertaining, cogently presented work, fully worthy of the Hugo Award.

Farah, as it happens, is programming director for the Montreal Worldcon, where the Hugos will be given this year. It would be wonderful if, when the con was over, she had to fight with the security screening people at Montreal’s Pierre Elliot Trudeau International Airport about why she wanted to take a giant rocket-shaped thing aboard the plane as carry-on luggage …

For the Hugo Award for Best Related Book:

  • Mendlesohn, Farah. Rhetorics of Fantasy. Wesleyan University Press.

(The other nonfiction book I’m enthused about is Canadian Michael Berman’s The Everyday Fantastic, which I discuss in a separate blog post, and am suggesting for the Aurora Award.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Wake to be a Main Selection of the SFBC

by Rob - January 14th, 2009

Woot! I’m thrilled to announce that my next novel, Wake, will be a Main Selection of the Science Fiction Book Club!

This is my second Main Selection in a row (after Rollback).

I’m totally delighted about this. :)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Time Machines Repaired While-U-Wait: Put two shrimps on the barbie!

by Rob - January 13th, 2009

On Thursday, August 26, 2004, I was called upon to welcome visiting Australian SF writer K.A. Bedford on behalf of the Canadian SF scene at his reading and signing at the World’s Biggest Bookstore in Toronto, and we’ve been friends ever since. Although he lives Down Under, he’s published here in Canada (he was “discovered” by the wonderful Robyn M. Herrington of Calgary, to whom my novel Rollback is dedicated).

The latest book by Adrian (as he’s known) is Time Machines Repaired While-U-Wait, and it has just been nominated for not one but two major awards: Australia’s Aurealis and the United States’s Philip K. Dick (an award for which I myself was a juror in 1995). Here’s the press release from his publisher — way to go, Adrian!

Time Machines isn’t eligible for the Aurora — it’s the nationality of the author, not the publisher, that counts — but it most certainly is eligible for the Hugo …

Canadian Book by Australian Author
Shortlisted for Two Top Book Awards
[Calgary, AB, January 13, 2009]

EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing is proud to announce that Time Machines Repaired While-U-Wait, by Australian author K.A. Bedford, has been shortlisted for both the Aurealis (Australia’s premier award for science fiction literature) and the Philip K. Dick (for distinguished original science fiction) AWARDS.

The Aurealis Awards are in their fourteenth year as Australia’s premier awards for speculative fiction.

The Philip K. Dick Award is presented annually with the support of the Philip K. Dick Trust for distinguished science fiction.

EDGE publisher Brian Hades stated in an interview today, “We are extremely proud of Adrian. This is his fourth novel, and he is proving to be the new voice in science fiction we’ve all been waiting for.”

Author Bedford comment on his back-to-back listings by simply stating, “I’m gobsmacked!”

Bedford recently completed a North American promotional book tour for Time Machines Repaired While-U-Wait stopping in Denver, Colorado, to attended the World Science Fiction Convention and Calgary, Alberta, where he was the author Guest of Honour.

About the Novel:
Time Machines Repaired While-U-Wait: In the future, Aloysius “Spider” Webb will journey to the End of Time. For now, Spider must be content with repairing broken time machines, rebuilding his life and avoiding the lunatic antics of his boss, Dickhead McMahon.

Spider’s life is status quo until he discovers, inside a broken second-hand time machine, the corpse of a brutally murdered woman from the future. The Department of Time and Space steps in to manage the situation leaving Spider asking a lot of questions that only lead to more questions; unsettling evidence, brewing trouble, and the knowledge that Spider himself might be involved in an epic battle for control of time itself.

Will his knowing the future be a curse or a blessing? Will Spider Webb find out how things turn out before they happen? And, with his new found knowledge, who will Spider trust?

It will all happen before the End of Time!

About the Author:
K.A. Bedford was born in Fremantle, Australia in 1963. He attended Murdoch University, in Perth and studied Writing, Theatre, and Philosophy, before becoming actively involved in the Australian SF community. Time Machines Repaired While-U-Wait is his fourth novel. He lives with his wife, Michelle, near Perth, Australia.

Presentation of the Awards:
The Aurealis Award will be presented at the Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts in Brisbane, Australia on Saturday 24 January 2009.

The Philip K. Dick Award will be presented on Friday, April 10, 2009 at Norwescon 32 at the Doubletree Seattle Airport Hotel, SeaTac, Washington.

About the Aurealis Awards:
The Aurealis Awards were established in 1995 by Chimaera Publications, the publishers of Aurealis Magazine, to recognize the achievements of Australian science fiction, fantasy and horror writers.

The Aurealis Awards have a significant history behind them now. Since the Awards’ first ceremony, both the field of literature and the vibrancy of the Australian speculative fiction community have grown substantially. The extensive list of past winners and finalists is not only a great guide to a basic bookshelf selection of the best Australian works; it is also a useful survey of more than a decade’s worth of significant topics and themes, a who’s who of the genre locally and the growth of the Australian publishing industry’s commitment to the genre. Winners will be announced at the Aurealis Awards ceremony at the Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts in Brisbane on Saturday 24 January 2009.

For more information on the Aurealis Awards, please visit their website:

About the Philip K. Dick Award:
The Philip K. Dick Award is presented annually with the support of the Philip K. Dick Trust for distinguished science fiction published in paperback original form in the United States. The award is sponsored by the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society and the Philip K. Dick Trust and the award ceremony is sponsored by the NorthWest Science Fiction Society.

More Information on the Book:
For further information on Time Machines Repaired While-U-Wait please visit our webpage.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

On TVOntario Wednesday night

by Rob - January 13th, 2009

Tomorrow night (Wednesday, January 14, 2009), I’ll be part of a panel discussion on TVOntario‘s flagship current-affairs program The Agenda with Steve Paikin, discussing what being online does to the human brain and our concepts of socialization. It’s all part of the show’s “Mysteries of the Mind” week. The hour-long program airs at 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.

(The screen capture is from a previous appearance by me on this show.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

James Alan Gardner for the Hugo and Aurora

by Rob - January 13th, 2009

This is the seventh in a series of blog posts in which I’m going to discuss people and things that I think merit consideration for this year’s Hugo and Aurora Awards; both sets of awards will be given at the Montreal Worldcon this year.

Those of you who’ve read my novel Wake as it was serialized in Analog will have encountered the open-source competitor for Google known as Jagster. As I wrote:

In the tradition of silly Web acronyms (“Yahoo!” stands for “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle”), Jagster is short for “Judiciously Arranged Global Search-Term Evaluative Ranker” — and the battle between Google and Jagster has been dubbed the “Ranker rancor” by the press …

But the name Jagster is really a homage to my great friend James Alan Gardner of Kitchener, Ontario, the finest SF short-fiction writer Canada has ever produced.

And in 2008, the Jagster published one of his very best short stories ever: “The Ray-Gun: A Love Story,” in the February 2008 Asimov’s. The piece begins in typical Gardner fashion: “This is a story about a ray-gun. The ray-gun will not be explained except to say, ‘It shoots rays.'”

I had the privilege of workshopping this story prior to its publication, and was blown away. Since it came out, others have sung its praises, too. See, for instance, this review over at the always-interesting SF Gospel blog from January 6 of last year, which concludes, “This early in the year, we already have a strong contender for next year’s Hugo for Best Novelette.”

I didn’t see a better story all year long. Gardner Dozois has picked it up for his annual Year’s Best Science Fiction, and Rich Horton has grabbed it for his Science Fiction: The Best of the Year.

It’s one of only nine novelettes to have made SFWA’s Preliminary Nebula Award ballot. It deserves a place on the final Nebula ballot … and on the final Hugo ballot, too (and it’ll be criminal if it’s not on the Aurora Award ballot). I recommend it without reservation:

For the Hugo Award for Best Novelette and the Aurora Award for Best Short Form Work in English:

You can read the whole wonderful story online here.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Rollback the "One Book, One Brant" choice

by Rob - January 13th, 2009

Woot! Woohoo!

My latest novel Rollback has just been selected by the County of Brant, Ontario, for its annual One Book, One Brant community-wide reading program.

The program is sponsored by the County of Brant Public Library and the Friends of the Library. Brant includes the city of Paris, Ontario, and several smaller communities.

I’ll be appearing at the main library branch, 12 William Street, Paris, Ontario, on Sunday, March 1, 2009, at 1:30 p.m., at the conclusion of the reading program.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Vision TV: Sci-Fi and Supernatural Tuesdays!

by Rob - January 13th, 2009

We got your Quantum Leap, we got your Poltergeist, we got Rob Sawyer hosting Supernatural Investigator, and we’ve got a new documentary featuring Rob on science fiction’s attempts to predict the future!

Starting January 27, Tuesdays are Science Fiction and Supernatural Nights on Canada’s Vision TV!

The Vision TV press release is here, and also reproduced below.

TORONTO, Jan. 12, 2009 /CNW/ – On Tuesday nights in 2009, VisionTV will journey to the distant future and delve deep into otherworldly realms.

Beginning on Tuesday, Jan. 27, Canada’s multi-faith and multicultural television network premieres two original new Canadian documentary anthology series that will take viewers to worlds far beyond our own.

The 17-part series I Prophesy: The Future Revealed, airing Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, examines the predictions of present-day oracles. Combining dramatizations, CGI sequences, and interviews with world renowned scientists, authors and intellectuals, the I Prophesy documentaries consider the possible futures that may await us: from a world in which physical sex no longer exists and humans live for a thousand years, to doomsday scenarios in which our civilization is erased by asteroid collisions or epic floods.

The I Prophesy documentaries were produced for VisionTV by Arcadia Entertainment Inc., Henry Less Productions and Partners in Motion Inc.

Supernatural Investigator, airing Tuesdays at 10:30 p.m. ET / 7:30 p.m. PT, takes a critical look at paranormal phenomena in an attempt to separate fact from fiction. Each half-hour documentary follows an expert investigator as he or she brings rigorous, real-life scrutiny to a search for the truth behind so-called supernatural happenings. Canada’s foremost science fiction writer, Hugo Award winner Robert J. Sawyer, hosts the 17-part series.

The Supernatural Investigator documentaries were produced for VisionTV by Arcadia Entertainment Inc., Elevator Films, Ocean Entertainment Ltd., Paradocs, Riddle Films Inc. and Sorcery Films Ltd.

VisionTV’s Tuesday night lineup also features the science-fiction drama series Quantum Leap (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) and Poltergeist: The Legacy (weeknights at 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT).


I Prophesy: The Future Revealed
Premieres Tuesday, Jan. 27, 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT

“Dude, Where’s My Flying Car?” – Over the past century, science fiction authors have often proved uncannily accurate in their predictions. Can today’s generation of SF writers offer useful clues about the shape of tomorrow? In this premiere episode, Hugo Award-winning Canadian science fiction novelist Robert J. Sawyer (Hominids) ponders which of our contemporary fantasies may end up as reality. Will robots do our household cooking and cleaning? Will humanity colonize other worlds? And, most important: will we finally get flying cars? Produced by Arcadia Entertainment Inc.

Supernatural Investigator
Premieres Tuesday, Jan. 27, 10:30 p.m. ET / 7:30 p.m. PT

“The Antichrist” – Does the Antichrist walk among us? Are we nearing the End of Days? Surprisingly, belief in the Biblical prophecies of an Antichrist remain alive and well in the 21st century. In this episode, Halifax-based paranormal filmmaker Michael MacDonald searches high and low for the world’s most notorious villain. Produced by Ocean Entertainment Ltd.

Joan Jenkinson is the VisionTV Executive Producer and concept creator for both series. For more information on VisionTV programming, please visit

For further information: Media Contact: David Todd, Media Relations Manager, VisionTV, Phone: (416) 368-3194, ext. 207, Email:

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Why there’s no Aurora Award for … whatever

by Rob - January 13th, 2009

People kvetch that we don’t have an Aurora Award for whatever their favourite art form is, and recently someone put forth the silly argument that the reason we don’t is because of the cost of making trophies.

Poppycock. The reason we don’t have Aurora Awards for every possible form of expression is that no one has taken the initiative to show that we acutally need them. In 1997, I was part of a committee struck by SF Canada to comment on the Aurora Awards; the committee failed to turn in a report, but I posted my comments online, and I raise the same points at every Aurora (CanVention) business meeting when someone suggest a new category:

Periodically, new Aurora categories are suggested. Among those put forth recently include best graphic novel, best TV show or movie, best poem, and best web site — many presumably with separate French and English trophies to be presented. I believe there already are too many Aurora Awards; adding more simply cheapens the value of each one. However, when a new category is proposed, I believe the proposer should be required to put forth mock ballots listing full slates of credible nominees for the previous three years in the suggested category: if five truly award-caliber works cannot be found in each of the preceding three years in a proposed award category, clearly there is insufficient quality work being done in that area in Canada to justify an annual competitive award for it.

In the eleven subsequent years, no one has even once risen to that challenge. Being nominated should be an honour in and of itself; you shouldn’t be nominated just because you’re one of only a handful of people who worked in a given area in the year in question. Nominations are for outstanding work, not every work; this isn’t nursery school where you get a ribbon just for showing up.

You want a new category? Get crackin’ on the paperwork. I’ll be there at the CanVention business meeting at the 2009 Worldcon in Montreal. Put your mock ballots on the table, and, if they really do contain works that are award-calibre, I’ll be the first to vote in favour of a new award category; hell, I’ll even second the motion for you. But if you put in a proposal for a new category but no mock ballots to prove the proposal’s worth, I’ll vote against it, and so, I bet, will just about everyone else in the room.

(In point of fact, almost no one who complains about the Auroras ever shows up at the business meetings. Complaining is easy; actually working to sustain and improve something is hard.)

(My full set of comments from 1997 on the Auroras.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

SFWA Pressbook on Supernatural Investigator

by Rob - January 12th, 2009

The SFWA Pressbook — the news service of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America — has just put up a release entitled Robert J. Sawyer hosts Supernatural Investigator.

Older SFWA Pressbook articles about RJS:

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Identity Theft for the Aurora

by Rob - January 12th, 2009

This is the sixth in a series of blog posts in which I’m going to discuss people and things that I think merit consideration for this year’s Hugo and Aurora Awards; both sets of awards will be given at the Montreal Worldcon this year.

Okay, okay, what about little ole me? Well, although I didn’t publish a novel in 2008, I do have something eligible for the Aurora Award in the Best Long Form Work in English category: my new collection Identity Theft and Other Stories.

The book, published simultaneously in hardcover and trade paperback by Red Deer Press, includes the Hugo finalist “Shed Skin,” the Nebula finalist “Identity Theft,” the Aurora winners “Biding Time” and “Ineluctable,” and 13 others [Table of Contents].

The book spent two months on the Locus bestsellers list, and both months was the only single-author short-story collection on any of the Locus lists (hardcover, mass-market paperback, trade paperback, media-related, or gaming-related).

“As fellow Canadian SF author Robert Charles Wilson points out in the introduction, Sawyer’s fiction possesses a remarkable down-to-earth quality that appeals to readers of all nationalities. Yet Sawyer’s collection showcases not only an irresistibly engaging narrative voice but also a gift for confronting thorny philosophical conundrums. At every opportunity, Sawyer forces his readers to think while holding their attention with ingenious premises and superlative craftsmanship.” —Booklist

“Sawyer’s latest collection is highly entertaining and thought-provoking; the book has something for almost any science-fiction fan. It is a testament to Sawyer’s talent that it is not necessary to be a sci-fi fan to enjoy his writing; this is a collection of great stories that just happen to be set in the future.” —Quill & Quire

For your consideration for the Aurora Award Best Long-Form Work in English:

  • Sawyer, Robert J. Identity Theft and Other Stories. Red Deer Press.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Caitlin gets a boob job

by Rob - January 12th, 2009

My friend Debi Ancel is a librarian in Montreal, and she just forwarded me the Library of Congress catalog information for Wake, my upcoming novel about 15-year-old blind math genius Caitlin Decter. Among the Library of Congress subject headings are “Women mathematicians” and “Implants, Artificial.”

Hee hee.

(The full list of subject headings: “Blind women,” “Women mathemeticians,” “Implants, Artificial,” “World Wide Web,” and “Artificial intelligence.”)

By the way, Debi gave me the terrific T-shirt below, after I said I preferred the term “philosophical fiction” to “science fiction.” It identities me as the “World’s Best Phi-Fi Author.” :)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

WATCH: The Soundtrack, Part 2

by Rob - January 11th, 2009

Another track from the soundtrack for my upcoming novel Watch, the sequel to Wake, which I’m writing right now: “Good Morning Starshine” from the musical Hair (YouTube video clip). The song is alluded to in the book. :)

Good morning, starshine!
The Earth says hello …

(Previous entry: the theme from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Stanley Schmidt for the Hugo

by Rob - January 11th, 2009

This is the fifth in a series of blog posts in which I’m going to discuss people and things that I think merit consideration for this year’s Hugo and Aurora Awards; both sets of awards will be given at the Montreal Worldcon this year.

Okay, folks, y’all have been very good to me when it comes to the Hugos over the years. You nominated my novels The Terminal Experiment, Starplex, and Rollback for the Hugo; you nominated my short story “Shed Skin” for the Hugo, and you gave me the best-novel Hugo for Hominids, and, if I’m lucky, next year, you might be kind enough to nominate my new novel Wake for the Hugo, too.

But you know what all those works have in common? Stanley Schmidt, the editor of Analog Science Fiction and Fact, edited every single one of them. The Terminal Experiment (under its original title of Hobson’s Choice), Starplex, Hominids, Rollback, and Wake all first appeared in Analog (as did my 2002 Aurora Award-winning novelette “Ineluctable”). You can’t be a Robert J. Sawyer fan without also being a fan of Stanley Schmidt.

And yet, despite being the longest-serving short-fiction editor in the SF field, despite editing what has in every year of his tenure been the world’s number-one bestselling English-language science-fiction magazine, despite being the only major SF&F magazine editor to write an editorial himself for each issue, despite his tireless mentoring of new writers, such as (to name an obvious example from this past year) Calgary’s Susan Forest — despite all that, Dr. Schmidt has never won a Hugo. That’s criminal.

It goes without saying that Stan will be nominated for a Hugo this year — he’s nominated every year. But don’t just nominate this wonderful, self-effacing, brilliant, hard-working, caring editor. Vote for him..

Some of my previous blog posts about Stan:

For the Hugo Award for Best Professional Editor, Short Form:

  • Schmidt, Stanley. Analog Science Fiction & Fact

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Reminder: Canadian SF Works Database

by Rob - January 11th, 2009

Marcel Gagné and I founded the Canadian SF Works Database in 2007 as a resource for those interested in nominating for Canada’s Aurora Awards, and for those who want to know what Canadian works are eligible for international science fiction and fantasy awards.

If you are a creator, please make sure your creations are listed. The database is a Wiki; anyone may add to or edit its contents.

If you’re a fan or reader who wants to participate in the awards process, please visit the database to remind yourself of all the wonderful people and things that are eligible for nomination.

The list of English publications from 2008 (the ones eligible for the Auroras and Hugos to be given this year) is here.

Canadian SF Works Database

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Hayden Trenholm for the Aurora

by Rob - January 11th, 2009

This is the fourth in a series of blog posts in which I’m going to discuss people and things that I think merit consideration for this year’s Hugo and Aurora Awards; both sets of awards will be given at the Montreal Worldcon this year.

In the previous post in this series, I talked about a book I’d published under my Robert J. Sawyer Books imprint, Nick DiChario’s A Small and Remarkable Life. Nick’s an American, so his book isn’t eligible for the Aurora. In fact, both of the books I published last year were by Americans (the other was the anthology The Savage Humanists edited by Fiona Kelleghan).

But there were some great small-press Canadian-authored SF novels published last year, and my favourite was Defining Diana by Hayden Trenholm, brought to us by the good folks at Bundoran Press in Prince George, British Columbia.

Their gorgeous trade paperback sports this blurb from me:

Hayden Trenholm is a true original; an exciting new voice, tinged with sly wit. Defining Diana will grab you on the first page and won’t let you go.

Hayden’s proven he’s an award-calibre writer: he won last year’s Best Short Form Work in English Aurora Award (and in 1992, he won the 3-Day Novel Writing Contest). There’s an excellent interview with Hayden by Ed Willette here.

I’m the proud owner of the very first signed copy of Defining Diana — a gift from Hayden (I was MC at the book-launch party for the novel held at Toronto’s Ad Astra). And — lucky me! — right now I’m reading the terrific sequel, Steel Whispers, in manuscript.

Defining Diana definitely deserves your consideration for this year’s Aurora Award for Best Long Form Work in English:

  • Trenholm, Hayden. Defining Diana. Bundoran Press.

(Pictured: Author Hayden Trenholm and editor Virginia O’Dine of Bundoran Press at McNally Robinson in Winnipeg in May 2008, where Hayden, myself, and Nick DiChario did a joint signing.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Analog electronic back issues with Wake

by Rob - January 11th, 2009

Did you miss any of the four installments of my novel Wake as it was serialized recently in Analog Science Fiction and Fact magazine? The electronic versions of the four issues in question are all still available for a while longer from

One price gets you all these format: Adobe Acrobat (PDF), Adobe Acrobat Large Print (PDF), eReader (PDB), Palm Doc (PDB), Rocket/REB1100 (RB), Microsoft Reader (LIT), Franklin eBookMan (FUB), hiebook (KML), Sony Reader (LRF), iSilo (PDB), Mobipocket, Kindle Compatible (MOBI), and OEBFF Format (IMP).

(Or you can buy the hardcover when it comes out in April 2009!)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Nick DiChario for the Hugo

by Rob - January 10th, 2009

This is the third in a series of blog posts in which I’m going to discuss people and things that I think merit consideration for this year’s Hugo and Aurora Awards; both sets of awards will be given at the Montreal Worldcon this year.

Respectfully submitted for your consideration for the Hugo Award for Best Novel of the Year:

Valley of Day-Glo by Nick DiChario, published by my Robert J. Sawyer Books imprint.

There’s no question that Nick is an award-caliber writer: he’s been nominated for the Hugo twice, for the World Fantasy Award, and for both Campbell Awards (the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer of 1993, and the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Novel of the Year for his previous RJS Books title, A Small and Remarkable Life.

Rather than me sing the praises of Valley of Day-Glo, I’ll let Hugo and Nebula Award-winner Nancy Kress do it. Here’s the introduction she wrote for Nick’s book:

By Nancy Kress

Twenty pages into reading Valley of Day-Glo, I sent Nick DiChario an email: “Am reading your novel. You have a very warped mind.” Nick forwarded the message to his publisher with a copy to me, saying “Look! A cover blurb!”

Does Nick really have a warped mind? Not to look at him or talk to him at a party. He’s courteous, affable, a good listener. He has always displayed these qualities, and I’ve known him since he was twenty-one.

We met in 1982 when I was, for the first time ever, teaching a summer writing workshop. I had not yet published very much myself — one novel and a handful of short stories — and felt uncertain of myself as a teacher of writing. It was pretty much the blind leading the blind. I can still see Nick, a few other students, and me sitting on the broad shallow steps of the Fine Arts building on the campus where the workshop was held. We’re eating potato salad off soggy paper plates and earnestly discussing the state of publishing — as if any of us actually knew much about it.

Nick knows a lot about it now. He’s owned a bookstore, published wonderful stories, collaborated extensively with the very knowledgeable Mike Resnick, been nominated for both a Hugo and World Fantasy award for his lovely story “The Winterberry,” and for the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for his previous novel, A Small and Remarkable Life. There is no doubt in my mind that eventually Nick will win one, or all, of these awards. Meanwhile, we have Valley of Day-Glo.

What to make of this book? In the first paragraph we have Indians named Broadway Danny Rose, The Outlaw Josey Wales, and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Later on, we have a sacred Jug Dance involving “an original Igloo water cooler” and a sacred text titled Network Marketing in the New Millennium. We have a corpse that steadily rots for 100 pages but occasionally sits up to chime in with comments on the action. We have a very unorthodox cure for sexual dysfunction. Is all that warped or what?

Yes, in that the world of Day-Glo is a distorted one that is highly unlikely as a direct descendant of our own. BUT — that all-important but! — in another sense, this world is very much our own. One meaning of “warp,” after all, is “a system of spun threads extended lengthwise on a loom.” The warp is then woven with the cross-threads, the “woof.”

In Day-Glo Nick is weaving a very intricate tapestry indeed. His warp may be fanciful and wildly inventive, but his cross-threads are deadly serious. They are love and the price that love exacts, violence and the grief it causes, striving and the ways that striving can be twisted by the larger world. Nick’s tapestry is a life-like design of brilliant, heart-breaking colors, including that imaginative warp. You will be the richer for having viewed it, read it, pondered it. You will be the richer for having spent time with Broadway Danny Rose and shared his search for the Valley of Day-Glo.

Even if you never in your life witness a sacred Jug Dance.

  • DiChario, Nick. Valley of Day-Glo, Robert J. Sawyer Books.

Nick DiChario’s website
Nancy Kress’s website
The Robert J. Sawyer Books website

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

An anti-Hugo suggestion

by Rob - January 10th, 2009

A friend sent me an email today suggesting he was going to nominate me for the Hugo for Best Professional Editor (Long Form), for the work I do on Robert J. Sawyer Books. My reply:

That’s super-kind of you, but I just don’t deserve it. I edited just two books last year (granted, very good ones by Nick DiChario and Fiona Kelleghan — how could I go wrong?). But I’d die if someone worthy, like Ginjer Buchanan or Susan Allison or Beth Meacham or Lou Anders or Jim Frenkel got squeezed off the ballot because I’d made it on.

Same thing goes for the Auroras, folks, and the “Best Professional (Other)” category. That’s where you’d nominate Brian Hades of Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy, On Spec, Neo-Opsis, the anthologies Tesseracts 12, Michael Berman’s excellent chollection of scholarly essays The Everyday Fantastic, and so on. You only get three nominations for the Auroras; don’t waste one on me in this category.

(And see The Canadian SF Works Database for other good suggestions.)

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Randy McCharles for the Aurora

by Rob - January 9th, 2009

This is the second in a series of blog posts in which I’m going to discuss people and things that I think merit consideration for this year’s Hugo and Aurora Awards; both sets of awards will be given at the Montreal Worldcon this year.

The Aurora Awards are often called “the Canadian Hugos,” but that’s only a partially apt analogy.

In point of fact, there’s no one-to-one correspondence between categories for the two sets of awards. And while both sets of awards honour both professional and fan activities, only the Aurora Awards have a category for Best Fan Organizational.

That award is to recognize the hard-working folk who work for science-fiction clubs or make science-fiction and fantasy conventions happen here in the Great White North, and in 2008 there was one absolute standout: Randy McCharles, who chaired the 2008 World Fantasy Convention in Calgary.

The Calgary WFC was one of the best conventions ever held in this country, was one of the best WFCs ever, and was a complete success. That Randy managed to pull that off, as chair, without pissing people off is a testament to his good humour and high organizational and administrative skills.

I’ve sung Randy’s praises before, most notably in this appreciation I wrote of him when he was Fan Guest of Honour a few years ago at Vancouver’s VCON.

Calgary’s conventions have been largely ignored by the Auroras (I’m on record as saying Kirstin Morrell totally deserved this award for her hard work reviving and chairing Con-Version in 2007). It’s high time we recognized the hard work by the people in Cow Town, and Randy McCharles’s sterling efforts are the perfect opportunity.

He’ll be on my nominating ballot, and I urge you to put him on yours.

  • Randy McCharles, chair. World Fantasy Convention, Calgary, 30 October to 2 November 2008

For more on the Auroras, see here.

Pictured: Randy McCharles

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Flash Forward is in good hands

by Rob - January 9th, 2009

I’m astonished by just how much online and print coverage there’s been for the pilot for Flash Forward, the TV series being developed by David S. Goyer and Brannon Braga based on my novel of the same name.

People have been poring over what’s purported to be drafts of the script, supposed casting-call notes, and so on, looking for clues, and they’re dissecting every word that everyone has said about the series. (It’s been fascinating watching the broken-telephone aspect as, for instance, the original coverage in The Hollywood Reporter has been rewritten or summarized for other venues.)

Some online commentators have suggested that any TV show is going to be dumbed down from its source material. That’s emphatically not the case here. Brannon and David are staggeringly intelligent guys, and they have put an enormous amount of thought into how to ramp up the concepts in my book.

It’s often said that one has to cut out and water down when turning a 350-page novel into a two-hour movie. That may be so, but these guys are taking a 350-page novel as the jumping-off point for a hundred-hour TV series. That requires an expansion of vision.

What they’ve added to my original notion (and it’s a lot) is wonderful, and intelligent, and well-thought-out; what they’ve changed (and that’s a lot, too) is changed in thoughtful, clever ways. If you know my novel, you have a good sense of what thematically Flash Forward is going to be about — but, trust me, you will be surprised and thrilled by what David and Brannon have come up with (there was a point while reading the pilot script that I literally gasped).

Remember, David S. Goyer will be the showrunner on Flash Forward: this is the guy who reinvented Batman with Batman Begins. He doesn’t do slavish adaptation; he does brilliant extrapolation and re-imagining.

It’s also often said that Hollywood doesn’t really understand science fiction. These guys do. Brannon Braga is a Hugo Award-winner, and deservedly so, for Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s fabulous finale, “All Good Things …,” which he co-authored with Ronald D. Moore. Brannon also co-authored Star Trek: First Contact, which is a brilliant piece of science fiction.

And both David and Brannon read printed SF. In fact, I daresay that David S. Goyer is better read in the field than I am, and is right up to date on modern stuff. When we first met, we chatted a bit about other things we were each doing, and I mentioned I edited the science-fiction imprint for a Canadian publisher. David asked who I published, and I said, “Well, our most recent book is by Matthew Hughes.” And David instantly said, “Oh, yes. He wrote Black Brillion.” Which, of course, is right: these guys know their stuff.

So, Flash Forward is in very good hands. And, even if you’ve read my book, you’re going to be pleasantly surprised by the twists and turns. People keep comparing the Flash Forward TV series to Lost, and that’s apt in this sense: David and Brannon have crafted something that’s as complex, intriguing, and weighty as Lost, and, just as with Lost, if you think you’ve got it all figured out, trust me — you don’t.

Photo: David, Rob, and Brannon

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Canadian Foundation for Innovation and CBC interview RJS

by Rob - January 9th, 2009

The Canadian Foundation for Innovation has a terrific interview with me on its website.

And the CBC has a nice news story about me on its website, too.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Wake me when it’s over

by Rob - January 8th, 2009

The Canadian publishing trade journal Quill & Quire‘s January/February 2009 issue reports in its article “2009 Spring Preview: An advance look at the season’s hottest books:”

This could get awkward: two of the season’s high-profile novels share a title. Sci-fi giant Robert J. Sawyer has moved to Penguin Canada for Wake ($30 cl., April), an exploration of grief that hinges on the sinking of an offshore oil rig in Newfoundland. Meanwhile, Lisa Moore, Newfoundland native and two-time Giller nominee, offers Wake (House of Anansi Press, $29.95 cl., June), the story of a teenage girl who discovers she can see into another dimension via the Internet.

Hold on — reverse those last two plot descriptions.

Hee hee hee.

The issue also has a great article about my friend, Prince George science-fiction author Lynda Williams (of Okal Rel Universe fame), and her publisher, Brian Hades’s Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy of Calgary.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Promoting your book

by Rob - January 8th, 2009

A writer asked me today for advice on promoting his upcoming book. I referred him to these pages on my website:

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Brannon Braga talks Flash Forward

by Rob - January 8th, 2009

SciFi Wire has a nice interview with Brannon Braga about the Flash Forward TV series today. Among other things, Brannon says:

“The core concept is very much the same as Robert Sawyer’s novel. That was the impetus for it and the idea of the entire world blacking out at the same time for a discrete amount of time, and everybody on Earth having mysterious visions of the future. Same idea. Obviously, to do a TV show, you have to sustain potentially—and God willing—100 episodes or more; you’ve got to change the concept a little bit. His novel had people having visions of the future 20 years from now. We change that to five months from now and kind of narrowed down the scope a little bit and made it a little bit more of an intimate epic. But essentially the concept is the same.”

You can read the whole interview here, and more about my novel here.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Rob on CBC Regina today

by Rob - January 8th, 2009

I’ll be interviewed today live on CBC Radio One Regina’s “Blue Sky” with Michelle Higley at 12:50 p.m. Saskatchewan time (1:50 p.m. Toronto time / Eastern time) about my upcoming residency at the Canadian Light Source.

It’s 540AM in Regina, or you can listen online here.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Writer-in-residence at Canadian Light Source

by Rob - January 7th, 2009

On April 19, 2005, as part of the Rob and Bob Tour — the joint book tour for Robert J. Sawyer’s Mindscan and Robert Charles Wilson’s Spin — Bob and I visited the Canadian Light Source synchrotron facility in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Out of that visit, the following has come to pass; I will be the first-ever writer-in-residence at this cutting-edge physics-research facility.

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan — International award-winning science fiction author Robert J. Sawyer will be writer-in-residence at the Canadian Light Source synchrotron from June 1 to July 31, 2009. Sawyer, widely regarded as one of Canada’s most influential authors and most successful science fiction writers, will use the residency to explore the creative processes at the root of science and art, and increase public discussion of science in Canada.

“Imagination is at the heart of both artistic and scientific endeavours,” says Sawyer. “And the science being done in Canada is world-class. The opportunity to immerse myself for two months at one of Canada’s — and the world’s — top scientific institutions will enormously enrich my writing, and I hope my presence will stimulate the imaginations of people at the Canadian Light Source and in the surrounding community. It’s a win-win situation.”

“This is an amazing opportunity, not only for the staff and national research community of the Canadian Light Source, but also the literary community,” says Jeff Cutler, Director of Industrial Research at the Canadian Light Source. “A common thread in Rob’s work — the role that science plays in our humanity and how we understand the universe — is echoed in our focus on discovery, innovation and progress. The residency is an excellent opportunity to have a world-leading author share in the life of a world-leading science facility.”

Sawyer is the author of 20 science fiction novels, which have been published in 15 languages. He is one of only seven authors — and the only Canadian — to win all three of the world’s top science fiction awards: the Hugo Award (2003) for the novel Hominids, the Nebula Award (1996) for The Terminal Experiment, and the John W. Campbell Memorial Award (2006) for Mindscan. His novel Flashforward is currently in development as a TV series for the U.S. network ABC. He has taught at the University of Toronto, Ryerson University and the Banff Centre, and is a frequent commentator on the Discovery Channel and CBC television and radio. Several of his stories are set at Canadian science facilities, such as TRIUMF, SNOLab, and the Royal Ontario Museum.

While at the CLS, Sawyer will be performing the duties typical of a writer-in-residence, such as mentoring writers at the synchrotron and in the community, participating in outreach activities, and developing his own work. His wife, poet Carolyn Clink, will join him in Saskatoon during his residency.

The Canadian Light Source is Canada’s national centre for synchrotron research. Located at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, the CLS is a powerful tool for academic and industrial research in a wide variety of areas including environmental science, natural resources and energy, health and life sciences, and information and communications technology. CLS operations are funded by the Government of Canada, NSERC, NRC, CIHR, the Government of Saskatchewan and the University of Saskatchewan. More information.

For more information contact:

Matthew Dalzell
Communications Coordinator
Canadian Light Source Inc
Ph: (306) 657-3739
Cell: (306) 227-0978

Robert J. Sawyer

Robert J. Sawyer has previously been writer-in-residence at the Richmond Hill (Ontario) Public Library; the Toronto Public Library’s Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation and Fantasy; the Kitchener Public Library; and the Odyssey Workshop. Quotes and comments from previous residency patrons are here.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

Rob’s 2009 convention schedule

by Rob - January 7th, 2009

Here are the science-fiction conventions I’m planning to attend in 2009:

  • Program Participant
    International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts
    Orlando, Florida
    March 18-22, 2009
  • Program Participant
    Ad Astra
    Toronto, Ontario
    March 27-29, 2009
  • Guest of Honour
    Toronto, Ontario
    April 3-5, 2009
  • Program Participant
    Norwescon 32
    Seattle, Washington
    April 9-12, 2009
  • Guest of Honor
    Xanadu Las Vegas
    Las Vegas, Nevada
    April 17-19, 2009
  • Program Participant
    Keycon 26
    Winnipeg, Manitoba
    May 15-17, 2009
  • Program Participant
    Readercon 20
    Burlington, Massachusetts
    July 9-12, 2009
  • Program Participant
    Anticipation: the 67th World Science Fiction Convention
    Montréal, Québec
    August 6-10, 2009
  • Program Participant
    Con-Version 25
    Calgary, Alberta
    August 21-23, 2009
  • Program Participant
    VCON 34
    Vancouver, British Columbia
    October 2-4, 2009
  • Program Participant
    Rochester, New York
    November 6-8, 2009

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

On Spec and Neo-Opsis for the Hugo

by Rob - January 6th, 2009

This is the first in a series of blog posts in which I’m going to discuss people and things that I think merit consideration for this year’s Hugo and Aurora Awards; both sets of awards will be given at the Montreal Worldcon this year.

Last year, at the World Science Fiction convention in Denver, a motion was passed to eliminate the semiprozine category for the Hugo Awards. If that motion is ratified this year at the World Science Fiction Convention in Montreal, the category will be eliminated, and this will be the final year that the award is given.

The semiprozine category was created essentially to keep Locus, the California-based trade journal of the science-fiction field, from always winning in the best fanzine category. Semiprozines are magazines that are not amateur efforts, but aren’t on the same level of commercial enterprise as the prozines (“professional magazines”), such as Analog, Asimov’s SF, and The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Since the category was created, Locus has almost always won this Hugo, and many think that’s reason enough to retire the category, hence the current motion.

However, a great many worthy publications have emerged over the years that are also semiprozines, including The New York Review of Science Fiction from the US and Interzone from the UK.

Consider this:

  • No Canadian publication has ever been nominated for the semiprozine Hugo.
  • The Hugos will be given in Canada this year.
  • This may well be the last year in which a Hugo Award is given in this category.
  • English Canada has not one but two world-class semiprozines: On Spec from Edmonton, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, and Neo-Opsis from Victoria.

Both On Spec and Neo-Opsis are perfect-bound digests printed on quality paper, and, frankly, are physically better products than Analog and Asimov’s are these days. Both routinely publish excellent fiction, as well as provocative nonfiction.

Last year, it took just 38 nominations to make the Hugo ballot in the semiprozine category; last year, only seven people bothered to nominate On Spec and some number fewer than five (the threshold figure for which results were reported) nominated Neo-Opsis. Get with the program, people!

I’m going to be nominating both On Spec and Neo-Opsis for the semiprozine Hugo this year (and will also be nominating the NYRSF and the SFWA Bulletin, both of which also are worthy of the award).

If you have an attending or supporting membership in this year’s World Science Fiction Convention in Montreal, or had one in last year’s Worldcon in Denver, you’re eligible to nominate, too.

Neo-Opsis and On Spec are terrific Canadian publications. They deserve to be nominated; heck, they deserve to win. I urge you to keep them in mind when making your nominations.

Nominations for the Hugos are open right now — don’t delay, the nominating window is short. Participate — and maybe one of those shiny Hugo rockets will stay in Canada this year.

  • On Spec, Diane Walton, ed.
  • Neo-Opsis, Karl Johanson, ed.

Remember, this may be their last chance ever to become Hugo finalists, but for all time they’ll be able to proclaim “Hugo Award nominee!” on their covers.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

The voice of Caitlin

by Rob - January 6th, 2009 is doing unabridged recordings of my novels Wake, Watch, and Wonder. Today was the first recording session for Wake, and actress Jessica Almasy, who is voicing Caitlin Decter, reports that it went well. Other voicing is being done by Aze Fellner, who, like me, turns out to be a fan of Julian Jaynes’s The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (which figures in the plot of Wake).

For’s existing offerings of books by me, see here.

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site

This is delightful! I know you! All of you!

by Rob - January 6th, 2009

So, Norman Spinrad just confirmed me as a friend on Facebook. Early next month, David Gerrold and I are giving joint keynote addresses at a conference in Istanbul. A little while ago, George Clayton Johnson left a message on my answering machine to say how much he loved one of my stories. Oh, and every now and then, Harlan Ellison gives me a call, too.

Norman Spinrad, who wrote the classic Star Trek episode “The Doomsday Machine.” David Gerrold, who wrote the classic Star Trek episode “The Trouble with Tribbles.” George Clayton Johnson, who wrote the classic Star Trek episode “The Man Trap.” Harlan Ellison, who wrote the classic Star Trek episode “City on the Edge of Forever.”

Why is it, despite everything else that’s cool in my life, knowing these guys is one of the things I find the most cool of all? I am such a Trekkie!

Live long and prosper, y’all!

Source of this blog posting’s title is from “Is There In Truth No Beauty?”

Spock: This is delightful! I know you! All of you! James Kirk, captain and friend for many years. And Leonard McCoy [affectionate laughter], also of long acquaintance. And Uhura, whose name means “freedom.” She walks in beauty like the night.

McCoy: [to Kirk] That’s not Spock!

Spock: Are you surprised to find that I’ve read Byron, doctor?

McCoy: That’s Spock!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site