[Robert J. Sawyer] Science Fiction Writer
Hugo and Nebula Winner

SFWRITER.COM > Buying My Books

Books by Hugo and Nebula Award-Winner Robert J. Sawyer
Buying My Books

ONLINE links to new ebook and print editions

AUTOGRAPHED copies of the original
collectible publishers’ editions
direct from Rob!

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Buying Print and Ebook Editions

Hello, Robert J. Sawyer reader! I've been slowly but surely getting rights to my older titles back from the big-five New York publishers that originally released them, and I'm now reissuing them in my own ebook and print editions.

Why? Well, honestly, publishers do nothing to promote older titles, and bookstores don't stock many of them. And the big-five pay authors a measly 17.5% of what you, the customer, are charged for ebooks (that is, they give the author just one-quarter of what the publisher nets after Amazon or other ebook channels skim their 30% off the top).

But if you publish directly, the author gets 70% of what the reader pays. Self-publishing is simply way more lucrative in the ebook marketplace.

I haven't forgotten about print, of course. I've worked hard with acclaimed book designer Bibliofic Designs to produce beautiful trade paperbacks (large-format paperbacks) and hardcovers for many of my titles — and we'll eventually have all my titles available in both paperback and hardcover. Although my ebooks are available from all major vendors worldwide, these lovely editions are currently exclusively available through Amazon.

Below are links to all of my own ebook, paperback, and hardcover editions. Ebooks are just US$4.99, Cdn$5.99, €4.49, £3.99, or the local equivalent worldwide — and my three short-story collections are even cheaper.

I've listed US, Canadian, and British Kindle and Amazon links below, but the ebooks and print editions should be available at most Amazon stores worldwide. The Kobo links will go to the Kobo store for your country. Nook ebooks are available in the United States.

Most of my ebooks are also available for Apple Books through the app, and through Tolino in Europe, as well as via various other vendors. Enjoy!

Standalone Novels: Golden FleeceEnd of an EraThe Terminal ExperimentStarplexFrameshiftIllegal AlienFactoring HumanityFlashForwardCalculating GodTriggersRed Planet BluesQuantum NightThe Oppenheimer Alternative | The Downloaded | Quintaglio Ascension TrilogyFar-SeerFossil HunterForeigner | Neanderthal Parallax TrilogyHominidsHumansHybrids | WWW TrilogyWakeWatchWonder | Complete Short FictionEarthSpaceTime

Click below on titles or covers for more information about each book.

Standalone Novels

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Golden Fleece

A high-tech game of cat-and-mouse between a murdering computer and a starship engineer
"Sawyer's JASON is the deepest computer character in all of science fiction." — Orson Scott Card


Trade Paperback:

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End of an Era

Canadian paleontologists travel back in time to discover what really killed off the dinosaurs
  • Winner of Japan's Seiun Award for best Foreign Novel of the Year
  • More about End of an Era
"It's not too much to say that this is one of the most accomplished SF novels of the last ten years." —Quill & Quire


Trade Paperback:

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The Terminal Experiment

A biomedical engineer discovers scientific proof for the existence of the human soul
  • Winner of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America's Nebula Award for Best Novel of the Year.
  • Winner of the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Award ("The Aurora") for Best Novel of the Year.
  • Finalist for the World Science Fiction Society's Hugo Award for Best Novel of the Year.
  • More about The Terminal Experiment
"A terrific mix of science, technological derring-do, and murder. A great story; a crackerjack novel." —The Globe and Mail

Autographed copies direct from the author!


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The flagship of the Commonwealth of Planets discovers stars older than the universe and intelligent beings made of dark matter
  • Finalist for the Hugo Award for Best Novel of the Year
  • Finalist for the Nebula Award for Best Novel of the Year
  • Winner of the Aurora Award for Best Novel of the Year
  • More about Starplex
"An epic hard-science adventure tempered by human concerns. Highly recommended." —Library Journal

Autographed copies direct from the author!


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A geneticist working on the Human Genome Project discovers that not just the past but also the future is written in our genes
  • Finalist for the Hugo Award for Best Novel of the Year
  • Winner of Japan's Seiun Award for Best Foreign SF Novel
  • More about Frameshift
"A finely crafted novel with a riveting plot and complex characters, deftly exploring issues of bio-ethics and moral philosophy." —The Calgary Herald


Trade Paperback:

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Illegal Alien

A courtroom drama with an extraterrestrial defendant
  • Winner of Japan's Seiun Award for Best Foreign SF Novel
  • Finalist for the Crime Writers of Canada's Arthur Ellis Award for best Mystery Novel of the Year
  • More about Illegal Alien
"This is one fine courtroom drama, with enough twists in the plot to keep any mystery fan flipping the pages; it puts Perry Mason and John Grisham to shame. The novel is far too good to attempt to summarize; let's just say that Sawyer delves into all sorts of strange and wonderful conflicts, including the war between science and belief, and just what God may or may not be. Illegal Alien is the best Canadian mystery of the year." —The Globe and Mail

Autographed copies direct from the author!


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Factoring Humanity

A University of Toronto professor discovers a way to surf the collective unconscious as easily as we surf cyberspace
  • Winner of Premio UPC de Ciencia Ficcion, Europe's top SF award
  • Finalist for the Hugo Award
  • One of The Ottawa Citizen's Top Ten Novels of the Year (by authors of any nationality)
  • More about Factoring Humanity
"A superb science-fiction story with considerable cross-over appeal." —Maclean's


Trade Paperback:

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Everyone on Earth gets a glimpse of the future
  • Basis for the ABC TV series starring Joseph Fiennes
  • Now streaming on Disney+
  • Starred review in Publishers Weekly
  • Winner of the Aurora Award for Best Novel of the Year
  • Winner of Premio UPC de Ciencia Ficcion, Europe's top SF award
  • More about FlashForward
"A thoroughly entertaining novel." —CNN

Autographed copies direct from the author!


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Calculating God

"Take me to your paleontologist" declares the alien arriving at Toronto's Royal Ontario Museum, claiming it can prove the existence of God
  • Winner of the Audie Award for Best SF/F Audiobook of the Year
  • Finalist for the Hugo Award
  • Finalist for the Aurora Award
  • More about Calculating God
"An action-packed yet highly philosophical, theological, and ethical story. Well melded into the fast-paced plot, a wonderful dialogue goes on over the God question and over right, wrong, and the purpose of life. It's guaranteed to expand the minds of believers and non believers alike." —The Toronto Star


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Someone is reading the President's memories
  • #1 on the paperback bestsellers list published by Locus, the US trade journal of the SF/F fields
  • #1 hardcover bestseller for the entire year at Bakka-Phoenix, the world's oldest existing science-fiction specialty store
  • More about Triggers
"Techno-future, telepathy, and a consideration of terrorism itself: Mr. Sawyer, a Canadian, remembers what Pierre Trudeau did back in 1970, when he took such drastic action following the murder of one of his ministers that terrorist cells have never surfaced in Canada again. What might an American president do? Get away with doing? Be justified in doing? And is there another way out? Triggers is constantly gripping on the surface and seriously provocative deep down." —The Wall Street Journal

Autographed copies direct from the author!


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Red Planet Blues

A hardboiled detective novel set on Mars where the suspects are androids who leave no fingerprints and no DNA behind
  • A Maclean's, Globe and Mail, and Locus bestseller
  • A main selection of the Science Fiction Book Club
  • More about Red Planet Blues
"A tour de force." —Analog Science Fiction and Fact
"An excellent detective novel that just happens to take place on another planet. It's a genre mash-up that might have felt gimmicky in less-capable hands; however, with Sawyer at the helm, it succeeds beautifully." —The Maine Edge

Autographed copies direct from the author!


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Quantum Night

An experimental psychologist can't remember a year of his life — during which he might been a horrific psychopath
  • Longlisted for Canada Reads
  • Winner of the Aurora Award
  • #1 Locus bestseller
  • More about Quantum Night
"Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author Sawyer's latest work is a fast-moving, mind-stretching exploration of the nature of personality and consciousness; it balances esoteric speculation with action and character. Sawyer is very good at grounding the technical speculation in personal conflict, and the political/media references keep the story uncomfortably close to present-day fears." —Publishers Weekly (starred review, denoting a work of exceptional merit)

Autographed copies direct from the author!


Trade Paperback:



[The Oppenheimer Canadian Alternative Cover]

The Oppenheimer Alternative

Oppenheimer, Einstein, Feynman, Gödel and the rest of the great 20th-century physicists race against time to save the world
"This book has everything a reader wants from Sawyer: Well-drawn alternate history, rigorous SF thriller, social commentary, redemption narrative — The Oppenheimer Alternative reimagines one of the most influential lives of the twentieth century." —Analog

Autographed copies direct from the author!


Trade Paperback:

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The Downloaded

The beloved Audible Original now in print
"Hope wins out in this triumph of a postapocalyptic tale from Hugo and Nebula award winner Sawyer." —Publishers Weekly (starred review, denoting a work of exceptional merit)


Trade Paperback:

Autographed Copies Directly From Me:

My Book Tour Partners:

The science-fiction bookstore I used to work at:

Other retailers:


Get The Downloaded for free on Audible here:

The Quintaglio Ascension Trilogy

Science battles religion with alien counterparts of Galileo, Darwin, and Freud
Sawyer's Far-Seer, Fossil Hunter, and Foreigner are the greatest trilogy of tales ever written about intelligent, space-faring dinosaurs." —Dinosaurs in Fantastic Fiction: A Thematic Survey
[2022 POD Far-Seer Cover Art] [2022 POD Far-Seer Cover Art] [2022 POD Far-Seer Cover Art]


An allegory about Galileo on a planet of intelligent dinosaurs
  • Starred review in Quill & Quire
  • Starred review in KLIATT
  • Included on the New York Public Library's annual "Best Books for the Teen Age" list
  • More about Far-Seer
"A tour de force. Vastly enjoyable, beautifully realized." —Asimov's Science Fiction

Far-Seer eBook:

Far-Seer Hardcover:

Far-Seer Trade Paperback:

Fossil Hunter

A dinosaurian Darwin must discover the truth about his race's origin
  • Starred review in Quill & Quire
  • Starred review in KLIATT
  • Winner of the Homer Award for Best Novel of the Year
  • More about Fossil Hunter
"A superlative science-fiction novel. Sawyer has created a perfectly believable society populated by distinct and fully realized characters. Strongly recommended." —Toronto Star

Fossil Hunter eBook:

Fossil Hunter Hardcover:

Fossil Hunter Trade Paperback:


The thrilling conclusion to the trilogy about a world of intelligent dinosaurs
  • Includes the highly detailed Quintaglio Concordance of people, places, and things
  • More about Foreigner
"Deftly combines well-reasoned hard-science speculation with psychology, imaginative alien anthropology, and even linguistics to produce a fascinating and memorable adventure that's not just for dinosaur lovers." —Booklist

Foreigner eBook:

Foreigner Hardcover:

Foreigner Trade Paperback:

The Neanderthal Parallax Trilogy

The bestselling Neanderthal Parallax trilogy explores a version of Earth where Neanderthals survived to the present and we did not — and a portal that opens up between our world and theirs.
"Charming and provocative — some of the most outrageous, stimulating speculation since Robert A. Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land questioned our tired, timid conventions." —Publishers Weekly
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Ebook editions worldwide:

Amazon Kindle US: Amazon Kindle Canada: Amazon Kindle UK: Amazon Kindle Australia: Kobo: Barnes & Noble Nook:


Modern-day Neanderthal quantum physicist Ponter Boddit finds himself mysteriously transported to our version of Earth, leaving behind his partner, who is accused of murdering him
  • Winner of the Hugo Award
  • Winner of the Best of the Decade Aurora Award
  • Finalist for the Spectrum Award for Science Fiction Positively Portraying LGBTQ Lifestyles
  • More about Hominids
"A blurb on the jacket of Hominids suggests that he be considered 'Canada's answer to Michael Crichton.' Talk about damning with faint praise. While the financial implications of the comparison are attractive, Sawyer utterly outstrips Crichton with the richness of his imagination, the breadth of his research, and his skills as a writer." —Quill & Quire



The acclaimed sequel to the Hugo Award-winning first volume
  • Hugo Award finalist!
  • Aurora Award finalist!
  • More about Humans
"The most unusual love story you've ever read. Sawyer, who's among the most creative of today's science-fiction writers, excels in creating a parallel Earth where social mores have evolved on an alien plane and, yet, where much of the planet is as it would have been had we not begun destroying its ecology." —Denver Rocky Mountain News



The exciting conclusion of the Neanderthal Parallax Trilogy, a series that won Canada's Aurora Award for Best Work of the Entire Decade
  • Gaylactic Spectrum Award finalist!
  • Locus bestseller!
  • More about Hybrids
"A fine combination of love story, social commentary, and ecothriller closes a terrific series with a bang." —Booklist (starred review)


The WWW Trilogy

The history-making series! Every volume in the WWW trilogy won the Aurora Award — Canada's top honor in science fiction and fantasy writing — for best novel of the year!
"Lately, I've been inspired by ideas from Robert J. Sawyer" —artificial-intelligence pioneer Marvin Minsky
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The World Wide Web wakes up
  • Winner of the Aurora Award
  • Finalist for the Hugo Award
  • Finalist for the John W. Campbell Memorial Award
  • Starred review in Publishers Weekly
  • More about Wake
"Robert J. Sawyer is by any measure one of the world's leading (and most interesting) science-fiction writers, capable of great empathy and insight. Sawyer's fiction is a fascinating blend of intellectually compelling big ideas and humane, enduring characters. His Wake, in which the World Wide Web gains consciousness as an intelligence called Webmind and communicates with Caitlin Decter, the teenage daughter of a professor at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario, is one of the most satisfying fictional thought experiments of recent years." —The Globe and Mail

Wake eBook:

Wake Hardcover:

Wake Trade Paperback:


The second book in the WWW trilogy
  • Winner of the Aurora Award
  • Winner of the Hal Clement Award for best young-adult book of the year
  • More about Watch
"This is science fiction at its best." —Analog

Watch eBook:

Watch Hardcover:

Watch Trade Paperback:


The thrilling conclusion to the WWW trilogy
  • Winner of the Aurora Award
  • #1 Calgary Herald Fiction Bestseller!
  • Quill & Quire Booksellers' Pick for Adult Science-Fiction or Fantasy Novel of the Year
  • More about Wonder
"Wonder is not only a superb conclusion to a tremendous trilogy, but stands alone as one of the best books that Sawyer has ever written." —Winnipeg Free Press

Wonder eBook:

Wonder Hardcover:

Wonder Trade Paperback:

Complete Short Fiction

Hugo and Nebula Award-winner Robert J. Sawyer's collected short fiction
"At every opportunity, Sawyer forces his readers to think while holding their attention with ingenious premises and superlative craftsmanship." —Booklist
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Stories 1: Earth

This volume includes these 18 stories: Flashes; Gator; Last But Not Least; Uphill Climb; Where the Heart Is; Lost in the Mail (Aurora Award finalist); The Contest; Shed Skin (Hugo Award finalist); The Abdication of Pope Mary III; Fallen Angel (Bram Stoker Award finalist); The Transformed Man (Aurora Award finalist), The Stanley Cup Caper; Black Reflection; The Good Doctor; Driving a Bargain; Looking for Gordo; Ours to Discover; and You See, But You Do Not Observe (Le Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire (France) winner, best foreign short story)

  • Introduction by James Alan Gardner
  • Introductory notes by Rob included for each story
  • More about Stories 1: Earth


Stories 2: Space

This volume includes these 13 stories: The Hand You're Dealt (Hugo Award finalist); The Blue Planet (reprinted in Year's Best SF 5); Star Light, Star Bright; Stream of Consciousness (Aurora Award winner); Above It All; The Eagle Has Landed; Motive (first publication anywhere); Ineluctable (Aurora Award winner); Mikeys (Aurora Award finalist); Kata Bindu; the original novelette version of Golden Fleece (Aurora Award finalist); Wiping Out; and Come All Ye Faithful (Aurora Award finalist).

  • Introduction by Robert Charles Wilson
  • Introductory notes by Rob included for each story
  • More about Stories 2: Space


Stories 3: Time

This volume includes these 13 stories: Just Like Old Times (Aurora Award winner, Arthur Ellis Award winner, Seiun Award (Japan) finalist); Immortality; If I'm Here, Imagine Where They Sent My Luggage; On the Surface; Relativity; Forever; Iterations; The Right's Tough; E-mails from the Future; Identity Theft (Hugo Award finalist, Nebula Award finalist, later incorporated into Rob's novel Red Planet Blues); Biding Time (Aurora Award finalist); Peking Man (Aurora Award winner); and The Shoulders of Giants (Aurora Award finalist).

  • Introduction by Edward M. Lerner
  • Introductory notes by Rob included for each story
  • More about Stories 3: Time


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Copyright © 1995-2024 by Robert J. Sawyer.
