Robert J. Sawyer

Hugo and Nebula Award-Winning Science Fiction Writer

FlashForward canceled

by Rob - May 18th, 2010

FlashForward, the ABC TV series based on my novel of the same name, has been canceled. The final two episodes will air May 20 and May 27, 2010.

At 22 episodes, FlashForward is now the longest-running science-fiction series ever based on a novel by a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America; the previous record-holder was 1970’s The Immortal (15 hour-long episodes plus 90-minute pilot film), based on James Gunn’s novel The Immortals, also on ABC.

I’m very proud of the series, and am thrilled that our pilot episode, “No More Good Days,” is a current Hugo Award finalist. I had a blast working as Consultant on the show, enjoyed writing the 19th episode (“Course Correction”), was treated wonderfully every time I went to Los Angeles, and was thrilled to have a cameo in the pilot.

I made many friends among the writers, producers, cast, and crew; got into the Writers Guild of America based on my work on the series; made a lot of money; and had a blast.

I’ll never forget this past year, and I thank everyone involved — but especially Jessika Borsiczky, Brannon Braga, David S. Goyer, and Vince Gerardis — for making it possible. It was a wonderful ride.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Watch Cross-Canada book tour begins!

by Rob - May 5th, 2010

All events are free and open to the public:

  • Vancouver, British Columbia
    Vancouver Public Library
    Central Branch
    Alma VanDusen Room on the lower level
    350 West Georgia Street
    In conjunction with (but not at) White Dwarf Books
    Wednesday, May 5, 2010, at 7:30 p.m.
  • Calgary, Alberta
    Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Centre
    Hearth Room, 1320 – 5 Ave NW
    (not at Pages on Kensington, although they will be on hand to sell books)
    Friday, May 7, 2010, at 7:30 p.m.
  • Edmonton, Alberta
    Audreys Books
    10702 Jasper Avenue NW
    Saturday, May 8, 2010, 2:00 p.m.
    (not 3:00 p.m. as previously advertised)
    Audreys events page
  • Ottawa, Ontario
    Clock Tower Brew Pub
    575 Bank Street
    In conjunction with (but not at) Perfect Books
    Monday, May 10, 2010, 7:30 p.m.
    Perfect Books event page
  • Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Spring Garden Road Memorial Public Library
    5381 Spring Garden Road
    Sponsored by the Canada Council for the Arts
    Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 7:00 p.m.
    Spring Garden branch information
  • Waterloo, Ontario
    Words Worth Books
    100 King Street South
    Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 7:00 p.m.
    Words Worth event page
  • Winnipeg, Manitoba
    McNally Robinson
    1120 Grant Avenue
    Saturday, May 22, 2010, at 2:00 p.m.
    (and at Keycon the rest of that weekend)
    McNally event page
  • Prince George, British Columbia
    Books & Company
    1685 3rd Avenue
    Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 7:00 p.m.
    Books & Company event page
  • Montreal, Quebec
    Indigo Books and Music
    Place Montreal Trust
    1500 Ave McGill College
    Tuesday, June 8, 2010, at 7:00 p.m.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Wonder off to publishers!

by Rob - May 4th, 2010

This morning I submitted the manuscript for Wonder, the third volume of my WWW trilogy, and my 20th novel, to my three English-language editors:

  • Ginjer Buchanan at Ace Science Fiction in New York
  • Adrienne Kerr at Penguin Group (Canada) in Toronto
  • Simon Spanton at Orion/Gollancz in London

I spent six years working on this trilogy.  I’m pleased with how it came out.  Wonder will be published in April 2011.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Calgary event venue change

by Rob - May 2nd, 2010

My book tour event in Calgary, Alberta, for Watch, has a new, bigger venue: Friday, May 7, 7:30 p.m., Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Centre, Hearth Room, 1320 – 5 Ave NW. The time and date are the same as before, but the place is different. The event is not at Pages at Kensington bookstore, but the good people from Pages will be on hand to sell books.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Happy FlashForward day — and birthday!

by Rob - April 29th, 2010

Today is the day everyone saw a glimpse of during their flashforwards in FlashForward , the ABC TV series based on my novel of the same name. It also happens to be my 50th birthday. In honour of both, I provide the English text of an interview I just did for a Hungarian publication. Enjoy!

1. Playing with memories and the future is recurring theme in SF, still the idea of Flashforward is unique. How was it born?

At my 20th anniversary high-school reunion, everyone was saying, “If I’d only known back then what I know now, my life would be better.” They all thought they would have avoided bad marriages, or bad careers, or bad investments. I wondered if foreknowledge of the future really would be a good thing, and so contrived a thought experiment to answer that question in the form of a novel.

2. There are two futures in the book, the one in 2009 (which was 10 years from your present when you wrote the novel) and the one in 2030. Which one was the harder to create and why?

It’s always harder to predict further ahead, especially since the rate of technological progress is exponential, not linear: there will be much more than three times as much progress thirty years in the future as there will be ten years in the future. Still, it was tricky to pick which things would be around in ten years, and which would take longer — most people just think about the future, period, not that the future has an infinite number of gradations to it.

3. The seemingly unimportant inventions in the far future like flying cars and emagazines are very interesting. Were you thinking a lot about them or they just came while writing the book?

I spend a lot of time studying technology and looking at what scientists and engineers are contemplating; I certainly didn’t just make things up, but rather was looking for reasonable projections. It’s very hard to do right!

4. Flashforward contains a lot of scientific elements still the book is very amusing. Was it hard to write it this way?

Actually, no. I love talking about science in my day-to-day life, and I think it’s at least as interesting a topic as politics or sports, so it’s easy for me to make it entertaining on the printed page.

5. Have you ever been in CERN? Was it hard to depict it in the novel?

No, I haven’t. Back when I was writing FLASHFORWARD, in 1997 and 1998, my career as a novelist had only just begun to really take off, and I simply couldn’t afford the trip. But I did lots of research about CERN, and spoke to people who worked there. Many who have been to CERN have been surprised to learn that I’ve never been; they think I must have been there because I got the details right. Of course, if I knew that ultimately FLASHFORWARD was going to make me more money than any other book I’d ever written — thanks to the TV series — I would have sprung for that trip back in 1997. Sometimes it sucks not being able to see the future!

6. Do you do a lot of research for your writings?

Tons! It’s my favourite part. I spend three or four months doing nothing but research for each book before I write the first word. I love learning new things, and if I could just do research all day long, I’d be a happy guy.

7. Besides technical and scientific elements, human relationships are strongly present in the novel. Do you think it’s important for an SF book to depict both of these themes?

Absolutely! Although some very-technical science fiction is intellectually intriguing just for that, good stories are about people, and I really try hard to make mine interesting, nuanced, and believable.

8. When did you get to know that there’s going to be a TV series based on your book and what were thinking and feeling back then?

It was a two-stage process: first, ABC decided to make a pilot episode — which was great, but it was also all I thought we’d ever get; many pilots are made, but only a few get picked up to become ongoing series. I was thrilled because it represented a lot of money just to have the pilot made, but somewhat subdued, because most failed pilots are never broadcast; there was still a very good chance no one would ever see it outside of the boardrooms at ABC. But when the series was picked up — initially for 13 episodes, later expanded to 22 — I was ecstatic: I knew many millions of people worldwide were going to be exposed to my work for the first time; it was a wonderful feeling, and I got the word when my wife and I happened to be over at the house of some friends, so we immediately had a celebration.

9. How do you like the series? What is good and what is not so good in it in your opinion?

I very much like the series; it looks fabulous, the cast is great, and the storylines are gripping — what’s not to like?

10. Do you think FlashForward gives a chance for other SF writers to get their writings adapted?

Honestly? No. For the most part, Hollywood doesn’t even see FLASHFORWARD as science fiction: it has no spaceships and no aliens, and ABC actually didn’t want us calling the series “science fiction.” We’re already into the next year of TV pilots in the States, and no other author has had a science-fiction series pilot made from his or her books this year; fantasy, yes, but not science fiction. FLASHFORWARD was a unique occurrence.

11. Are there any other of your works that are going to be adapted on TV or film?

Yes, indeed. Four of my other properties are currently in development: two theatrical motion pictures, a made-for-TV movie, and a television miniseries. Of course, anything can go wrong before the cameras start rolling, so I’m not holding my breath. But it’s very exciting!

12. You have won almost every SF award imaginable. Do you think it’s important for a writer to get this kind of honour?

Absolutely! As more and more people self-publish and as books move to electronic form, we’ll see a flood of material to choose from — and it will be very hard for readers to sort the wheat from the chaff. The notion that somehow online reviewing will do that isn’t likely to come true; for many major SF books now, has only two or three reviews — most books released to the marketplace in future will get very few reviews, if any. But being a Hugo Award winner or a Nebula Award winner has always been the sign of quality in the SF field. Authors who succeed in the 21st century will have to become brand names, and those credentials help enormously.

13. Which one of your books is your favourite and why?

It varies from year to year, but currently I’m most proud of CALCULATING GOD. I think I did the best job I’ve ever done of telling a philosophically rich story with believable characters; it’s hard to make people both think and cry, but readers tell me I managed it in that book.

14. The relation of science and religion is a recurring theme in your writings. Why is this so important to you?

Stephen Jay Gould said that science and religion were “nonoverlapping magisteria,” each with its own appropriate area of influence, but I think that’s a wrong — and even cowardly — thing to say. There is only one reality, and we should be able to examine the claims of anyone purporting to understand it with a critical eye, whether those claims come from someone wearing a lab coat or a cassock. Science fiction is all about the fundamental questions of who we are, where we came from, where we’re going, and what, if any, meaning there is to life. Neither science nor religion is going away — much to the chagrin of extremists in both camps — and science fiction is a natural place to discuss the validity of both.

15. Have you got favourite writers who influence your works?

Yes, indeed: Sir Arthur C. Clarke, first and foremost, for the sense of wonder, and for first showing me that science and religion could be rationally explored in fiction. Then Frederik Pohl and Larry Niven, the former for depth of characterization and the latter for cool science. I think you can see their influence in every one of my 20 novels to date, including, of course, FLASHFORWARD: the cosmic ending is Clarke-like; the angsty characters are Pohl-esque; and the cool physics is Nivenish — while at the same time the whole thing is, I hope, pure Rob Sawyer.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Latest RJS email newsletter: April 2010

by Rob - April 26th, 2010

Hello, Robert J. Sawyer reader!

Welcome to my twice-a-year newsletter.  This time: new novel, FLASHFORWARD news, cross-Canada book tour, and more!



I’ve switched my blog to WordPress, which necessitated a slight change to the address.  My blog can now be found at:


WWW: WAKE now out in paperback!

WWW: WATCH now out in hardcover!

Both out as audiobooks from!

WAKE is a GLOBE AND MAIL Bestseller!

WATCH, the second volume of the WWW trilogy is now out!  WATCH picks up the story begun in WAKE.

“Sawyer shows his genius in combining cutting-edge scientific theories and technological developments with real human characters.” — THE GLOBE AND MAIL on WATCH

“Sawyer is a brilliant thinker pondering some of the most fundamental questions we face today; a complex and fascinating book.” — NATIONAL POST on WATCH

* More about WAKE

* More about WATCH

Penguin’s official website for the trilogy:



WWW: WAKE is on the Hugo Award ballot!  Details:

WAKE is also a finalist for Canada’s Aurora Awards; any Canadian may vote here (there’s a $5 voting fee):



Coast-to-coast Canadian book tour events for WATCH:

  • Vancouver:  Wednesday, May 5
  • Prince George:  Tuesday, May 25
  • Calgary:  Friday, May 7
  • Edmonton:  Saturday, May 8
  • Winnipeg:  Saturday, May 22
  • Waterloo:  Wednesday, May 19
  • Sudbury:  August 2010 (date TBD)
  • Ottawa:  Monday, May 10
  • Montreal:  Tuesday, June 8
  • Halifax:  Tuesday, May 11




Gorgeous new Canadian editions of the following books are now out:


Nebula Award winner!


Seiun Award winner!


Aurora Award winner!

Buy autographed copies directly from the author:

STARPLEX and THE TERMINAL EXPERIMENT are also available as audiobooks from



I wrote the script for “Course Correction,” the 19th episode of FLASHFORWARD, the ABC TV series based on my novel of the same name.  It airs in North America Thursday, May 6, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. (7:00 p.m.) Central.



RJS on the Web:




Twitter:  RobertJSawyer


This Week in Canadian History — me!

by Rob - April 26th, 2010

The Toronto Sun runs a “This Week in Canadian History” each Monday, and today’s edition has two shout outs to science fiction.

April 26, 1912: Novelist A.E. van Vogt was born on a farm in a Mennonite community in Manitoba. Rather than writing boring coming-of-age-on-a-farm stories, van Vogt opted to pen sci-fi classics about space aliens and super humans. He was one of the best-selling sci-fi writers of the 20th century.

April 29, 1960: Speaking of Canadians who got famous by writing about space aliens, best-selling sci-fi author Robert J. Sawyer was born this day in Ottawa. The hit ABC show FlashForward is based on one of his novels.

Cool! Many thanks to World Fantasy Award nominee Terence M. Green for bringing this to my attention.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Guest at SETIcon

by Rob - April 21st, 2010

W00t! I’m honoured and thrilled to be a Guest at SETIcon, sponsored by the SETI Institute, in Santa Clara, California, August 13-15, 2010. Other guests include Seth Shostak, Frank Drake, Jill Tarter, Phil Plait, and Andre Bormanis.

My bio from the SETIcon website:

Robert J. Sawyer is one of only seven writers in history to win all three of the science fiction field’s top awards for best novel of the year: the Hugo, the Nebula, and the John W. Campbell Memorial Award.

He frequently writes about SETI, including in the Hugo Award finalists Rollback and Factoring Humanity. The ABC TV series FlashForward is based on his novel of the same name.

He has published in Science (guest editorial), Nature (fiction), and Sky & Telescope, was a participant in the workshop “The Future of Intelligence in the Cosmos” sponsored jointly by the NASA Ames Research Center and the SETI Institute, and was Guest of Honor at the first-contact conference CONTACT 4 Japan.

His website is

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Upcoming Canadian events for Watch

by Rob - April 19th, 2010

All events are free and open to the public. I’ll be reading from Watch, doing a Q&A, and signing books at each one:

# Vancouver, British Columbia
Vancouver Public Library Central Branch
Alma VanDusen Room on the lower level
350 West Georgia Street
In conjunction with (but not at) White Dwarf Books
Wednesday, May 5, 2010, at 7:30 p.m.

# Calgary, Alberta
Pages on Kensington
1135 Kensington Road NW
Friday, May 7, 2010, at 7:30 p.m.

# Edmonton, Alberta
Audreys Books
10702 Jasper Avenue
Saturday, May 8, 2010, 3:00 p.m.

# Ottawa, Ontario
Clock Tower Brew Pub
575 Bank Street
In conjunction with (but not at) Perfect Books
Monday, May 10, 2010, 7:30 p.m.

# Halifax, Nova Scotia
Spring Garden Road Memorial Public Library
5381 Spring Garden Road
Sponsored by the Canada Council for the Arts
Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 7:00 p.m.

# Waterloo, Ontario
Words Worth Books
100 King Street South
Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 7:00 p.m.

# Winnipeg, Manitoba
McNally Robinson
1120 Grant Avenue
Saturday, May 22, 2010, at 2:00 p.m.
(and at Keycon the rest of that weekend)

# Prince George, British Columbia
Books and Company
1685 3rd Avenue
Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 7:00 p.m.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Watch subway ads

by Rob - April 12th, 2010

As they did for Wake (see here), Penguin Canada is advertising Watch in Toronto subway cars — and I happened to be on the subway today, and managed to get these shots. (Thanks also to my friend Lance Sibley, who also sent me a photo that he took.) This is made out of awesome!

Robert J. Sawyer online:

WWW: Watch now out!

by Rob - April 6th, 2010

Today is the official publication date for WWW: Watch, second volume in my WWW trilogy. The US edition is out in hardcover from Ace Science Fiction, and the Canadian edition is out in hardcover from Viking Canada (Penguin).

Sawyer shows his genius in combining cutting-edge scientific theories and technological developments with real human characters. —The Globe and Mail

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Canadians Sawyer and Wilson face off for Hugo Award for Best Novel

by Rob - April 4th, 2010

Toronto area-authors Robert J. Sawyer and Robert Charles Wilson are facing off once again for science-fiction’s top international honour, the Hugo Award for Best Novel of the Year.

Sawyer’s Wake (published by Viking Canada / Ace USA / Gollancz UK) and Wilson’s Julian Comstock: A Novel of 22nd Century America (Tor Books) are two of the six finalists for the Hugo, which will be awarded Sunday, September 5, 2010, at a gala ceremony as the highlight of the 68th annual World Science Fiction Convention, which is being held this year in Melbourne, Australia.

Wake tells the story of Caitlin Decter, a blind 15-year-old math genius in Waterloo, Ontario, who discovers a nascent intelligence lurking on the World Wide Web. Julian Comstock is a satiric Victorian-style novel set in a post-apocalyptic Christian-fundamentalist United States.

The full list
of Best Novel nominees, announced April 4, 2010, in Melbourne, Australia:

  • The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi
  • The City & The City by China Mieville
  • Boneshaker by Cherie Priest
  • Wake by Robert J. Sawyer
  • Palimpsest by Catherynne M. Valente
  • Julian Comstock: A Novel of 22nd Century America by Robert Charles Wilson

(Bacigalupi, Priest, and Valente are Americans; Mieville is British.)

Sawyer shares an additional Hugo nomination this year in the category of Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form) for “No More Good Days,” the pilot episode of the ABC TV series FlashForward, scripted by Brannon Braga and David S. Goyer and based on Sawyer’s novel of the same name.

The Hugos also honour short fiction, and in the novelette category “The Island” by Toronto’s Peter Watts is a finalist. In addition, the Hugos honour work in fan categories, and three Canadians are competing there: Lloyd Penney of Toronto and James Nicoll of Kitchener for Best Fan Writer, and Taral Wayne of Toronto for Best Fan Artist. All nominees in all categories are listed here.

Sawyer’s Wake is also currently one of five finalists for the Aurora Award, Canada’s top honour in science-fiction, for Best English Novel of the Year. Wilson’s Julian Comstock is expanded from his earlier novella “Julian: A Christmas Story,” which was a previous Hugo finalist.

Both Sawyer and Wilson are previous winners of the Best Novel Hugo: Sawyer took the prize in 2003 for Hominids, and Wilson won in 2006 for Spin. Sawyer and Wilson — known as “Rob and Bob” in science-fiction circles — have faced each other on the best-novel Hugo ballot twice before: both were nominees for the award in 1999 and in 2004. This is Wilson’s 6th Hugo nomination, and Sawyer now has 13.

Previous Hugo Award-winning novels include Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein, Dune by Frank Herbert, The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin, Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, A Canticle for Liebowitz by Walter M. Miller, and Neuromancer by William Gibson.

Watch, the sequel to Sawyer’s current-finalist Wake, is being launched this Tuesday, April 6, at 7:00 p.m., at Dominion on Queen pub, 500 Queen Street West, in Toronto; the event, which kicks off Sawyer’s 14-city cross-Canada book tour for Watch, is free and open to the public.

Robert J. Sawyer, 49, was born in Ottawa and lives in Mississauga, Ontario. Robert Charles Wilson, 56, was born in Whittier, California, and lives in Concord, Ontario; he became a Canadian citizen last year.


Publication-quality photo: Sawyer (left) and Wilson (right) with their previous Hugo trophies (photo by Carolyn Clink)

The Robert J. Sawyer website

The Robert Charles Wilson website

Sawyer award statistics via Locus, the science-fiction trade journal

Wilson award statistics

The Hugo Awards official site

This year’s World Science Fiction Convention

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Toronto book-launch party for Watch

by Rob - April 1st, 2010

Join me for the Toronto book-launch party for Watch, the second book in the WWW trilogy, this Tuesday, Apirl 6, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. at The Dominion on Queen pub, 500 Queen Street East (East, not West), Toronto, with book sales by Bakka-Phoenix Books, and the unveiling of the new Watch book trailer!

Admission is free and everyone is welcome!

Robert J. Sawyer online:

FlashForward by the numbers

by Rob - March 24th, 2010

Okay, I won’t kid anyone by saying the ratings for the return of FlashForward, the ABC TV series based on my novel of the same name, were what we’d hoped for. But let’s bring some clarity to the discussion. Here’s a good analysis of how we did from RBR.COM (Radio Business Report / Television Business Report — “the Voice of the Broadcasting Industry”):

“FlashForward” (8:00-10:01 p.m.)

Returning to ABC’s schedule for the first time in 3-1/2 months, opposite stiff competition from CBS’ NCAA Basketball Tournament and NBC’s original 2-hour comedy block, freshman “FlashForward” drew an average audience of 6.5 million viewers during its broadcast.

The No. 1 non-sports program in its regular 8:00-9:00 p.m. time period with Total Viewers, “FlashForward” (6.5 million) topped its original competition in the hour, besting NBC’s comedies (“Community”/”Parks and Recreation”) by 35% (4.8 million). The ABC rookie also defeated its regular competition in the opening hour of prime in Adults 25-54 (2.4/7) and key Women (W18-49/W25-54).

In its usual 8:00-9:00 p.m. time slot, “FlashForward” attracted ABC’s biggest overall audience (6.5 million) since January and its highest Adult 18-49 non-sports number (1.9/6) since December – since 1/21/10 and 12/3/09, respectively.

Despite facing the College Basketball Tournament, “FlashForward” held steady among Adults 18-49 from its first to second hour, building 5% in its final half-hour at 9:30 p.m. (1.9/6 to 2.0/6). The drama also gained audience from its first to second hour among Adults 25-54 (+4%) and across all key Men: M18-34 (+7%), M18-49 (+7%) and M25-54 (+5%).

TV’s top freshman gainer this season with young adult viewers via DVR playback, “FlashForward” surges from its first-reported overnight numbers by 1.8 million viewers and by 9-tenths of an Adult 18-49 rating point (+31%), from the Live + Same Day ratings to the Live + 7 Day DVR finals.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

New edition of Starplex is gorgeous

by Rob - March 23rd, 2010

Received my author’s copies today of the new Red Deer Press edition of Starplex, my 1996 novel that was nominated for the Hugo and the Nebula and won the Aurora Award. I gotta say this is one gorgeous-looking trade paperback! W00t! It’ll be in stores across Canada shortly, and out in the US in October 2010 (having the US release later is the norm for Red Deer Press’s parent company, Toronto-based Fitzhenry & Whiteside — sorry about that!).

“An epic hard-science adventure tempered by human concerns. Highly recommended.” — Library Journal

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Canadian academic conference on science fiction

by Rob - March 21st, 2010

Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, has issued a call for papers for an academic conference entitled “Social Science on the Final Frontier.” Guest authors at the event: Robert J. Sawyer, Karl Schroeder, and Julie E. Czerneda. Dates: Monday, August 23, to Wednesday, August 25, 2010.

Sudbury, of course, is where my novels Hominids, Humans, and Hybrids are set, and in 2007, Laurentian University gave me an honorary doctorate. I can’t wait to go back!

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Quantum computing in the Neanderthal books and real life

by Rob - March 19th, 2010

Great blog post from Canadian computing trade journal ComputerWorld Canada about quantum computing in the novels of Robert J. Sawyer — and now in reality. W00t!

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Jim C. Hines’s publishing survey

by Rob - March 18th, 2010

Jim C. Hines’s survey results on how writers broke into print is well worth looking at. Among Jim’s conclusions: “To those proclaiming queries and the slush pile are for suckers, and self-publishing is the way to land a major novel deal, I have bad news: only 1 author out of 246 self-published their book and went on to sell that book to a professional publisher.”

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Another Kuroda

by Rob - March 15th, 2010

I revealed in this blog post that the character of Kuroda, the information theorist from my WWW trilogy consisting of Wake, Watch, and Wonder, is named for the PROBE Control telemetry specialist Kuroda from the 1972 TV series Search, which had a big influence on me.

But I should note that there’s another Kuroda in science fiction: the man known as “The Last Kamikaze” from the episode of that title from The Six Million Dollar Man. The Kuroda on Search was played by Byron Chung; the Kuroda on SMDM was played, absolutely brilliantly, by John Fujioka. For those who thought SMDM nothing but mindless action adventure, I commend “The Last Kamikaze” to your attention: I can’t watch it without getting tears in my eyes. You can read all about the SMDM character in the Bionic Wiki here.

Judy Burns wrote “The Last Kamikaze” (and its sequel, “The Wolf Boy”), and co-wrote the original Star Trek episode “The Tholian Web.”

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Flashforwards, Flashbacks, and Me

by Rob - March 15th, 2010

After a three-month hiatus, FlashForward, the ABC TV series based on my novel of the same name, returns to television this week. On Tuesday, March 16, 2010, at 10:00 p.m. Eastern and Pacific (9:00 p.m. Central), a one-hour clip show entitled “What Did You See?” (a catch-phrase straight out of my novel) airs (immediately following Lost).

And on Thursday, March 18, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern and Pacific (7:00 p.m. Central), a new two-hour episode, “Revelation Zero,” airs — and we’ll be on without repeats or pre-emptions every week after that for ten more weeks.

What follows are some of my thoughts about the show and being involved with it.

It’s a sweltering day in August 2009, and I’m in Los Angeles, at a location shoot for FlashForward, as we’re filming the sixth episode of the TV series based on my novel of the same name.

John Cho (pictured with me above), one of our stars, comes up to me to say hello. We haven’t seen each other since filming the pilot, back in February 2009, and he’s been wanting to ask me a question since then: “What happens to my character?”

He’s right to wonder. In our first episode, everyone on Earth blacked out for two minutes and seventeen seconds. Millions died during that time, as people tumbled down staircases, cars smashed into each other, planes crashed as they tried to land, and so on. Those who survived had interlocking visions of what their futures might hold six months down the road.

Except, apparently, for John Cho’s character, impetuous FBI agent Demetri Noh. He told the others in the first episode that he’d seen nothing at all — and, he said, he’s terrified that means he’ll be dead in just half a year.

The storyline of a guy who has no vision when almost everyone else does is straight out of my novel, so my first thought is to tell John that he should do what fellow series stars Joseph Fiennes (who plays John’s partner at the FBI), Sonya Walger, Dominic Monaghan, and Zachary Knighton did: read my book. But instead I decide to immediately put him out of his misery.

I look left and right, to make sure we aren’t being overheard, then say, “Well, John, your character is actually lying when he says he didn’t see anything. The truth is, six months down the road, Demetri sees himself in a gay bar, and doesn’t want to admit that to his macho FBI partner.”

John looks skeptical, so I smile and say, “Hey, look, you’re the guy playing Sulu now in Star Trek, right? What was the big reveal about the original Sulu, George Takei? Seemed like a good notion to copy.”

Of course, that’s not the real answer. The truth is hidden in the FlashForward writers’ room, which is located on the ABC Studios lot just across a small alley from the writers’ room for Lost (from which I hereby deny that we constantly hear anguished screams).

Our room has a giant wall chart divided into twenty-two columns and thirteen rows: one column for each of our first-season episodes, and one row for each character. The actors are forbidden to enter the room, but John’s true fate is written there in the appropriate box.

I wish there’d been such a board for my own life. My novel FlashForward was first published in 1999, and I had real doubts back then about whether my writing career was going to flourish. I’d have loved a glimpse in 1999 of what my own future would hold; it would have saved me a lot of sleepless nights to know that the crazy gamble of trying to be a novelist was going to pay off.

Yes, by the time FlashForward was published I’d already won the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America’s Nebula Award for Best Novel of the Year, but I’d yet to hit any major bestsellers list (that came the following year, with a book called Calculating God). And the biggest prize in science fiction, the Hugo, had eluded my grasp, despite several nominations by that point (I did finally win it in 2003, for my novel Hominids).

But I’m not sure that I’d have believed this future had I seen it. FlashForward isn’t just any TV show; rather, it’s the hottest new dramatic program of the year in the US, and it’s already sold to a staggering 100 territories worldwide. The juggernaut that FlashForward has become is, frankly, overwhelming.

Working on a big-time TV series (I’m writing episode 19, and serving as consultant on all of them) is new for me. Likewise, it was the challenge of doing something different, I’m sure, that attracted big-name actors to this project. John Cho is known for comedic roles in movies (he’s Harold in the Harold & Kumar films), but in FlashForward he’s getting to show the world what an incredibly fine dramatic actor he is.

Indeed, all our actors are playing very tough material. I have a tiny cameo in the pilot as “Man on Cell Phone” behind Sonya Walger while she’s talking about the worldwide disaster with Joseph Fiennes’s character on her own mobile; Sonya was so intense during our little scene together that director David S. Goyer had to keep reminding her to blink.

Joseph Fiennes is known for his Shakespearian work, including playing the bard himself in Shakespeare in Love. During the filming of the pilot, I loved watching Joe bop between doing a tough-guy American voice for his FlashForward character of Mark Benford, and then, as soon as director Goyer called “Cut!,” immediately switching to a foppish British voice and reciting lines from Cyrano de Bergerac, as he rehearsed for his role in Trevor Nunn’s production of that play this past summer. Joe put Sally Field’s back-and-forth transformations in Sybil to shame.

As I look back on it, I’m still stunned that this particular future for me has come to pass. It’s been a long road getting to where the show is now. In Hollywood, everything is about who you know — and my agent there, Vince Gerardis, has long known producer Jessika Borsiczky. As soon as the FlashForward novel was published, Vince gave Jessika a copy, and she got her friend (and later husband) David S. Goyer to read it. They immediately agreed that they wanted to adapt my novel for film.

Later, when David teamed up with Brannon Braga of Star Trek fame to work on a 2005 TV series called Threshold, Brannon — who was independently a fan of my books — said that FlashForward would be even better as a TV show, and together David and Brannon wrote the pilot script.

My mother taught statistics at the University of Toronto; all my life, I’ve been calculating odds, and never figured I’d beat them. Maybe one novel in a hundred has its film or TV rights optioned (most of mine have at one point or another), but then only one in a thousand of those ever actually gets made. I never expected any of mine to be filmed, and I certainly never expected anything on this scale.

When we got the go-ahead to make the pilot — and at ABC, no less! — I was gob-smacked; I felt like I’d won the lottery. (And, to my delight, David Goyer told my hometown paper, The Toronto Star, that “I felt like I’d won the lottery of television writers” when he read my novel.)

When the series was picked up by ABC for its initial 13-episode order (now extended to 22), David said, “This will change your life.” And it has — and not just because the darn phone won’t stop ringing. Still, it’s strange knowing, at 49, that when my obituary does eventually run, the fact that FlashForward was adapted into a TV series will be the thing I’m most noted for.

Looking back on it, it’s amazing from how small a seed a global phenomenon can spring. FlashForward grew out of my high-school reunion at which everyone — and I mean everyone — said the same thing: if I’d only known back then what I know now, my life would be better. They were sure they’d have avoided marrying that jerk, taking that dead-end job, or making that bad investment.

Well, as a science-fiction writer, I couldn’t hear that without wanting to explore it with a thought experiment: what if people really did know their futures? Would attempts to alter that future actually work?

(You don’t need a $100-million TV series to test that proposition, though; just ask yourself, whether, with all your good intentions and conscious will, you’ve managed to keep your New Year’s resolutions.)

In my novel, I make the analogy that time is like a movie: the frame that’s illuminated is “now,” and the stuff before it is what you’ve already seen. But what’s to come later is already established, as well; it just hasn’t been revealed yet.

Well, for FlashForward, I have seen the future; I know what tomorrow holds. But I’m not telling. You’re going to have to watch — and, I hope, read! — to see how it all unfolds.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Is Wake a YA novel?

by Rob - March 13th, 2010

I received this note from a Canadian academic today:

Interestingly enough, WWW: Wake is filed at my local library as a young-adult book, presumably because the protagonist is 15. I’m just curious: do you consider Wake to be a YA novel? And if so (or not) why?

Here’s my response:

Am I a young-adult author — and is this a new thing?

Yes to the former, and no to the latter.

I made the New York Public Library‘s prestigious “Best Books for the Teen Age” YA list (yes, that awkward wording is the actual title, for historical reasons) for 1992 for my novel Far-Seer. The whole “Quintaglio Ascension” trilogy, of which Far-Seer is the first volume, is often viewed as YA (and the protagonist of the first book is clearly an adolescent). The books were very favourably reviewed in the standard book-recommendation sources used by YA librarians, VOYA (“Voice of Youth Advocates”) and KLIATT: Young Adult Paperback Book Guide (including starred reviews, denoting works of exceptional merit, for both Far-Seer and, the second volume, Fossil Hunter).

And in creating Wake, the first volume of my current WWW trilogy, I consulted on what was appropriate for YA novels with my great friend Elisabeth Hegerat, a YA librarian in Alberta; it was absolutely my intention to appeal to both the adult and YA markets with the WWW trilogy.

That said, what I do is simply write books; it is for others to categorize them. For instance, Wake had a nice run on the Technothrillers bestsellers list, including hitting #1; I didn’t consciously craft it as a technothriller, nor did my publisher market it as such, but others did categorize it that way.

On the other hand, I do think of myself as a writer of utopian fiction, both with my Neanderthal Parallax trilogy of Hominids, Humans, and Hybrids, and the WWW trilogy of Wake, Watch, and Wonder, but so far few others have classified my work that way (with Richard Parent in The New York Review of Science Fiction being a notable exception).

I’m sure many writers fancy the same thing, but I rather like to think my books are mostly sui generis: they are in their own category, rather than being attempts to squeeze into, piggyback on, or emulate the work of others. For that reason, one of my all-time favourite reviews of my own work was Mark Graham’s assessment in The Rocky Mountain News (Denver) that he likes my books because “[Sawyer] doesn’t imitate others or himself.”

Certainly in Canada where I’ve had considerable success as a mainstream author, and as part of the non-genre Canadian literature scene, it’s true that large numbers of my readers don’t consider themselves science fiction readers — or young-adult readers, for that matter. They’re Robert J. Sawyer readers — and that, rather than where the books might fall in some abstract taxonomy, is all that ultimately matters to me.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

"I’ve got a blowout, damper three!"

by Rob - March 11th, 2010

“Get your pitch to zero!”

“Pitch is out. I can’t hold altitude.”

“Correction, alpha hold is off. Trim selectors — emergency!”

“Flight Com! I can’t hold it! She’s breaking up, she’s break –“

One of the reasons I’m thrilled to have my novel FlashForward adapted for television on ABC is that one of my favorite shows when I was a teenager — The Six Million Dollar Man — was on ABC, and it, too, was adapted from a novel: Cyborg by Martin Caidin.

But I realized that in all my collection of science-fiction toys and memorabilia, I didn’t have anything to commemorate my fondess for the adventures of astronaut Steve Austin.

And so I bought the wooden model pictured above. It’s a NASA/Northrop HL-10 lifting body. In the episode “The Deadly Replay,” the craft that Austin crashed in, costing him an arm, both legs, and an eye, was identified as the HL-10, and the real HL-10 was used in the pilot and that episode (although the actual tumbling crash shown in the opening credits is a different lifting body, the M2-F2; the HL-10 is only seen in the opening credits in the shot of it from above as it drops from a B-52’s wing accompanied by the words “We have separation”).

I bought this from Builderscience on eBay; his asking price was US$68.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

FlashForward pub night in Toronto

by Rob - March 7th, 2010

Sponsored by Ad Astra, Toronto’s SF convention:

FlashForward Pub Night

Celebrating the Success of our Guest of Honour Robert J. Sawyer

Type: Party – Movie/TV Night
Date: Thursday, March 18, 2010
Time: 7:00pm – 11:00pm
Location: Scruffy Murphy’s
Street: 225 The East Mall
Etobicoke (Toronto), Ontario, Canada

So you *think* you know what the future holds?

FlashForward, based on Rob’s book of the same name, returns for the Part 2 of Season 1

On March 18th, at 8pm

Join us for a special pub night around the big screen.

Admission – No charge

Scruffy Murphy’s
225 The East Mall
Etobicoke, On
M9B 6J1


Pre-Reg Convention Memberships will also be available.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

On FlashForward set watching the episode I wrote being filmed

by Rob - March 5th, 2010

I’m in Los Angeles, on the sound stage for FlashForward, the ABC TV series based on my novel of the same name, and they’re filming the episode I wrote. Woohoo!

My episode, entitled “Course Correction,” airs Thursday, May 6, 2010. Above, that’s me with Christine Woods, who plays FBI agent Janis Hawk.

Pictured: Christine Woods and Robert J. Sawyer

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Fingering your nook

by Rob - March 1st, 2010

A suggestion for Barnes and Noble re the nook ebook-reading device:

The very first Palm Pilot going back all the way to 1996 and the original Rocket eBook from 1998 allowed you to do handwriting recognition (on Palms, using the Graffiti or Graffiti 2 system, the former of which used simplified characters, the latter of which recognized fully formed characters; on the Rocket, using the similar Allegro system).

I know in these post-iPhone days it’s supposed to be old-fashioned to use a stylus, but for inputting short notes or words to look up, it’s much faster to use a stylus than a tiny pop-up keyboard.

The handwriting recognition on these devices turned the characters you drew into text, just as if you’d typed them. Since the nook (unlike the Kindle) does NOT have a physical keyboard, why not take full advantage of the touch-screen interface and allow Graffiti-style handwriting input (as well as the on-screen keyboard)?

The idea that ONLY allowing fingertip input instead of optionally also allowing the fine control of a stylus is like only allowing finger painting instead of using a brush. It’s fine for kids the first time they’re doing it, but for adults who actually do need to frequently enter text (for annotations, searches, and so forth), it’s a clumsy method — and one to which the nook could easily offer an alternative.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Full list of 2010 Aurora nominees

by Rob - March 1st, 2010

The nominees for Canada’s 2010 Aurora Awards are as follows. Winners will be announced at KeyCon 27/Canvention 30 during the May 21-24 weekend.


The Amulet of Amon-Ra, by Leslie Carmichael, CBAY Books

Druids, by Barbara Galler-Smith and Josh Langston, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy

Wake, Robert J. Sawyer, Penguin Canada

Steel Whispers, Hayden Trenholm, Bundoran Press

Terra Insegura, Edward Willett, DAW Books


Le protocole Reston. Mathieu Fortin, (Coups de tête)

L’axe de Koudriss. Michèle Laframboise, Médiaspaul

Suprématie. Laurent McAllister, (Bragelonne)

Un tour en Arkadie. Francine Pelletier, Alire

Filles de lune 3. Le talisman de Maxandre. Élisabeth Tremblay, (De Mortagne)


“Pawns Dreaming of Roses”, Eileen Bell, Women of the Apocalypse. Absolute Xpress

“Here There Be Monsters” Brad Carson, Ages of Wonder, (DAW)

“Little Deaths” Ivan Dorin, Tesseracts Thirteen

“Radio Nowhere” Douglas Smith, Campus Chills

“The World More Full of Weeping” Robert J. Wiersema, ChiZine Publications


«Ors blancs» Alain Bergeron, (Solaris 171)

«De l’amour dans l’air» Claude Bolduc, (Solaris 172)

«La vie des douze Jésus» Luc Dagenais, (Solaris 172)

«Billet de faveur» Michèle Laframboise, (Galaxies 41)

«Grains de silice» Mario Tessier, (Solaris 170)

«La mort aux dés» Élisabeth Vonarburg, (Solaris 171)


Women of the Apocalypse (the Apocalyptic Four) Editor, Absolute Xpress

Ages of Wonder Julie E. Czerneda, & Robert St. Martin, Editors, DAW Books

Neo-Opsis Magazine, Karl Johanson, Editor

On Spec Magazine, Diane Walton, Managing Editor, The Copper Pig Writers’ Society

Distant Early Warnings: Canada’s Best Science Fiction Robert J. Sawyer, Editor, Robert J. Sawyer books


Critiques. Jérôme-Olivier Allard, (Solaris 169-172)

Revue. Joel Champetier, éditeur, Solaris

Le jardin du general, Manga. Michele Laframboise, ,Fichtre, Montréal

Rien à voir avec la fantasy. Thibaud Sallé, (Solaris 169)

Chronique «Les Carnets du Futurible». Mario Tessier, (Solaris 169-171)


Kari-Ann Anderson, for cover of “Nina Kimberly the Merciless”,Dragon Moon Press

Jim Beveridge, “Xenobiology 101: Field Trip’” Neo-opsis #16

Lar de Souza, “Looking for Group” online Comic

Tarol Hunt, “Goblins”. Webcomic

Dan O’Driscoll, Cover of Steel Whispers , Bundoran Press


Jeff Boman, The Original Universe

Richard Graeme Cameron,WCFSAZine

Dale Speirs, Opuntia

Guillaume Voisine, éd. Brins d’Éternité

Felicity Walker, BCSFAzine


Renée Benett, for “In Spaces Between” at Con-Version 25

Robbie Bourget, and René Walling, Chairs of “Anticipation”, the 67th WorldCon

David Hayman, organization Filk Hall of Fame

Roy Miles, work on USS Hudson Bay Executive

Kirstin Morrell, Programming for Con-Version 25


Roy Badgerow, Astronomy Lecture at USS Hudson Bay

Ivan Dorin, “Gods Anonymous” (Con-Version 25 radio play)

Judith Hayman and Peggi Warner-Lalonde organization, Filk track @Anticipation

Tom Jeffers and Sue Posteraro, Filk Concert, Anticipation

Lloyd Penney, Fanwriting

Vanity request: FlashForward screen grab

by Rob - February 28th, 2010

Now that the first 10 episodes of FlashForward are out on DVD, I have a favour to ask. Could somebody please send me high-resolution screen captures of my two credits from the ending credits (from any of the 10 episodes)?

My first credit is the first one in the ending credits, and says “Based on the Novel by Robert J. Sawyer.” My second one is about half-way through the end credits and is a shared card with three other people; my part of the card says, “Consultant: Robert J. Sawyer.”

For some reason, my own attempt at capturing the credits has failed (watching the DVD on my PC, and hitting Ctrl-PrintScreen, which normally copies the screen contents to the Windows Clipboard, just gets me an all-black rectangle).

I’m frankly delighted to see the DVDs, because ABC squeezed-and-teased the end credits into oblivion during broadcast (grrrr!).

(“Squeezed and teased” means they pushed the credits down to the bottom — or sometimes on other shows to one side — and ran a promo for something else (in our case, our next episode) on most of the screen; the credits appear full-screen on the DVDs.)

Many thanks to anyone who can help!

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Aurora Award finalists 2010!

by Rob - February 28th, 2010

I’m delighted and thrilled to be on the 2010 Aurora Award ballot twice: in the “Best Long Form English” category for Wake, published by Viking (Penguin) Canada, and in the “Best English Other” category for Distant Early Warnings: Canada’s Best Science Fiction, which I edited for Red Deer Press.

The full list of nominees is here.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

FlashForward is coming back in style

by Rob - February 27th, 2010

ABC remains totally committed to FlashForward, the TV series based on my novel of the same name, and we’ll be having a massive relaunch in March:

On Tuesday, March 16, 2010, at 10:00 p.m. Eastern, right after Lost, ABC will be airing a one-hour clip show summarizing our first ten episodes.

Two days later, on Thursday, March 18, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern, two new episodes are airing back-to-back in a two-hour block.

Two days later, on Saturday, March 20, 2010, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern ABC repeats those episodes

That’s five prime-time hours devoted to FlashForward in one week. It’s a a major relaunch, folks. :)

Why the clip show? Easy.

  • Because it’s been three months since we were last on the air and we want to remind our loyal viewers of what’s happened to date in the storyline;
  • Because we’re hoping to entice some of Lost‘s audience, who might not have yet given us a try, to see what we’re all about;
  • Because we’re hoping that those who haven’t watched us before because we’re an 8:00 p.m. show and they’re 10:00 p.m. viewers will discover us;
  • Because we want to herald the arrival of new episodes, starting just two days later, as effectively as possible;
  • Because this, and the fact that ABC is also repeating our first two new episode justs two days after they first air, signals to the industry that ABC is still 100% behind, promoting, and supporting FlashForward, and that we all intend to be back for a second year.

Still can’t wait until March? Read FlashForward, the Aurora Award-winning novel that started it all.

Robert J. Sawyer online:

Toward a Science of Consciousness

by Rob - February 25th, 2010

I’m giving a keynote at this upcoming conference, my great friends James Kerwin and Chase Masterson will be on hand to talk about their quantum-physics noir movie Yesterday was a Lie, and Chase will be singing songs from Star Trek on Wednesday night. Join us!

Toward a Science of Consciousness 2010

April 12-17, 2010

Tucson Convention Center and Hotel Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

Sponsored by the Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona

The program for the ninth biennial interdisciplinary conference ‘Toward a Science of Consciousness 2010’ is complete. Held in even-numbered years since 1994, the Tucson conferences are the major world gatherings on a broad spectrum of approaches to the fundamental question of how the brain produces conscious experience, a question which addresses who we are, the nature of reality and our place in the universe. An estimated 700 scientists, philosophers, psychologists, experientialists, artists and others from 43 countries on 6 continents will participate in 400 presentations included in 17 Pre-Conference Workshops, 12 Plenary or Keynote sessions, 21 Concurrent Talk sessions, 2 Poster Sessions, 3 Art-Tech interactive sessions and special evening performances. Abstracts for all presentations will be posted at

Plenary Program Overview

Highlights of the 2010 Plenary Program will include Keynote speaker Antonio Damasio, the esteemed neurologist and best-selling author on how the Self arises from layers of processes from brainstem to cortex. Other Keynotes include psychiatrist/neuroscientist Karl Deisseroth on new technologies revealing brain circuits of the conscious mind, and Robert J. Sawyer, award-winning science fiction writer whose works (FlashForward, Mindscan, Hominids, etc.) feature various science-based aspects of consciousness.

Twin Keynotes by two prominent neuroscientists will present opposing views of an essential question arising from functional brain imaging: how does brain activity measured in the absence of sensory inputs relate to consciousness? Marcus Raichle describes this brain Dark Energy (see his cover piece in the March 2010 Scientific American) as default networks mediating thinking and daydreaming, toggling back-and-forth with stimulus-related processing and tasks. Robert G. Shulman contends that the underlying activity is a foundational substrate for all conscious processes which require critical levels of brain energy. A related Plenary Session is Mindwandering, conscious activity independent of sensory stimuli (Jonathan Schooler, Malia Mason, Jonathan Smallwood).

In Bodily Consciousness, Henrik Ehrsson will discuss and extend his well-known work on inducing out-of-body experiences in normal subjects, while Frederique de Vignemont

will distinguish different forms of conscious body awareness. Multi-Modal Experience will include synesthate and author Patricia Lynne Duffy describing her personal experience with fused and cross-wired senses, as well as how synesthesia affects and enables artists, writers, performers and scientists. Other speakers (Barry Stein, Casey O’Callaghan, Michael Proulx) will address the neuroscience and philosophical analysis of synesthesia, and how clinically-induced cross-modal perception can help blindness and other sensory defects.

Consciousness and Transformation will review long-term changes induced by meditation (Cassie Vieten), and analyze claims of enlightenment, mystical and transcendental experience (Jeffrey Martin). The session concludes with Za Rinpoche, a Tibetan Lama recognized in 1984 by the Dalai Lama as the sixth reincarnation of Zachoeje Lama. Author of Backdoor to Enlightenment, Za Rinpoche will discuss Buddhist perspectives on consciousness, enlightenment and reincarnation.

Machine Consciousness will feature IBM researcher Dharmendra Modha on efforts to simulate the brain through neuron-by-neuron reconstruction, and philosopher David Chalmers discussing prospects for a technological Singularity, the idea that human-level artificial intelligence (AI) will rapidly spiral to superintelligence. AI researcher Ben Goertzel will describe mobile bubbles of executive function moving through computer architectures.

Theories of Consciousness features Sid Kouider summarizing and critiquing prevalent neurocognitive theories, and Marc Ebner with simulations of consciousness as a mobile zone of synchrony moving through the brain. Philosopher Galen Strawson will address philosophical theories of consciousness, focusing especially on panpsychism.

New Directions in Neural Correlates of Consciousness (NCC) Research is a panel of fresh ideas from young researchers. In the context of default networks, Michal Gruberger will discuss the use of deep trans-cranial magnetic stimulation inhibiting prefrontal cortex in human subjects, with alterations in measures related to the sense of self. Philosophers Adrienne Prettyman and Stephen Biggs will analyze the claim that default networks represent the baseline state of the brain. Moran Cerf will report on recordings from single neurons in conscious human subjects, showing how activity in medial temporal lobe can regulate sensory entry into conscious awareness. Finally, Anirban Bhandyophadyay will discuss molecular ‘nanobrains’, and new experimental results suggesting microtubules are the missing fourth circuit element.

The William James Centennial session will open the Plenary Program as a tribute to the father of American psychology and philosophy who died in 1910. Eugene Taylor will discuss James in the context of modern approaches, Bernard Baars will describe how James’ disillusionment led to behaviorism which banished consciousness from science for seven decades. Bruce Mangan concludes with what James termed the fringe, cognitive information just outside consciousness which, Mangan argues, illuminates insight and mystical experience.

For further information, see

Robert J. Sawyer online: